DeepBlueDivers guild expands buildings, welcomes new members

in Splinterlands11 months ago

The guild Deep Blue Divers continues to progress in the the play to earn game Splinterlands, or is it pay to earn?

Either way, the guild is growing.

Screenshot 2024-04-15 133722.jpg

Membership has reached full capacity at 16 members until the Hall is expanded. Hall expansion will probably be two seasons away. In the meantime, the guild has decided to focus on enlarging the barracks. We are more than half way to level 2, which will allow the use of Gladiator cards in brawls.
Gladiator cards should be a big advantage as the guild continues to brawl. So far, participation from Guild members in brawls has been very good. Brawl participation is now at 100% with more than 50% fray fill rate.

As members add more soulbound cards, we anticipate that the fray fill rate will continue to increase.

Since the guild is growing and gaining status, we made a few membership changes this month. First, new members are request only. Second, each member is requested to donate 200 GP to a building or complete focuses so the Lodge can reach level 2 each season. This is a very small price to pay since Brawl participants are averaging 700 merits and 10 SPS per brawl each a season. As we continue to grow, that SPS number will only increase.

After we added the 200 gp requirement, we lost about 5 members, but those spots were quickly filled by active participants. Guild leadership has a few ideas to help out members, so we will drop news in the Tavern as we get those into play.

Members can comment below and if you want to be on the list to join the guild, add a comment or send us an in-game request. Screenshots from Splinterlands, content from DeepBlueDivers.


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