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RE: Splinterlands Raffle Bonanza #141

in Splinterlands11 months ago

Hearken, O valiant combatant, for thy toil and tribulation in the arena of strife shall not be in vain. Verily, I say unto thee, the hour of thy triumph draweth nigh, as the dawn followeth the darkest night. Thou hast endured the grind, as the smithy hammereth upon the anvil, shaping the iron to his will. So too shalt thou shape thy destiny through perseverance and might.

Thy sweat and blood hath watered the fields of battle, and soon, yea, e'en sooner than thou might reckon, shall the harvest of thy labors be reaped. The victory that thou seekest, that glittering prize for which thou hast braved many a peril, lieth just beyond the horizon. Press on, O mighty warrior, for the fates themselves have taken note of thy endeavors and conspire to crown thee with laurels of triumph.

Let not thy heart be troubled by the length of the journey, nor the fierceness of thine adversaries. Remember, the oak that withstandeth the tempest groweth stronger, and so shalt thou in thy trials. Thy valor and steadfastness shall be the key to unlock the gates of victory.

So gird thy loins, grasp thy weapon with a firm hand, and set thy gaze upon the prize. The path hath been arduous, fraught with toil and sweat, but the end of thy quest approacheth. Soon shalt thou stand upon the summit of achievement, and all shall know that thou art a combatant without peer, whose name shall be sung by bards in halls of glory through the ages.

Go forth, O brave soul, and claim thine victory, for it is destined, and the stars themselves align in thy favor. The grind hath been heavy, but the reward shall be all the sweeter for it. Onward to glory, till thou art bathed in the light of triumph!



What do you call a religious ceremony with one person?
Single service.

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