The battle challenge ruleset this week is Aim True. In this ruleset, attacks always hit their targets. This means that Melee and Ranged attacks cannot miss like they usually can. Magic attacks cannot miss even if the Phase ability is in play.

For the first time, I decided to share a brawl battle rather than ranked play. The battle was a 99 mana match with 3 rulesets: Aim True, Rise of the Commons, and Stampede. Fire, Life, and Death were the rulesets available to play.
Here is a link to the battle:
I knew that I wanted my main strategy to be using a strong Melee sneak attack. There are many good sneak cards that are only Common and Rare. Plus, I figured it would be very effective against my opponents’ backline since the attacks cannot miss. So I spent a little bit of time deciding between the Fire and Life splinter and ended up choosing Life.
I chose my Soulbound Life summoner since it provides 1 additional armor. I picked a tank with the Halving ability since I am guaranteed to half my opponents’ card in first position. The Protect ability which my tank provides should also come in handy since I should be taking plenty of hits. In second position I placed a monster with Reach and in third position a Snipe monster. I finished out my lineup with 3 Sneak monsters.
Start of Battle / Round 1
My opponent chose the Death Splinter. They used a monster with Taunt. So all of my Sneak attack monsters will target it before attacking the rear.
Round 2
During the first round, I defeated my opponents’ monster with the Taunt ability. Now my sneak monsters can focus on the rear of my opponents’ lineup. My tank in first position is holding on with 2 health.
Round 3
In the second round, I lost my first tank, but my sneak attackers were able to defeat one of my opponents’ backline monsters.
Round 4
In the third round, my sneak attackers were able to take out two of my opponents’ backline monsters before they could attack. My opponent is now down to just two monsters. Victory is around the corner for me.
Overall my strategy for this match worked. My opponent simply did not have enough firepower to defeat my first two monsters before my strong and efficient sneak attack wiped out their backline. Most of their backline monsters lacked any armor which made my sneak attacking all that much better. Most of the time, I want all my monsters to have at least some armor. I accomplished that in this battle by using a summoner as well as a monster that provide additional armor.
I like Aim True matches because they tend to be on the quicker side, only lasting a few rounds before a winner is decided. I do not like battles that last a ton of rounds like for example with the Rebirth ruleset. Aim True is also a fun opportunity to use a different strategy or cards that you normally do not play that often. For example, you could use a strong Ranged attack since you know they cannot miss. I usually shy away from using a strong ranged attack as a strategy for a couple reasons. First, they cannot attack once they fall into first position. Second, there is the chance of them missing their target. Of course the Aim True ruleset solves the later of these two issues.

Thanks for sharing! - @underlock