I will be giving away free DEC and Splinterlands cards, I want to give back to the Splinterlands community for being to king and helpful to me and all new players there are a couple people I would like to thank before I show the prizes though. I would like to thank Lyerpald for getting me into this game and getting me into a great community and helping me get started with all the cards he delegated to me thanks again man. and i want to thank all the players who helped me by sending me cards and dec and all the stuff I need to get started. OK so here are the rewards:
0-15 Likes :
Gargoya Lion
Pelacor Conjurer
Venari Heatsmith
15-30 Likes :
10 DEC
Gargoya Lion
Pelacor Conjurer
Venari Heatsmith
Twilight Basilisk
30+ Likes :
15 DEC
Gargoya Lion
Pelacor Conjurer
Venari Heatsmith
Twilight Basilisk
When we hit each goal more rewards will be unlocked to choose from the first goal you can pick one prize from it the second you can pick 2 and the third you can pick 3 prizes. To enter you just have to Tip, Like, Comment your Discord so I can message you if you win, and Follow to Enter the Giveaway. I will pick all the players and randomly pick one player and then I will message you on discord so you can pick your prizes and I will make a post announcing the winner of the giveaway one week from the posting of this article. Good Luck to All!
Discord: MechaKing25#2864
Reddit: u/MechaKing2616
Rising Star Referral: https://www.risingstargame.com?referrer=mechaking25
Splinterlands Referral: https://splinterlands.com?ref=mechaking25
Hey man, thanks for the giveaway! Count me in! eirth#6962
Feel free to check out my giveaway as well I’m giving away a Djinn Renova!
count me in
!Gif dancing-8bits IGN: @amaillo-m
Via Tenor
discord: phicleo | Animal Society│恐龍社群#1648
Posted using Splintertalk
I'm in
I'm in!