Splinterlands | Remaining Chaos Airdrop Cards Speculation

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Hi Splinterlands friends,

I'm so excited about new chaos airdrops. So let me say what I think about the rest airdrops:


On December 24th 2021 at Splinterlands Town Hall they have mentioned Silas as the biggest and baddest NFT Chaos villain Monster.


For Sure Splinterlands will put Silas as a last airdrop cause at that time Chaos packs is near to be finished and cards price will go up so this the biggest and baddest NFT will not be available for us with cheap price unfortunatly like the cheap card prices nowadays and those with airdrop points have really big chance and advantage to get this amazing monster for free.

What Monster It could be?

Silas has a long robe and purple eyes with a big weird sword in his hands. The robe reminds me Alric Stormbringer Rare Water alpha Beta edition Summoner and the purple eyes reminds me Magic. So for sure this Monster has some relation with Magic, Because of a sword in his hands he might have +1 melee. If we assume he is a Legendry Summoner with 7 Mana in this case I guess he has a Blast ability cause we only know the Yodin Zako Legendary Fire Summoner as a bad Monster and Splinterlands suggested the only way to git rid of Yodin is to buy and burn it!!! So it might be the same for Silas.

See my card designGreat Splinter Card Maker Tools) The fierce case for Silas is to be a Dragon Summoner which we can use with every Splinter!!! :) for Silas (Thanx to https://splinterlandscardmaker.com/ @dark-hamburger




I would like to emphasize the creepy monster with full shields in Splinterlands Chaos Legion Introduction page.


So what Monster It could be?

I guess this Monster would be summoner too and will provide protect for Death Splinter cause we dont have any shield Summoner for Death Splinter. It might provide Shield repaire or shatter ability for Monsters too. So, this Summenor Monster could be legendry Death Splinter with 5 or 7 mana.

let me to remind u those abilities:

  1. Protect : All friendly Monsters gain +2 Armor
  2. Repair : Restores some armor to the friendly Monster whose armor has taken the most damage (Did you know: in the Healed out ruleset, healing abilities may be removed, but Repair still works, Summoner Chanseus the Great protect friendly monsters whith this ability)
  3. Shatter : Target's armor is destroyed when hit by an attack from Monsters with Shatter (Useful against Armored Up ruleset, Useless in Unprotected ruleset)

Great Splinter Card Maker Tools)See my card design for this monster(Thanx to https://splinterlandscardmaker.com/ @dark-hamburger



3- Uknown monster

I also have found a monster picture in Splinterlands Chaos Legion Introduction page, but really do not have any guess at all from this monster but I have created a nice White Summoner for that by great https://splinterlandscardmaker.com/ Splinter card maker ;)

splinterlandscardmakerUnknown Monster.png


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