Esta es una duda que durante mucho tiempo me pregunte y que se que muchos jugadores tambien se lo preguntan, sobre todo los que no vamos con una cartera tan amplia para adquirir activos, pensar en tu economia y en como ajustarla a la economia del juego es vital ya que nuestra idea como jugadores deberia estar pensada en mejorar siempre nuestro juego, pero para eso hay que invertir dinero. Y se que es un tema delicado porque cada quien tiene distintos puntos de vista por eso quiero aclarar desde ya que esta es mi vision y que estoy muy dispuesto a armar un debate sano sobre este tema en los comentarios si asi lo desean, asi que vamos con el post.
¿Comprar cartas o packs?
I know this is a question that I wondered for a long time and I know that many players also wonder about it, especially those who do not have such a large wallet full of money to acquire assets inside the game, thinking about your economy and how to adjust it to the economy of the game is vital because our idea as players should be designed to always improve our game, but for that you have to invest money. And I know that this is a delicate subject because everyone has different points of view, so I want to clarify that this is my vision and I am very willing to create a healthy debate on this topic in the comments if you wish, so let's go with the post.
Buy cards or buy packs?
Hablando de los numeros
Me estoy basando en los datos de Splintercards para este analisis Y por supuesto me enfocare en la edicion actual, ya que hablar de Untamed se quedo lejos.
1 Pack Chaos Legion tiene un valor de 4$ en el juego si lo compras con creditos, aunque actualmente puedes comprar uno por 4000 DEC que te sale a mas o menos 3.75 HIVES (2.42$ aprox.) digamos que quieres armar un set Chaos Legion para Bronce, que segun Splintercards vale 292$, que son mas o menos 120 packs.
120 packs son 600 cartas, con todo lo que eso conlleva, es decir el bono de legendarias, doradas, etc. Que como debes saber es incalculable, pues se basan en la probabilidad y no en la estadistica, puedes abrir 120 packs y no obtener ninguna legendaria, u obtener 120 legendarias doradas al abrirlos, todo dependerá de la suerte.
Es justo por esto que creo que esta no es la mejor opcion primaria para aquellos que van con presupuestos pequeños, claro que comprar paquetes tiene muchos beneficios y recomiendo hacerlo, pero no basando la construccion de tu coleccion plenamente en eso, ¿por que? veamos:
Speaking of numbers
I'm relying on data from Splintercards for this review. And of course I'll focus on the current edition, since talking about Untamed is a long way off.
1 Chaos Legion Pack has a value of 4$ in the game if you buy it with credits, although currently you can buy one for 4000 DEC which comes out to more or less 3.75 HIVES (2.42$ approx.) let's say you want to put together a Chaos Legion set for Bronze, which according to Splintercards is worth 292$, which is more or less 120 packs.
120 packs are 600 Chaos Legion cards, with all that entails, that is the bonus of legendaries, gold, etc.. Which as you should know is incalculable, because they are based on probability and not on statistics, you can open 120 packs and not get any legendary, or get 120 golden legendary when you open them, it all depends on luck.
This point is exactly why I think that buy packs of cards is not the best primary option for those who go with small budgets, of course buying packs has many benefits like Airdrop cards and I recommend doing it, but not basing the construction of your collection fully on that, why? let's see:
Con un presupuesto de 292$ para comprar cartas de Chaos Legion directamente en lugar de packs, ¿que podriamos hacer? los datos de sitios como @peakmonsters nos dejan calcular a la perfeccion estos datos. Voy a calcular los que para mi son los mejores 3 splinters para Bronce y imagenes para hacer mas facil entender:
Let's assume that we have we had a budget of $292 to buy Chaos Legion cards directly on the market instead of packs, what could we do? Data from sites like @peakmonsters let us calculate this data perfectly. I will calculate what for me are the best 3 splinters for Bronze and I leave it in pictures to make it easier to understand:
16 cartas componen este elemento en la edicion, comprar todas sus cartas a nivel maximo para Bronce te costará 40$ ahora mismo, sin embargo yo creo que para rango Bronce puedes prescindir de Iffrit Rising e incluso de Grum Flameblade, no porque sean malas, si no que cuestan mucho mana y usarlas siempre va a ser un problema en Bronce.
A total of 16 cards make up this element in the edition, buying all its cards at maximum level for Bronze will cost you 40$ right now, however I think that for Bronze rank you can do without Iffrit Rising and even Grum Flameblade, not because they are bad, but because they cost a lot of mana and using them will always be a problem in Bronze.
Tambien se compone con 16 cartas, adquirir este set te costara 55$, este es mucho mas caro porque es el mas potente en mi opinion, a menos en rango Bronce. Si es por prescindir de cartas creo que Nerissa Tridawn seria la elegida por el alto costo de mana.
It also consists of 16 cards, this set will cost you 55$, this is much more expensive because it is the most powerful in my opinion, at least in Bronze rank. If it is to do without cards I think Nerissa Tridawn would be the one to choose because of the high mana cost.
El mas economico de los 3, puedes comprarlo por 35$ y creo que estos 3 sets son perfectos para cubrir todas las posibilidades en el rango Bronce, aunque claro que lo ideal siempre seria tenerlos todos.
The most economical of the 3, you can buy it for 35$ and I think these 3 sets are perfect to cover all the possibilities in the Bronze range, although of course the ideal would always be to have them all in your colection.
Un total de 130,97$ en 3 sets, incluidos el mas caro de todos entre ellos. Todavia nos restarian 161$ (unos 66 packs) para seguir las compras. En cuanto a las cartas son 210 Comunes, 75 Raras, 36 Epicas y 9 Legendarias, 330 cartas en total. Ahora mira este dato:
Si gastas 130.97$ en Packs, compras 54 packs que serian 270 cartas Que por la probabilidad deberian ser:
- 190 comunes.
- 66 raras.
- 10 epicas.
- 2 legendarias.
Sabemos que esto no va a ser asi siempre, pero son los datos que se pueden calcular.
La carta mas cara de Chaos Legion hasta ahora es Grandmaster Rathe por supuesto, tomando en cuenta que es Legendario y que la posibilidad de Legendarias en packs es de 0.8%, deberas apuntar a tener demasiada suerte abriendolos para obtenerlo con solo 54 packs, lo mismo para las epicas que tienen un 4% de probabilidad en cada pack. Algo que hay que entender es la diferencia entre la estadistica y probabilidad, el hecho de comprar 25 packs no te asegura tener una carta epica en ellos, solo lo hace probable, asi como tambien es probable que abriendo 1 solo pack obtengas una carta epica. Esa suerte es lo que me hace pensar a mi que no es bueno basar la construccion del mazo en packs con un presupuesto corto.
A total of $130.97 in 3 sets, including the most expensive of them all. We still have $161.00 left (about 66 packs) to continue shopping. As for the cards, there are 210 Common, 75 Rare, 36 Epic and 9 Legendary, 330 cards in total. Now look at this data:
If we spend $130.97 on Packs, we would buy 54 packs which would be 270 cards Which by probability should be:
- 190 common.
- 66 rare.
- 10 epic.
- 2 legendary.
We know that this will not always be so, but these are the data that can be calculated.
The most expensive card in Chaos Legion so far is Grandmaster Rathe for Life Splinter of course, turning this in the most expensive, taking into account that it is Legendary and that the chance of Legendary in packs is 0.8%, you should aim to have too much luck opening them to get it with only 54 packs, the same for epics that have a 4% chance in each pack. Something to understand is the difference between statistics and probability, the fact of buying 25 packs does not assure you to have an epic card in them, it only makes it probable, just as it is also probable that by opening only 1 pack you will get an epic card. That luck is what makes me think that it is not good to base your deck building on packs with a short budget.
¿Que haria yo?
Diversificar. Yo creo que con estos 3 splinters de arriba mas cartas Neutrales estas mas que preparado para dar batalla incluso por el top de Modern, tambien se puede potenciar alquilando cartas especificas para cada uno, y el resto gastarlo en paquetes de cartas, para abrirlos cuando aparezcan todos los invocadores legendarios y probar suerte ahi, o si los precios empiezan a tomar una tendencia alcista, venderlos los packs y comprar a los invocadores directamente.
Repito, no estoy diciendo que sea malo comprar packs, si no que cada quien debe ajustar su presupuesto al plan que le funcione mejor, a menos que quieras jugarle en contra a las probabilidades, que eso si es algo que jamas recomendaria hacer.
What would I do?
Well, Diversify on both. I think that with these 3 splinters that I mention above plus Neutral Chaos Legion cards you are more than ready to battle even for the World top of Modern Rank in Bronze, you can also boost this Splinters by renting specific cards for each one, and spend the rest on card packs, to open them when all the legendary summoners appear and try your luck there, or if the prices start to take an upward trend, sell the packs and buy the summoners directly.
And again, I am not saying that it is bad to buy packs, in fact, it is the opposite, but that everyone should adjust their budget to the plan that works best for them, unless you want to play against the odds, which is something I would never recommend doing.
Para mi, lo mejor en cualquier caso es eso, diversificar, si cuentas con 4000$ gasta 2000 armando un mazo fuerte y otros 2000$ en packs, incluso puedes ir mas alla y comprar vouchers, SPS, packs y cartas, en porciones de 1000$ cada una, estrategias hay muchas y tu puedes seguir la que mas te guste y se ajuste a ti, solo asegurate de pensarlo antes varias veces para ejecutarlo con inteligencia y un ultimo consejo, no dejes pasar esta oportunidad con las cartas Rewards.
Muchas gracias por haber leído y espero que te haya gustado, no olvides seguirme si quieres ver mas contenido como este y nos vemos en mi siguiente post. ¡Saludos!
For me, the best in any case is that, diversify on the assets, if you have 4000$ then you can spend 2000$ building a strong deck and another 2000$ in packs for speculate, you can even go further and buy vouchers, SPS, packs and cards, in portions of 1000$ each, there are many strategies and you can follow the one you like and fits you, just make sure you think before several times to execute it intelligently and one last tip, do not miss this opportunity with the Rewards cards.
Thank you very much for reading and I hope you liked it, don't forget to follow me if you want to see more content like this and I'll see you in my next post. greetings!
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All game images are taken from the official game website and Splintercards, credits to whom it may concern.

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A courant bush.
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(5/10)@mvl2304, I sent you an on behalf of @entrepidus
I bought and opened some packs last year. Since then I have bought packs to hold. I bought one card last year that I am renting. I am not playing though. Just inesting in the assets. Need to go through what I have and see what I can get on the rental market. Thanks for the detail in your report..
They have changed quite a few things about rentals, especially prices and minimum time, I highly recommend you keep an eye on it, good luck with those investments, thanks for reading me.
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Buenísimo post amigo. La verdad es que lo mejor es siempre diversificar y estudiar el juego y sus capas de inversión.
Asi es y esto es solo un vistazo a los packs de cartas, estan los posts en Hive, los pools de liquidez, la renta de cartas, compra/venta de activos, en fin, es todo un mundo de posibilidades.
Demasiado genial tu post, es la duda que tengo siempre, pero al ser una persona sin suerte voy comprando cartas poco a poco, lo que me gustaría saber es un presupuesto total para plata?? ya que la mayoria de mis cartas las compro para esa liga sería un buen tema para un siguiente post jejeje.
La proxima semana te lo traigo, aunque debes tomar en cuenta que los precios siempre seran de refenrencia, pueden variar en cualquier momento.
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

mixed option is good to pick cards and packs both
Very interesting post, I myself have been thinking for a long time about what is more profitable, on the one hand investing in packs of cards and waiting until you get airdrop, or maybe buying cards and renting them. Maybe in your case, it was more about information for beginners, however, in my opinion, the purchase of cards is always more profitable, here rather there should be no doubt because we do not count on luck
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That's right I try to focus these guides to the most beginners because they are usually the least clear which is the best option.
Like you, I think it is best to go directly to the cards, because so you can choose which ones you want to be more competitive and go directly to play with them.
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