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RE: DAO Proposal: Swap DAO BUSD and USDC/T For DEC

in Splinterlands2 years ago

Those funds not only give the DAO financial security and independence of the game but also protection from other wider crypto and economic events. We would lose that security and risk the DAOs future for a short term gain for a few. I'm interested in long term growth, not quick wins and think about the consequences later plays.


I'm not sure I see the value in "independence from the game." If the game fails then I see no value in the DAO. If the possibility of such an event arises the DAO should be doing everything in it's power to keep the game economy alive. Doing so is far more valuable than having half a million in stables to fall back on after a game collapse.

But if we hold those stables and the company has issues they can be a safety net, or a safety net for any other event. If it is in DEC it is unstable and low liquidity and would provide a very small, if any, safety net as people would front run the DAO selling.

To put it another way, it is a popular opinion a diversified portfolio is more resilient to market conditions.