Cards I Bought This Week And My Reasoning Behind This Investment

in Splinterlands3 years ago

# Cards I bought This Week

#1 Naga Assassin


The first monster I invested in was the Naga Assassin. Let me tell you, I have been eyeing her up for a couple weeks here and I decided to get myself some of these. I bought 14 copies of her level 1 card. The thinking behind this is that in the future if I wanted to combine all of my naga cards to make her level 3, I could do that. But as of right now I do not have enough money to afford a level 2 summoner to start with so there is no current need for me to level her up. The fact that she gets return fire at her higher levels with such a high speed makes her very likely to dodge while also putting out good damage. The fact that she costs 2 mana is nuts and she is very unique in her skill set with the current cards. Who knows, that could definitely change when Chaos releases, and I expect to see many unique monsters and skill sets we havent seen yet. She was around 80c when I bought her so it was roughly a 10$ investment. In the following years I expect that price to eventually be higher as well. Needless to say, I love this card.

#2 Twilight Basilisk

The second card I bought was the twilight basilisk. I bought 14 copies of this card as well. A big reason I bought this card is because at level 2 it gains an extra damage, also I love the fact that it is dragon and synergizes with my other card purchase. The fact that both of these cards are relatively affordable was also part of my decision making. In the end both of these cards are good cards in my opinion even if they are not part of many peoples go-to sets of cards to play in the current meta. I believe many of these new reward cards are going to have a new place in the new format that people don't yet foresee. Just a guess though. Thanks for reading! Keep calm and Splinter on!


I am not one that plays dragon much but these are some really good new dragon cards. I am wondering what kinda new dragon summoner we get with chaos legion

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