Battle of the Day #99

in Splinterlands3 days ago

Welcome to my new daily content: the battle of the day!

The battle:


This is a ranked Diamond match. The game has the following rule sets: Stampede, Aimless, and Maneuvers. We both went with Lorkus. I placed Djinn Muirat in front, followed by Halfling Refugee. Next, I put the Weapons Training combination of Grimbardun Smith, Skok Duskblight, and Scavo Chemist. I finished the team with Venka. They put Cursed Windeku as their tank and used the same Weapons Training combination but with Will-o-Wisp instead of Scavo Chemist. They also had Venka next and finished with Elanor Bravefoot.

I gave Life Leech and Affliction to Grimbardun and Venka while they gave the same abilities to both their trained units. In round 1, I was able to eliminate their Windeku twice while the best they could do was leave my Skok at 2 HP. In round 2, I killed their next 2 units and Elanor. Venka finished the game in round 3. The biggest difference was that I was able to control their Venka's attacks with Djinn Muirat's Forcefield, while they were taking a lot of damage from mine.

I hope you liked this new content!