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RE: DAO Proposal: Swap DAO BUSD and USDC/T For DEC

in Splinterlands2 years ago (edited)

These might be viable options but that is not what this proposal speaks of. At least not what I can see in OP. No one here disagrees with the need to diversify and everyone is aware of the current risk of continually holding stable coins given the current assault on crypto by 'The powers that be' but the risk of throwing the Dao's stable coins for DEC is too great and the exploitation too easy. Why would anyone here with who identifies their contribution to SPL as a significant investment from them risk part of their future insurance policy in this game on a quick gain that will only invite bad actors to participate is beyond me. I would prefer the notion of using stablecoins to buy limited availability assets like tracts, SPS, cards or nodes etc as you mention. But that's off topic with the proposal here.