
There are many bot services available that non-coders can use, and those tend to actually be much better than individual custom-coded software from what I've seen, so I don't see any reason that coders will have an advantage.

well here´s a reason Matt: No token needed to be bought for the bots and no fees for using the bot-service if you can code.

 4 months ago  

Why do we want to open up our reward pool for exploitation again when we fought so hard to get rid of the bots from modern. No problem with the new game mode but I am uncomfortable about the reward pool exploitation

I don't intend to open up our reward pool for exploitation. This mode is quite different than the other game modes we have, and it's very difficult to predict what the possible exploits will be or how they will work out ahead of time. I know a lot of people have thoughts on how it can potentially be exploited, and they may or may not be correct, but I prefer to try it and find out rather than try to guess. I suspect we would end up spending time addressing some exploits that never end up panning out in reality, and missing other things that we didn't anticipate.

The plan is to release the format, see what issues come up, and then address them quickly. We have many different ways to address all of the different possible issues that we can think of, so we are going to see what comes up and then decide (together with the community) which way(s) are best to resolve them.

 4 months ago  

I understand and I know that you have been bot neutral, however that neutrality has almost cost us everything. There is nothing wrong with a new game mode. But why open it up for bots? Why can’t we have the mode just like modern. I understand it won’t be a lot of games and yea it won’t cater to that certain clientele.

For years every single update or change was designed to curtail bot and finally with the introduction of wild pass we ultimately stopped the leak. Why open up a whole league and test the same hypothesis that: “if you let people exploit they will exploit”. We already know this!

Because it could boost the economy if done right, but I agree with you, a free entry for sb bot accounts is not the way to go for sure. The season pass didn´t stop the leak, bots have rotated to free brawls with 0 investment and now Matt is suggesting that adding another revenue stream for accounts that dont put in anything at all might not be an issue. On the other hand if we allow this to happen for let´s say 1-2 seasons, I think this can provide better data, to then put in a season pass for the new mode, at a reasonable price.When the season pass was implemented it crashed the rental market and the card market as a consquence,because it simply was and is too expensive, so bots left. You guys should meet in the middle with this and try to get the bots back in, but in a way where they have to rent a decent deck in order to make a profit.

 4 months ago  

I am concerned about returning bots draining the reward pool.

With soulbound rewards cards (including summoners), and tens of thousands of idle accounts loaded with SBR cards, this seems like an incredibly obvious and very serious issue that was overlooked.

I assure you that it was not "overlooked". We recognize that it might be an issue, but it is possible that it might not be, or might not be an issue in the way we think. As a result, the current plan is to put the format out and see how it goes. Then we will watch and see what the actual issues are and address them quickly.

If we need to not allow soulbound reward cards in Survival mode, then we will do that - it will be very quick and easy to do. I think it would be better overall, however, if soulbound reward cards can be used, so I would prefer to make sure that measure is actually needed rather than doing it preemptively. It may also turn out that there are better ways to address the issue of the idle bot accounts than banning SBR cards from the format as well.

That's my n1 concern as well...