Battle of the Day #104

in Splinterlands2 months ago

Welcome to my new daily content: the battle of the day!

The battle:


This is a ranked Diamond match. The game has the following rule sets: Might Makes Right, Aimless, and Stampede. I went with Eternal Tofu, putting Halfling Refugee in front. I followed it up with Stitch Leech and Venka I finished the team with Venari Crystalsmith. They opted for Quix with Imperial Knight in front. They also used Stitch Leech in the second position and placed Uraeus next. Their last unit was Runeslinger.

I gave Divine Shield and Corrosive Ward to all my units except the Leech. Runeslinger attacked my Leech, Stunning it, and Venka took out the Knight's armor. Uraeus stuck the Poison on my Crystalsmith and their Leech put Crystalsmith to 4 HP. Imperial Knight recovered some HP but went down to 3 HP after Thorns and Halfling's attack. In round 2, Runeslinger finished my Leech. However, Venka went on a Stampede and eliminated every unit except for Runeslinger, which survived at 1 HP. Crystalsmith's miss and Halfling's Exhaust allowed Runeslinger to survive until round 3 and it was Venka that had to finish the game.

I hope you liked this new content!