Happy Holidays // Happy New Year // Card Gifting!

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

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Hello Everyone,

I want to take this time to wish everyone a happy, safe, and amazing Holiday Season and New Year! With all that's going on in the world right now I'm hoping this will brighten someones holiday season.

In spirit of the holidays and new year, I’d like to gift a card that I feel embodies the essence of the Chaos Legion release. Well at least when the card was originally shown the design was engrained in my mind as the face of Chaos Legion. So maybe it’s just me. Or maybe it's the fact that it has "Chaos" in the name and it's purple. Meh, I don't know. Anyhow, it may be heavy on mana, but I love using it from time to time. In lower leagues, high mana battles, this card paired with Water’s Djinn Oshanus does some crazy damage. I can't comment on higher league battles just yet. Nice defense, and it's not too slow. The card in question is Chaos Dragon, and I will be gifting one lvl 1 Chaos Dragon card.

This is my first time doing this, and I’m trying to be fair to those active in the community. If any of this is out-of-line just let me know, and I’ll modify where applicable.


Here are the rules:


  1. Respond to this post with one thing you like about Splinterlands.
  2. Must have been semi-active: I will look to verify that you have at least one comment in your history. I think this is fair. If you blog I’m guessing you should be commenting back to replies on your own blogs and if you comment, well, you're active. If there's a better way to verify active members please let me know.
  3. These comments can’t be spammed comments
  4. Said comment had to take place prior to me posting this blog
  5. No duplicate entries
  6. Lets be fair and please don't use multiple accounts. Lets give everyone an equal opportunity.
  7. No bots will be entered

--Gifting Steps--

  1. All you need to do is respond to this post with one thing you like about Splinterlands.
  2. On December 27th, 18:00 UTC, I will take all usernames from direct replies, that meet the rules, and put them into a random name picker. Probably Wheelofnames.com. I will record the spin using screen record. If I can’t find a place to host the video (As this is my first time doing this) I will screen capture the winner. This could take a little time as I'll need to look through all names to verify active users.
  3. I will then edit this blog or comment stating the winner.
  4. From there I will reply to the winner to find out which account they would like me to gift the card to.
  5. Once they respond, I will gift it.
  6. I’m not too sure the best way to verify the gifting for you all. I will screen capture before I send it. If someone would like to enlighten a better way, it would be much appreciated. I will then edit the post with that screen capture.

Cheers, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year to all!


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--Gift Winners--

dyson-the-booper : Chaos Dragon Card

lorddiablo : Chaos Legion Pack

bteim : Chaos Legion Pack

3Speak video is up with the Winners being chosen. Check it out!

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Screenshot of results:

Chaos Dragon Gift Results.png

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--Gifts Sent--




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Congratulations to @dyson-the-booper, @lorddiablo, and @bteim

Huge Thank You to everyone who participated:
@bteim, @tim.hendrix, @circlebubble, @dc3ntr4lzd, @tigretimo, @magooz, @cutedawako, @kotenoke, @arkasz, @spryquasar, @lordito, @dyson-the-booper, @pewsplosions, @sinogul, @lorddiablo, @jkeen33, @Theacks, @bigbarger, @failingforwards, @Klawke, @gonlid, @pingeln, @jedha, @polar99, @vicer0y, @incze, @doombledore

The entire community appreciates everything you do for it. It's always a refresher to see what keeps you all coming back. From your comments it seems a majority of you say it's the community, and I couldn't agree more. I hope you all have an amazing Holiday Season and a Happy New Year! See you in 2022!!




What a massively generous giveaway. I’m hoping to collect a full level 1 set of the dragons from CL over time. Anyways like others I think the number one thing I’ve enjoyed so far about splinterlands is the community itself. The sheer number of xmas wishes I’ve received in discord dms and countless hours I’ve spent chatting on the official discord with others is really a testament to the type of person you’ll find around here.

That said, since the community isn’t technically the game itself and someone else already mentioned it, I’d say the random rulesets combined with the fast paced rounds make this a perfect on the go game. Rulesets changes keep it fresh each round and the new cl cards have done that even more so (ref all the people asking for meta comps since there are many more now and none as reliable as ole’ Alric). I historically have played mtg, Pokemon, and yugioh but as I’ve gotten older found that I no longer have the time to play those long format ccgs.

Anyways, if I win @kotenoke is the account I’d like it sent to.

@letsjam @failingforwards You two might be interested in participating in this giveaway.

Also apologies for the terrible formatting here. I typically post on pc and using phone atm. Further tagging @koteno so I remember to check your other content for valid oneup curation.


Happy Holidays @kotenoke!!!

The community is a huge part of the game. Guilds are built around community. I'm not there yet, but from my understanding the guilds support one another to bring the guild to higher rankings. Can't be part of a guild without being apart of that specific community. Well, I guess that's debatable but you know what I'm trying to say.

I absolutely love the rulesets. I feel the bots have an easier time with the Standard ruleset and standard decks. I had a really hard time in bronze because these bots can dominate with the standard decks. Once the rules sets and card levels come into play the game changes for the bots. At least that's my experience. I'm sure one can program the bot to do very well with the rulesets. Regardless, I love the rulesets.

I have you entered in.


Lovely little contest and thanks @kotenoke for letting me know ow about it. I really love the changing gameplay, each rule set brings a slightly different thought on what to play, then you have to think on what the other person likes to play, a bit like chess

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year @failingforwards!!

The rulesets are literally what got me hooked, and you explained it perfectly in that the game is a lot like chess. You have a limited time to study your opponent, then think what would be a great counter to what they play. All while thinking the other opponent may be thinking "What's my opponent going to think would be a great counter to my last couple hands." But then we have the rulesets and it may completely alter what you were thinking. On top of that you notice there's only 30 seconds to select your cards 😅 . Amazing!

I have you entered in.


Thanks for replying back and its why I like it more then hearthstone

Of course. See you in the game. Hope you have a happy holiday and a happy new year!!

Happy Holidays. I joined Splinterlands in September, but real played it maybe in October. One thing I like about Splinterlands is players, like me, need to understand your cards and use them smartly, or even got frustration sometimes. It is a good game in many ways.

Happy Holidays @circlebubble,

Strategy is what makes this game addicting. You lose a bunch and change up your strategy, then you notice yourself winning more often. Get to a new league and it starts all over again, haha! Definitely, a good reason to like the game.

I have you entered in! Cheers!

Happy Holidays! One of the things I like the most in Splinterlands is watching the battles to learn and develop my skills. I love the learning in this game!

Happy Holidays @Klawke

Developing skills is the best way to level up quick. You can also head over to Splintercards (https://splintercards.com/abilities.html) and thoroughly learn about those abilities. This well help dramatically when they start adding those battle limitation.

In regards to the Chaos Dragon, unfortunately, you don't qualify per my rules listed above.

Rule 2.png

I want to be as fair as possible to those that have been active on the website and incentivise those that are new to get involved here. It will only benefit you anyway.


Thanks for the reply @muhsound , I completely understand :) Great giveaway btw, that Chaos Dragon looks like a beast!

Happy Holidays! By far, the thing I like most about Splinterlands is the community - one of the friendliest, most helpful, and least toxic gaming communities I have been a part of.

Happy Holiday @bteim!
I totally agree with you. I hope it continues to grow and stay as though. You have been entered in my friend.

Congratulations @bteim!!

You won the third gift: a Chaos Legion pack.

Please let me know the IGN you would like the pack sent to?

Happy Holidays!!! Once you get the pack make sure you buy potions before opening the pack !!!


Thank you so much! My IGN is bteim. Happy Holidays!

Of course! You're welcome and enjoy. I just sent it. Happy Holidays!!!

**Be sure to grab some potions before you open it.


Greetings summoners and happy holidays. Splinterlands is a fairly easy game to play, but hard to master especially with the new chaos cards out. Coming up with combos is the most fun and what I like about the game. Nothing beats the feeling when you nail a combo you have strategized about and it pays bigtime.
See you all in the arena someday. Take care!

Greetings and happy holidays @dc3ntr4lzd!

Those combos and be brutal when cards are paired properly. Have you seen the Trample/Stampede combo??? It blew my mind the first time I had seen it. Check it out:


I have you entered in fellow summoner!


whoa! thanks for the share, thats a sick combo!

Of course. That's what I'm saying.

Happy Holidays!!!

One thing I like about Splinterlands is deck building. It is fun using and testing whata you build :)


Happy Holidays.
I've joined Splinterlands this year and it has been a really good experience. Really love the game. I think the thing I like the most is the renting mechanic. It is very nice since it allows you to try some cards and some decks without spending too much.

Happy Holidays @gonlid!!!

Great strategy! To be honest, I never really thought about renting cards to try decks out. I've always rented for end of season rewards or to help my current decks. Which I guess is a form of what you're doing. Also, probably means I've purchased cards I'll never use 😑.

In regards to the Chaos Dragon, unfortunately, you don't qualify per my rules listed above.

Rule 4.png

Rule 4 is a continuation of Rule 2 in that I will check comment history to verify one has been semi-active. Rule 4 says the comment has to have been made prior to me posting this blog post. At the time of my response, it shows that your first comment was made 1 day ago and my post was made 2 days ago. However, stick around because I have something up my sleeve. 🤫

I want to be as fair as possible to those that have been active on the website and incentivise those that are new to get involved here. It will only benefit you anyway.


Happy holidays and thanks for the giveaway opportunity! I'm fairly new to the game, but I've really enjoyed the community of Splinterlands... across Splintertalk, Discord, Twitch, etc.

I'm hoping I can get enough CP soon where I can stay in silver without renting so many cards! :D

Happy holidays @tigretimo!!

Great reason to like Splinterlands. One of the main reasons I set this up. I haven't been as active on discord or twitch, but I frequent Splintertalk as there's a wealth of informative blog posts

Anyhow, I have you entered in.


The thing I like the most about splinterlands is trying to figure out a combo of cards that's not common for others to play and find lineups that just wrecks the opponents! I'm currently in silver 2 and just rented an amazing water deck that I'm super happy with.

I hope you're having a Merry Christmas and I wish you a happy new year!

And my IGN: pingeln
On the off chance that I actually win.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year @pingeln!

It's hard to come up with combo's in the earlier leagues, but once in Silver/Gold and you're able to level up your cards the strategies totally change. Love it.

In regards to the Chaos Dragon, unfortunately, you don't qualify per my rules listed above.

Rule 4.png

Rule 4 is a continuation of Rule 2 in that I will check comment history to verify one has been semi-active. Rule 4 says the comment has to have been made prior to me posting this blog post. At the time of my response, it shows that your first comment was made 2 days ago and my post was made 2 days ago. Unfortunately, you're literally at the cusp, but your first post was not before my blog post. However, stick around because I have something up my sleeve. 🤫

I want to be as fair as possible to those that have been active on the website and incentivise those that are new to get involved here. It will only benefit you anyway.


Oh dang I win! But no Chaos Dragon? :( Thats a bummer. I didnt really understand the rules so thats my bad I guess, Im very new to the hive blog and peakd and all those websites Im just trying to get more involved in the game. Hope you're having a wonderful week!

Hi @pingeln,

Unfortunately, you didn't qualify for the Chaos Dragon drawing. However, I will be doing another drawing for an undetermined gift in which everyone who commented will be entered.

Happy Holidays!

Thank you for the opportunity. I am today years old that I discovered Splinterlands. Quite a bit tough and frustrating sometimes but learning your card placings in the arena and strategies is fun and addicting! Plus the opportunity of earning NFT while playing.
Good game btw.

Happy Holidays @jedha!!!

Welcome to the community. Card placement and deck building are a very challenging yet rewarding aspect of Splinterlands. Love it myself.

In regards to the Chaos Dragon, unfortunately, you don't qualify per my rules listed above.

Rule 2.png

In looking at your comment history it shows this is your first comment. I want to be as fair as possible to those that have been active on the website and incentivise those that are new to get involved here. It will only benefit you anyway. However, stick around because I have something up my sleeve. 🤫


Thanks for the offer! I was also hooked by the community back in September when I started. Everyone was super friendly and helpful, so I tried to be the same, and I am often in the Discord channel of Splinterlands helping in the How-To-Guide channel and started to write challenge posts but also strategy posts. :)

ID is the same in game ;)

Tagging @siberian12

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year @arkasz!!!

Again, community seems to be what most are posting. It seems this one is doing something right.

Amazing! That's how it's done. We appreciate everything you've done for the community.

I have you entered in.


Thanks! Oh and almost forgot !Pizza for your effort :)

Thank you tons and goodluck!

Hello and thank you for the opportunity!
Splinterlands has a lot going for it. The renting mechanic is awesome. There’s also a lot of opportunities on the market. Planning the end season is intense and one of my favourite part of the game. I love how ruleset is different from game to game. I think the thing I love the most about this TGC is the team behind it, they’re transparent and working hard to improve the game and create value. It is giving me confidence in the future of the blockchain powered games.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year @spryquasar!!!

I'm actually really glad you touched upon the team behind the game. They have a townhall meeting every week or so and everytime I check it out it makes me more and more excited about the game and what's to come. Great reason to like SP, solid team.

I have you entered in.


Happy Holidays! I love the idea behind play to earn games. I've been playing Heartstone a few years or so, and I think this is a great opportunity, to earn money beside playing. :) I started playing only 1,5 months from now, but I think I'll play this for a long time... :) The other thing I like about this, is the learning curve. Day by day, I'll become smarter about how should I play in different situations!

Happy Holidays @lordito!!!

The hopeful appreciation in value of SP assets is one of many incentives to hold on to anything you get from the game. The learning curve is rough at first. Check out Splintercards.com and learn those basics under the "Gameplay" menu.

I have you entered in.


Joined recently but the economy depth and a lot of moving parts seem interesting to me.

Also, the gameplay isn't half bad

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year @polar99!!!

Welcome to the community! Oh wait until you start leveling up your cards. I'm not even close to a 1/3rd there and I can't imagine how much you need to know to keep up in Champion League. The gameplay is great, and I can't wait to see wait to see how the land situation changes everything.

In regards to the Chaos Dragon, unfortunately, you don't qualify per my rules listed above.

Rule 4.png

Rule 4 is a continuation of Rule 2 in that I will check comment history to verify one has been semi-active. Rule 4 says the comment has to have been made prior to me posting this blog post. At the time of my response, it shows that your first comment was made 7 hours ago and my post was made 2 days ago. However, stick around because I have something up my sleeve. 🤫

I want to be as fair as possible to those that have been active on the website and incentivise those that are new to get involved here. It will only benefit you anyway.


No problem, I'll stick around :)


I like Splinterlands because it takes my mind off of things happening in real life, or sometimes, the lack of things happening. It is more useful than playing other games that don't actually reward the players who invest valuable time and money into them.

IGN: dyson-the-booper

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year @dyson-the-booper!!!

I would call that a great hobby. We all need them to stay sane in life. Amazing reason to like SP. I love the fact it rewards you for playing. God how much money and hours I put into console/PC games just to see them collecting dust now. However, I would never take back the memories of playing. Could you image if we were rewarded though... I would still be playing my 3DO 🤣.

Anyhow, I have you entered in


Congratulations @dyson-the-booper!!!

You won the Chaos Dragon card. I hope this brightens your holiday season. I will use the IGN you supplied in your first comment to send the card.

Card has been sent!


Wow! Thank you so much! This is absolutely wonderful! 😁

Cheers! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Happy Holidays!!

Happy Holidays. I have been playing Splinterlands since October, I was introduced to the game through a twitch streamer I was watching raiding the stream of a Splinterlands streamer, I was instantly hooked and haven't stopped since. I quickly realised that the community here is one of the kindest and most generous that I have encountered amongst any gaming community. In it for the long run now, hoping this game goes to the moon!

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year @vicer0y!!!

The community is a great aspect of why SP is awesome. You'll come to fine some of the nicest people roaming the net. They can be super helpful and informative as well.

In regards to the Chaos Dragon, unfortunately, you don't qualify per my rules listed above.

Rule 2.png

In looking at your comment history it shows you have a comment prior to this comment. Unfortunately, that comment is in regards to a game called "Rising Star." I want to be as fair as possible to those that have been active in the SP community and incentivise those that are new to get involved here. It will only benefit you anyway. However, stick around because I have something up my sleeve. 🤫

One thing I like about Splinterlands is the ecosystem surrounding it. The game seems so simple and small at first but the more you get into it, the more you realize there is a lot to it. Guilds, tournaments, etc... the deep strategy of the game itself, the Hive/Peakd/Splintertalk community. It all interconnects to create a really addicting and fun experience! Good luck everyone!

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year @Pewsplosions!!!

I second this one. You hear a lot of how monotonous the lower leagues are, but once you start ranking it gets overwhelming. Very addicting.

I have you entered in.


Thanks! Cool giveaway. I also forgot to mention if you are looking for a place to host video, 3Speak is pretty nice. And it is on Hive so it synergizes well. 😁

Oh very cool. Thanks for looking out. I'll check into it for posting the video.

Happy Holidays! I have always been liking card games, and the whole splinterlandy univers got me because of the awesome concept of the round-like card game.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year @sinogul!!!

The turn based card games are the best. Love that it's in digital form now.

I have you entered in.


Happy Holidays to everyone! One of the best aspect of this game is the community and the possibility to trade, rent cards to other people. It is very easy to get into the game and very hard to master! I love card games (used to be Hearthstone, MTG, Hatalom kártya, and every kind of roguelike games), but splinterland is one of my favourite. My only regret is that I started only in September! Have a nice one with the giveaway and good luck to everyone! :) @lorddiablo

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year @lorddiablo!!

The renting system is a really unique feature. As you know with the old paper cards you had to have a friend that had a card in order to borrow. Now, post up on PeakMonsters and rent. Pretty amazing!

I have you entered in.


Congratulations @lorddiablo!!

You won the second gift: a Chaos Legion pack. I will use the IGN you supplied from your original comment. Happy Holidays!!!

!!!! Make sure you buy potions before opening the pack !!!

Pack has been sent!


Thank you so much your give away and really appreciate your answer to all of us, it means a lot!! Happy New Year to You and Everyone!!!

You are welcome. Just remember to purchase the potions before opening the pack. Hope you enjoy! Happy New Year to you as well!

Yes, I had the potions and I opened a gold Diemonshark worth 10 USD, thank you again! ;)

Amazing! Lucky!!! Glad you were able to get something pretty useful. I love that card as a tank. It has trample and that works amazing in those stampede matches.

Happy holidays!

My favorite thing about Splinterlands is the collection aspect of the cards themselves, while also being able to generate a small amount of passive income. To me it gives the nostalgia of collecting Pokémon cards when I was younger. The entirety of the Splinterlands community has also been so amazing!

My in game name is @jkeen33

Thank you!

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year @jkeen33!!

Same. Unfortunately, it's missing the nostalgic smell from newly open packs, 😂.

I have you entered in.


First, Happy Holidays to you, and thanks for hosting this giveaway.
I started playing Splinterlands in September as my first jump into play2earn and the whole crypto world in general. But really, my favorite part of having played is the communities I've found along the way. I've met some great people and found some amazing projects, and that was all thanks to jumping into Splinterlands.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year @theacks!!!

I wish I had started back in September. Land hadn't come out at that point, right? That's super inspiring about finding projects and people through Splinterlands. It's nice when an unexpected positive comes from showing up.

I have you entered in.


One of my favorite things is when I think I'm going to lose, but then win with like 1HP and a few misses by them. That's always a little bit of a rush.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year @bigbarger!!!

My god is that a rush. Watching those battles where it comes down to fatigue that wins it 😅.

I have you entered in.


Happy holidays!
The good thing about splinterlands is the community. Always helpfull always caring. Not to mention that in splitnerlands there are countless ways you can earn and have fun. No video game has this perk yet!

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year @incze!!!

The amazing community seems to be what keeps everyone sticking around. The earning aspect of the game is unlike any traditional video game for sure. It's a refresher.

In regards to the Chaos Dragon, unfortunately, you don't qualify per my rules listed above.

Rule 2.png

In looking at your comment history this comment seems to be your first comment. I do see that you have two blog posts but no comment responses to the blog posts. I feel bad about this one but if I go back on my rules I'll have to go back on everything. Stick around though, I'll get your name entered in my second giveaway.


I am enjoy using Chaos Dragon as well and looking to get a few more for its blast ability upgrade. Finding ways to use high mana card effectively is one of the things I enjoy about splinterlands.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year @doombledore!!!

Welcome to the community. High mana cards can be tricky but very rewarding when you figure out a could technique with them. Splinterlands wouldn't be splinterlands without them.

In regards to the Chaos Dragon, unfortunately, you don't qualify per my rules listed above.

Rule 2.png

In looking at your comment history it shows this is your first comment. I want to be as fair as possible to those that have been active on the website and incentivise those that are new to get involved here. It will only benefit you anyway. However, stick around because I have something up my sleeve. 🤫


First of all, thanks for the giveaway and happy holidays to you!

The one thing I like about Splinterlands is the many viable ways to make passive income, aside from it being a solid strategy game.

Happy Holidays @cutedawako!!!

A plus for sure. It's crazy how everything acquired can be sold as well. From SPS, Dec, packs, cards, vouchers, etc. Very interesting element to the game.

I have you entered in.


Happy Holidays @tim.hendrix

For some reason I was having a hard time replying back directly to you. However replying to my blog worked. hmm... Weird.

You bet! I can't wait to level up my cards for the higher leagues. That seems like where the fun begins with deck building. Those summoners are just expensive to level up, haha!

Anyhow, I have you entered in! Cheers!

Thanks and more power.

Good luck on leveling up the summoners. Am only targeting maxed for silver and it still is ongoing :)

Woo. Amazing giveaway. Happy holidays!

Happy Holidays @magooz

Thank you! Figured it would make someones day a little brighter.

Respond back with one reason why you like SP and I'll enter you in.


The community is why I love splinterlands. Plenty of other reasons exist but the generosity, helpfulness, friendship and caring of this gaming community is the best I have ever been a part of.

All valid reasons to like SP. Community seems to be the going reason so we're doing something right.

I have you entered in.


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Christmas Challenge - 1000 Hive Power Delegation Winner
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Leaving a comment for myself as a timestamp. Entries have ended for this gifting, and the winners will be announced momentarily.