Briar Patch is not what it used to be.

in Splinterlandslast year




Hoy les traigo un nuevo tutorial de batalla en Splinterlands, y esta vez, hablaremos de un ruleset que antes solia ser terriblemente determinante pero conforme el juego fue avanzando y fueron llegando nuevas cartas y estrategias terminó convirtiendose en algo a lo que a veces ni siquiera le damos importancia. Algo normal que suceda con un juego que esta en constante evolucion, aun asi, jugarlo puede ser complicado pero no te preocupes, que aqui estoy yo para guiarte. Me hace muy feliz estar de vuelta una vez mas trayendoles estos tutoriales de batalla, pero no nos vayamos por las ramas y vamos a los que nos compete en este post, que es el ruleset #BriarPatch.


Today I bring you a new battle tutorial in Splinterlands on my Hive blog, and this time, we will talk about a ruleset that used to be terribly determinant on past times but as the game progressed and new cards and strategies were arriving, it ended up becoming something that sometimes we don't even give importance to. Something normal that happens with a game that is constantly evolving and changing, even so, playing it can be complicated but don't worry, I'm here to guide you. It makes me very happy to be back once again bringing you these battle tutorials, but let's not beat around the bush and let's go to what concerns us in this post, which is the ruleset #BriarPatch.


Briar Patch

Estoy seguro que conoces a Mylor, ese invocador que tantos dolores de cabeza nos dio en el antiguo formato Modern, pues este ruleset tiene la misma funcion que ese invocador. Le otorga la habilidad Thorns a todas las cartas participantes en la batalla, esta demas decir que las cartas que ya tienen la habilidad no la recibiran del ruleset.

¿Cómo le sacas provecho a este ruleset?

Lo primordial es evitar las cartas Melee en tu alineacion porque estas son las que reciben el daño de la habilidad, por otro lado, la habilidad Amplify aumenta el daño causado por Thorns y si todas las cartas tienen la habilidad... Ya vas entendiendo como funciona.

Tambien ten en cuenta que la habilidad Reflection Shield anula el daño recibido por esta habilidad, por lo tanto anula el ruleset, y ya existen invocadores que otorgan este buff y varias cartas que poseen la habilidad.

Ademas la inclusion de muchas cartas magicas, a distancia y sin ataque (que con Weapon's Training pueden atacar) y la combinacion de habilidades que le hacen counter directa o indirectamente, causan que este ruleset pierda algo de sentido y que en ciertos casos sea hasta irrelevante, como es el caso de mi batalla de hoy. Sin embargo debes siempre mantener la guardia alta para evitar imprevistos.

I'm sure you know Mylor Crowling, that Earth summoner that gave us so many headaches in the old Modern format with Thorns, because this ruleset has the same function as that summoner. It grants the Thorns ability to all cards participating in the battle, it goes without saying that cards that already have the ability will not receive it from the ruleset.

How do you take advantage of this ruleset?

The main thing is to avoid the Melee cards in your lineup because these are the ones that receive the damage from the ability, on the other hand, the Amplify ability increases the damage caused by Thorns and if all the cards have the ability... Now you understand how it works.

Also keep in mind that the Reflection Shield ability cancels the damage received by this ability, therefore it cancels the ruleset, and there are already summoners that grant this buff and several cards that have the ability.

In addition, the inclusion of many magic cards, at distance and without attack (that with Weapon's Training can attack) and the combination of skills that make it counter directly or indirectly, cause this ruleset to lose some sense and in some cases it is even irrelevant, as is the case of my battle today. However, you should always keep your guard up to avoid unforeseen events.


Briar Patch - 16 Mana Cap

Round 1


Con tan poco mana decidi combinar los splinters Agua y Vida usando a Prunda Underversh, que solo cuesta 3 puntos.

  • Pelacor Conjurer es mi tanque, que tiene buena vida anula el ruleset al no poseer ataque.

  • Venator Kinjo, que tambien anula el ruleset con su Reflection Shield.

  • Dax Paragon, con daño magico, misma historia.

  • Igual para Musa Saline.

  • Igor Darkspear con su daño a distancia es un buen soporte que tampoco recibe daño del ruleset.

  • Por ultimo, Xenith Archer, que es igual a Igor.

Una alineacion entera que ignora por completo al ruleset, haciendolo totalmente inutil, y esta es solo una de cientas de miles de formas.

Pero hay un gran problema aqui. Y mi oponente supo explotarlo muy bien:

With so little mana I decided to combine the splinters Water and Life using Prunda Underversh, which only costs 3 points.

  • Pelacor Conjurer is my tank, he has good health and cancels the ruleset because he has no attack.

  • Venator Kinjo, who also cancels the ruleset with his Reflection Shield.

  • Dax Paragon, with magic damage, same story.

  • Same for Musa Saline.

  • Igor Darkspear with his ranged damage is a good support that also doesn't take damage from the ruleset.

  • Last, Xenith Archer, the same as Igor.

An entire lineup that completely ignores the ruleset, making it totally useless, and this is just one of hundreds of thousands of ways.

But there is a big problem here. And my opponent knew how to exploit it very well:


Round 2


Cuando este ruleset aparece deberias anticipar que se usaran la menor cantidad posible de cartas Melee, por ende mi oponente hizo una movida arriesgada pero que le salio muy bien. Oshannus tiene muchisima vida, y con Meerdali Guardian le cura el daño recibido, haciendolo inmortal en esta batalla, ya que puede curarse mas del daño que mi equipo es capaz de hacerle, ademas de que 2 de mis cartas no lo pueden tocar. El resto es historia.

When this ruleset appears on a battle you should expect you and your opponent to use as few Melee cards as possible, so my opponent made a risky move but in this case it worked out very well. Djinn Oshannus has a lot of life, and with Meerdali Guardian he heals the damage received, making him immortal in this battle, since he can heal more damage than my team is able to do, plus 2 of my cards can't touch him. The rest is history.


Round 3


Si bien la batalla iba a durar varias rondas mas luego de esta, por poco daño de su equipo, habia acabado desde el momento en que empezó. Mi error aqui fue haber dado por sentado que yo domino al ruleset, pero no mi oponente, y el supo aprovecharse de eso. Es una estrategia fuerte la de usar Djinn Oshannus + Meerdali Guardian en este nivel de mana.

Although the battle was going to last several rounds after this, it was over from the moment the batle just started. My mistake here was to have taken for granted that I dominated the ruleset, but not my opponent, and he knew how to take advantage of that. It is a strong strategy to use Djinn Oshannus + Meerdali Guardian at this mana level.


Round 4


Round 6


Ya no habia mas nada que hacer salvo esperar lo inevitable, el consejo que te doy para que no te suceda lo mismo es que analices el ruleset tanto de tu punto de vista como desde el de tu oponente. Mas que armar un equipo poderoso trata de pensar en que usaria tu oponente y como podrias contrarrestarlo, eso te ayudara en el armado de tu equipo.

There was nothing more to do but wait for the inevitable, the advice I give you so that the same thing does not happen to you is to analyze the ruleset both from your point of view and from your opponent's point of view. More than building a powerful team, try to think about what your opponent would use and how you could counter it, that will help you in building your team.


Entender los puntos debiles donde le puedes sacar ventaja a tu enemigo es primordial para convertirte en un buen jugador ¡enfocate en mejorar eso y veras como tu winrate aumentará muchisimo!

Recuerda que toda carta tiene una utilidad real y siempre podras sacarles ventaja si las estudias y analizas bien los datos que tienes a la mano, Muchas gracias por haber leído y espero que te haya gustado, no olvides seguirme si quieres ver mas contenido como este y nos vemos en mi siguiente post. ¡Saludos!

Understanding the weak points on battles where you can take advantage of your enemy is essential to become a good player, focus on improving that and you will see how your winrate will increase a lot!

Remember that every card has a utility in this game and you can always take advantage of them if you study them and analyze well the data you have at hand, Thank you for reading and I hope you liked it, do not forget to follow me if you want to see more content like this and see you in my next post. greetings!


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All game images are taken from the official game website and Splintercards, credits to whom it may concern.

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Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice

thanks for sharing your ruleset and match analysis