Brighton Bloom Giveaway!
This summoner is extremely useful with earthquake rule set. Makes us all fly! Can you imagine? Would be my pick any day.
To win:
💬 Comment and you will enter the #splinterlands magic wheel.You can earn extra entries by:
📧 Reblogging this Post
🔺 Upvote this post
👉 Tagging a fellow addict
Please include in your comment if you gonna reblog and/or upvote so I have the right amount of entries without checking all those things, thank you!
Winner Bila
First I want to thank the 44 unique entities who engaged with the giveaway!
@joetunex, @tsnaks, @broxi, @giemo, @massimoc23, @jemmarti, @walruid, @frosttag, @leonardohwang, @xeraphim, @mercurial9, @godz, @leic, @ionize-salt, @perilshadow, @mrtopher, @fwxiii, @oceanbee, @johnnybahamas2, @junkfeathers, @viniciotricolor, @kidsisters, @thegcc, @endrius, @godfather.ftw, @theconaman, @chimento, @jrollerquray, @funferall, @valdaras-jjk, @xtapexeaterx, @m3ss,, @ayaanshah10, @amaari, @jfang003, @pixiepost, @handtalk5, @moonthumb, @rondonshneezy, @savvyplayer, @shrazi, @dudeontheweb, @gregory-f, @fant22
And the winner is....
Congratulations @thegcc. Bila is on her way!
Thank you for your time.

Tagging @dudeontheweb and @patrickulrich
Congratulations to @thegcc!
Post upvoted.
Tagging @achim03 and @pixiepost
Thank you for the tag, my friend! :) Let's see you win this time!! :) 💚
Congratulations @thegcc and good luck for ongoing giveaway
Hey @bhattg come and take your chance to win :)
Reblogged and upvoted for taking extra winning chance :D
Take care!
Upvoted, congrats to the previous winner
@perilshadow reblogged and upvoted
Cool. Count me in!
I upvoted
I would like to remind @jfang003 to join this contest. 😀 I have also upvoted your post! 😁
Upvoted and ready to win @giemo
tag to : @manrai @vanderwoods1 @erwiiin
Upvoted, reblogged and tagging @pixiepost.
Count me in!
Upvoted,reblogged,tagged @pixiepost and share on Twitter!!!
Reblogged, upvoted and tagging @awesome-designs
Congrats @thegcc
I would like to win, thanks!
Thank you so much for the Bila the Radiant! :)
I would like to enter. Upvoted :)
Yay congratulations to my friend @thegcc! :) Enjoy your prize.
I upvoted & putting my hat in the ring (@pixiepost). :)
Tagging @johnnybahamas2 @cryptofiloz
I am in @leonardohwang
Congrats @thegcc
I reblogged and upvoted also tagging @yonga
Congrats @thegcc !!!