Rebellion Reward Cards - Epic Draws #3

in Splinterlands2 days ago

Hello everyone! After drawing the legendaries, I went for the epics! Let's see what I got:




I finally got some luck with GFs getting 4 GFs out of 25 cards! I was able to reach level 3 with Olivia of the Brook, which is an amazing card! It's not a huge upgrade but 1 armor can often allow a card to survive an extra attack and every round this one survives, it increases the chances of becoming even more powerful! I also reached level 3 with Halfling Refugee, and it got the Heal! Amazing upgrade. I got 6 copies of Arachne Weaver, which was also enough to reach level 3. It got Scavenger, which is nice. Nothing else got upgraded, although I am close to level 4 with Shock Trooper.