Choose one of two not so common Splinterlands cards or 1 HSBI raffle #27 [en/de]

in Splinterlands3 years ago
Countdown terminated on Sep 14, 2022, 5:00 AM


Hello splinterlands player. Lets start the next round of the "not so common" raffle. You have the choice between two nice cards, that are currently seen not often or 1 HSBI.

Hallo liebe Splinterlands Spieler. Auf zur nächsten Runde des "not so common" Raffle. Es gibt die Wahl zwischen zwei Karten, die gerade nicht so häufig in Splinterlands auftreten.


Choose one (or 1 HSBI) / Wähle eine Karte (oder 1 HSBI)

Charlok Minotaur (Reward Edition)

Barking Spider (Reward Edition)



  • Get a ticket to the raffle with a comment (a comment is mandatory to participate), upvote the post to get another 1-2 tickets (> 25% = 1, > 75% = 2). A reblog will add another ticket. Followers will get an additional ticket, too
  • Tickets will be taken over to the next round and will reduced to 0 if you win. So you will win for sure, if you join regulary.
  • For every 2.5 payout a winner will be selected with a minimum of 1 winner
  • I will automatically tag all participants in the next raffle. Write STOP in a comment to stop tagging (note: this will be evaluated when THIS raffle is over)
  • The winner will be picked in ~ 7 days
  • If you choose no cards, i will choose the cards for you
  • Upvotes are not mandatory, but will get you another spot in the raffle and ensure higher valued cards

Good Luck!


  • Ein Kommentar bringt ein Los (ein Kommentar ist nötig zur Teilnahme), ein Upvote dazu bringt ein ein bis zwei weitere Lose (> 25% = 1, > 75% = 2). Ein Reblog bringt ein weiteres Los. Follower bekommen ebenso ein weiteres Los
  • Tickets werden mit in die nächste Runde übernommen und erst wenn du gewinnst auf null gesetzt
  • Für alle 2,5 Payout wird ein Gewinner gewählt (mit einem Minimum von einem Gewinner)
  • Ich tagge automatisch alle Teilnehmer. Kommentiere mit STOP um von der Tagliste genommen zu werden (Kommentare werden nach Ablauf dieser Verlosung ausgewertet)
  • Der Gewinner wird in ca. 7 Tagen ausgelost
  • Wenn du keine Karten wählst, wähle ich für dich
  • Upvotes sind keine Pflicht, aber bringen ein weiteres Los und garantieren hochwertigere Karten im nächsten Raffle

Viel Glück!


Other current raffle / andere noch laufende Verlosung


Tickets for this raffle / Lose für diese Runde


Winner of the last round




Congrats / Glückwunsch @bilidrg




Congrats / Glückwunsch @ynwa.andree



@agitator33, @agog, @aldrahad, @alex2alex, @alexis666, @alexmag1988, @alphawog, @amaari, @amaillo, @amakauz, @amigareaction, @anabasis, @andimoeller, @andy-plays, @animocin, @applekah, @arkasz, @arpuch, @asdfghjkiraaa, @ashborn07, @asrullpare, @baburamg, @bandano, @barmbo, @batistebou, @bechibenner, @beeber, @beelmukjj, @bfciv, @bigbarger, @bilidrg, @bishhh, @bitandi, @blackfoot92, @blitzzzz, @bombus, @braaiboy, @burn950, @butar1977, @buzzgoblin, @cactusin, @caimanx, @caliban400, @candnpg, @captainloken, @chaosbug, @chapelle, @cibi, @circlebubble, @cjames-40, @cjlugo, @cogie88, @cpol, @criptosectadepit, @csvoon, @culphy, @curtis90, @cynano, @d3lphinus, @daethical, @dagz, @dailyspam, @damus-nostra, @daniarc, @danideuder, @darmstrong, @davethegreat, @dbooster, @deathstarer7, @deepspiral, @deimargd, @derfabs, @dewabrata, @diochen, @dr-doofus, @dragonballfan, @dreasha, @droxx, @dryst, @dstampede, @dub-c, @dyson-the-booper, @ebastion, @eddqq, @eddwood, @eiiviin, @eijibr, @ellis23, @elminster, @eman13088, @emic, @emion, @engilhramn, @ericburgoyne, @evanr, @failingforward, @famoushade1, @felipejoys, @filuris, @flummi97, @fnvdesigns, @fragozar01, @fredfettmeister, @gabrielrr17, @galaxios, @gandhi-disciple, @gangstalking, @garigarikun, @genming, @germansailor, @gessy, @gidien, @gondek, @gregory-f, @gremlinchef, @guurry123, @haizelanne, @handtalk5, @harayatim, @hatke, @hatoto, @henruc, @henster, @highhaschdi, @hoffmeister84, @holycowz, @hoosie, @hurax, @ian0426915, @ianballantine, @idmr500, @imsadik, @indignantgerald, @instamental, @investinthefutur, @irregular-n, @isnochys, @itzyyy, @jaimenetsbr, @jakkal, @jaystoh, @jdike, @jeanpi1908, @jfang003, @jhuleader, @jingo-submo, @jirycho, @jmehta, @jmpards3, @jona10, @jonimarqu, @jrcolasito67, @junnos, @jxalvar, @kaeltegott, @karizma, @kheldar1982, @kinashi100, @kirstin, @kisscsanadd, @klm0420, @kojiri, @koodies, @koukou21, @krympton, @kryptofire, @kvinna, @kyo-gaming, @ladymisa, @laziestever, @legalizabrazil, @leonardohwang, @levi-miron, @limo6688, @litrydow, @lofone, @lordanquek, @lorddiablo, @lordflu, @losgemanos, @louis88, @luckbound, @lucky-elephant, @luizeba, @madjimmy, @manni, @margone03, @mario89, @marleyroots, @masterofwolves, @mathfb, @matimath, @matthew14429, @mattlafourcade, @mauriciolimax, @melkor85, @meme, @memehida, @mervinthepogi, @methodofmad, @monsterbuster, @moonthumb, @mordikkio, @morzhan, @mr-house, @mr-satan, @mrnestea, @mryoung1979, @mxm0unite, @myeong, @myothuzar, @mypathtofire, @nangel01, @nex711, @nietokilll, @nighthunter666, @noejnolimit, @noko85, @nysster, @oadissin, @olaf.gui, @onefapman, @onw, @oople, @osmw1, @osmw14, @ownjing, @packagedmilk, @paulriq, @pero82, @pero821, @pesigolovec, @pgmcuration, @powermeat, @prapledragon, @putu300, @qoogohome, @queen-silvia, @quekery, @quetzaal, @rachaeldwatson, @ragk88, @ramadhanight, @rayius, @rca13, @reagept, @redco, @redeculous, @reinabndc, @relf87, @rentaw03, @ricestrela, @riciuz, @rileykat, @ringo95, @rob1986, @rokem028, @rossiya, @rtonline, @s4mura1777, @sabujdip, @salamera, @sbtofficial, @scfather, @scfather02, @scotty297, @screamheart, @seeweed, @senyong, @sheikh27, @shinpurple, @siberian12, @sideswipe81, @siiiiichfried, @simsahas, @sindular, @skillzdal, @splinterob, @squirrelacus, @squishna, @stamato, @stekene, @stevermac1966, @subashtechy, @subidu, @sudeginsiu, @superslayer0040, @sygxwin, @talhatariq, @teca, @technocrypton, @tengolotodo, @ternizator, @the-ascendant, @theacks, @themajon, @therealmrcrypto, @thestupidboy, @tinyputerboy, @toktak, @trick-clown, @tub3r0, @tub3r02, @tugboattt, @uchiha-gaming, @uglykillerpigz, @ultralawzski, @umuk, @urkanon, @uwelang, @vagabond42069, @vasupi, @vaynard86, @wartonno, @waynechuasy, @weekendmachinist, @weisz, @williamho, @wine, @witnessbot, @wokeenochian, @wommi, @wrrrri, @xheadhunterz, @xxkontr0lxx, @yabish, @yasky, @yeckingo1, @ynwa, @ynwa.andree, @zahnstochermann, @zakludick, @zero2hero1, @zerold


New to splinterlands?

If you want to join you can use this link When you buy the spellbook, i will gift you a good card.

Neu bei splinterlands?

Wenn du dich anmelden willst, dann benutze diesen Link Sobald du das Spellbook kaufst, schenke ich dir eine gute Karte.


Join the ALIVE tribe

Take part in challenges and show the world that you are ALIVE.

Mach mit im ALIVE tribe

Nimm an Herausforderungen teil und zeige der Welt, dass du vorhanden bist


I am alive and Thriving.

Countdown terminated on Sep 14, 2022, 5:00 AM
There are 3 pages

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @hafiz34 ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

Thank you for burning ALIVE tokens and supporting the We Are Alive Tribe, you have earned 5 tickets for our weekly ALIVE Burning Contest.


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@mypathtofire - Alive Chat Fire Master on

You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(10/30)@noctury! to your account on behalf of @aliveprojects.

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

I owe my taylor a lot of money.
But he's agreed to cut me some slacks.

Credit: reddit

Are You Ready for some $FUN? Learn about LOLZ's new FUN tribe!
(10/10)@noctury, I sent you an on behalf of @aliveprojects

Die Spinne


What’s Scooby Doos’ favorite drink?
Mountain Dooby Doo

Credit: reddit

Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ
(1/1)@noctury, I sent you an on behalf of @fredfettmeister

uhuuu 🤘

Thanks Charlok Minotaur.

Barking Spider thanks

Charlok Minotaur

I would love an HSBI share, please! Thank you!

!gif moving


Success! You mined .9 HBIT & the user you replied to received .1 HBIT on your behalf. mine | wallet | market | tools | discord | subscribe | <>< daily

Starting Sept 10, you will need to reply to your OWN post or comment to mine HBIT. You MIGHT also find a bonus token! Details here.

Bitte den HSBI für mich, vielen Dank


You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(1/10)@noctury! to your account on behalf of @captainloken.

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Gratulation an @ynwa.andree und @bilidrg Ich hötte gerne den Mino @kheldar1982 !HBIT

Success! You mined .9 HBIT & the user you replied to received .1 HBIT on your behalf. mine | wallet | market | tools | discord | subscribe | <>< daily

Starting Sept 10, you will need to reply to your OWN post or comment to mine HBIT. You MIGHT also find a bonus token! Details here.

!ALIVEThe spider for me please! @engilhramn

You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(2/10)@noctury! to your account on behalf of @engilhramn.

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Barking Spider

HSBI Thanks, very nice system!

Guten Morgen und allen einen schönen Tag
Glückwunsch @ynwa.andree

HSBI please


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
candnpg tipped noctury (x1)
chapelle tipped noctury (x1)
dailyspam tipped noctury (x1)
xheadhunterz tipped noctury (x1)
alex2alex tipped noctury (x1)
quekery tipped noctury (x1)
waynechuasy tipped noctury (x1)
burn950 tipped noctury (x1)
eddqq tipped noctury (x1)
thoth442 tipped noctury (x1)
emic tipped noctury (x1)
ericburgoyne tipped noctury (x1)
kryptofire tipped noctury (x1)
hoosie tipped noctury (x1)
gondek tipped noctury (x1)
rca13 tipped noctury (x1) @splinterob tipped @noctury (x1)

Join us in Discord!

HSBI for me please @ericburgoyne



I would like a Barking Spider, please

Barking Spider thanks



Success! You mined .9 HBIT & the user you replied to received .1 HBIT on your behalf. mine | wallet | market | tools | discord | subscribe | <>< daily

Starting Sept 10, you will need to reply to your OWN post or comment to mine HBIT. You MIGHT also find a bonus token! Details here.

Count me in pls Charlok Minotaur @eddqq !PIZZA

Glückwunsch @ynwa.andree

gerne den Barking Spider !PIZZA

Charlie Minotaur please

Charlok Minotaur

count me in



Charlok Minotaur please

!Gif good luck everyone @dr-doofus

Charlok Minotaur please

IGN olaf.gui

Thank you very much for the giveaway and good luck to all the participants.
1 HSBII want to participate @yeckingo1

Barking Spider please. @flummi97

Charlok Minotaur please


Charlok Minotaur pls

HSBI please

Good luck everyone Thanks for your giveaway Flo and count me in @tengolotodo

Charlok Minotaur. Thanks so much


count me in!
Charlok Minotaur

HSBI thanks!

Count me in again please. @zakludick

For the HSBI! 5 tickets let's goooooo!

HSBI for me please Thanks, very nice post!

i am in for charlok


Congrats to the winner, please add me again for HSBI

!ALIVE @chapelle

You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(2/20)@noctury! to your account on behalf of @chapelle.

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Barking Spider @jmehta

Charlok Minotaur

!PIZZA !HBIT @kryptofire

Success! You mined .9 HBIT & the user you replied to received .1 HBIT on your behalf. mine | wallet | market | tools | discord | subscribe | <>< daily

Starting Sept 10, you will need to reply to your OWN post or comment to mine HBIT. You MIGHT also find a bonus token! Details here.

Count me in for Spider @urkanon !PGM

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT - 0.1 THG - tokens to @urkanon

remaining commands 7


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444



Congrats to the winners.

count me in the next giveaway pls

good luck to all for this giveaway!


Charlok Minataur please

!PIZZA @waynechuasy

Count me in for the Charlok Minotaur card thx scotty297

barking spider

I would love an HSBI share, @siberian12

There are 3 pages