Welcome to my new daily content: the battle of the day!
The battle: https://splinterlands.com/battle/sl_307fb881ab90bf4af40c5f3931173699
This is a ranked Diamond match. The game has the following rule sets: Noxious Fumes, Might Makes Right, and Melee Mayhem. I picked Eternal Tofu and put Halfling Refugee in front, followed by Vulguine. I finished the team with my mean attacker Venka the Vile. They also opted for the same summoner and 2 first units. However, instead of Venka they went with Stitch Leech and Venari Crystalsmith.
I gave Scavenger and Triage to Venka while they opted for Divine Shield and Corrosive Ward for their first 3 monsters. They took out my Halfling in round 1 but I also left theirs at 1 HP, so it died during the Poison. Venka went down to a very dangerous 1 HP after the Poison. However, in round 2, it went back to 5, after Scavenger and Triage. Its attack took out their Vulguine and Leech, putting it at 1 from Thorns, and going back to 3 after Scavenger. My Vulguine attacked the Crystalsmith down to 1 but it Healed up to 3. All monsters survived the Poison and Venka eliminated their last unit, in round 3.
I hope you liked this new content!
Nice battle, thank you for sharing!