$12 Challenge - Session 4 - Earth Day

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

So, this post is a bit late. Sorry about that, life has been busy. Session 5 took place a couple days ago live on Twitch and was a fun stream, Session 6 will take place later tonight live. I'll get the session 5 post up tomorrow… hopefully. Either way, wow, session 4 was one heck of a session! I'm not going to lie, I had big expectations for this one… and didn't get nearly as good of results as I expected in terms of DEC gains, but plenty of rank gains. I had a no neutral monsters daily quest, so I decided I would go Earth this session to get some easy gains.

As always, before going into my rentals for this session I want to share some more of the knowledge I have about the game!

This one will be short and sweet. When going crazy trying to figure out why my Snipe monsters were not targeting who I thought they would, I finally looked into how they choose a target. Turns out, I didn't actually know how the mechanic worked – so I thought I would share that one here. Snipe creatures will target the first no attack, magic, or ranged creature after the tank in the first position. Turns out, I just needed to read the ability's description better.

My first two rentals were pretty straight forward: Scarred Llama Mage and a gold beta Flesh Golem.
Flesh Golemn  G.pngScarred Llama Mage.png
There were two reasons behind grabbing the gold version of the Flesh Golem: one, the extra 10% DEC gain from victories when playing with gold cards, and two, it was the cheapest one on the market. So that worked out pretty well.

The reason for choosing these two cards is because the heal it has combined with its naturally high health is very strong when combined with the Last Stand and Cleanse that Llama provides. Every other card rental choice for this session was about stacking Alpha cards to stack bonus DEC gain from wins as well. I managed to pick these cards up.
Earth Elemental  A.pngGoblin Sorcerer  A.png
Minotaur Warrior  A.pngRexxie  A.pngStone Golem  A.pngStonesplitter Orc  A.pngWood Nymph.pngSea Monster.png
The Sea Monster I picked up later to help in a match where I needed to rock Water, and then, of course, I picked up my every session rental utility cards:
Creeping Ooze.pngFurious Chicken.png
So, for lineup this go around, it was pretty much exactly what I said above. Llama, Flesh Golem, and stack as many alpha cards as I can on top of that for bonuses. Just some reflection on the experience, I went with Flesh Golem instead of Kron to save DEC but I think that was a fundamental mistake made. There were so many of the matches that I lost that would have been won if I had picked Kron instead. Kron has a much higher attack. Flesh Golem loses against teams that have a healer half the time, especially against Zintar Mortalis on Death splinter with a Haunted Spirit tank.

On the matches I went Water, I went with the same strategy I outlined in a previous post of running Sea Monster and Crustacean King. The double heal is just really strong. I'd then fill in with magic users most matches, or occasionally ranged just to throw people off that were expecting magic.

Now, for results for the session. I think the biggest issue I ran into this session was that I spent way too much on rentals, with a total of 117.776 DEC spent. I started the session with 506.251 DEC and ended with 554.76, so a total profit this session of 48.509. That result is quite disappointing to me, I expected this session to be my best one yet and it ended up worse than the last one. At least I was still able to turn a profit, considering the amount spent on rentals it could have went worse. As far as daily quests went, I completed the first one and got a potion, and didn’t actually finish the second one this session.

So, as I said before this post is really late. Just need to give a quick shout out to the #NoSleepGang for supporting me on Twitch while I stream this challenge live. Always a blast having everyone there hanging out. Shoutouts to @SplinterlandsHQ @Gameboy_ali @Drabs587 @mhowii @cmmndrgarlic and everyone else.

If you're looking to get a boost to your Splinterlands account, the giveaways people host on Twitch are a great way to do it. Here's some links to check out:
My Twitch


Congratulations. The folks that follow the Untamed Sarge Twitch stream have seen your post and we are IMPRESSED! Excellent job. **Who loves you baby? #nosleepgang, that's who! Wepa!

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