Steemmonsters cards giveaway #116

in Splinterlands4 years ago

Hi guys!

How are you?

I'm curious today: what's your favourite summoner?
So mine is Arlic Stormbringer..he has +1 magic and magic is my favourite attack. Think about it, If you have this guys and you put in yuor team Ruler of the Seas and Phantom of the abyss, this mix will give you +10 magic attack in one round (and that's only at level 1)! That could be terryfing for your enemy.

      • So with this giveaway's posts you can win a card for free, you just have to check the rules below and If you are lucky you win!
        I will post that every 2-3 days or once a week, it depends on how many spare time do I have, I try to post as frequently as possible.
        Here's the card you have the chance to win today:

Barking Spider

Barking Spider.jpg

If you need more informations about this fire's monster, please check the giveaway #72


Congratulations, you won a Sniping Narwhal !
Keep playing and keep participating, you can win again!The winner of last giveaway is @ralphidash



It is very very easy to partecipate:

  • add a comment writing whatever you want, for example I am in or I will win the card
  • tag your steemmonsters player name in your comment or someone else if you want to give a gift to a friend
    upvote and reblog is really appreciate but not a must

I'll put all names into a random name picker to decide the winner.
At least 5 participants are required, otherwise this giveaway will be canceled.
I will send the card to the winner after a couple of hours or in a few days, when I have no time.

Good luck!

You're not on Splinterlands?? Join it now!

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New to the game so hopefully my beginner's luck is strong

Congratulations you're the winner!

Thank you! Just a quick question, my ign is RAYVER0329 on Splinterlands. How can I receive my reward? once again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart

Just realized that steemmonsters and splinterlands is one and the same. I'm sorry, I'm pretty new to this!

winning a barking spider would be cool
ign: @ summoner-cha
thanks for sharing with us ;-)

Please include me in the giveaway :) @finris

Please count me in

I'm still trying to learn how to play splinterlands😅

Count me in for giveaway #72

Count me in!

I'm in!
IGN thaddeusprime

barking spider is always good i am in @bladesong

Hi Massimo, thanks for doing this giveaway. Every card helps for new players :) IGN hairyskinback

Good luck!Im in @tabs1250

Spin the wheel! @fiiii

Thank you for the chance @jmehta

Hi. Please include me on this giveaway. ign:jzeee

Count me in! IGN: toypitz

Hi I want to join in this giveaway. ign:krstnx

mine is owster rotwell because it's fun to return magic damage!

ign: mozzie5

I'm in! mimosa is the bomb <3 ign: seyfert

Thanks for the opportunity, will win this card ! @thura07

I'm in ign: lokiroki

I'm in. Like most non-mavericks right now I need all the collection power I can get with prices going crazy in both buy/sell and rental markets. @half-fast

Please count me in

I'm in!
Thanks as always :)

IGM: @sixpsy

Putting my name in the hat again.

IGN: cgravy

Excited for this giveaway! @extraeliel

I am in!
Ign luckyshot1

I'm in! 🍀

lets go free card

I just started yesterday and i just discovered the give aways on the discord :) This is my first one @nftm0n4rch

count me in!
ign: happypechay

Hello, please I'm in ! ^^

Hi everyone, good luck to me. @eclipse81

i'd like to participate :D
ign: @mirage-mage

and my favorite summoner is Pyre, that speed boost helps me alot sometimes

I participate)

I'll test my luck 😊

@handtalk5 here for the spider

Happy to add anything beyond the starters to my deck! @vintagekenwood is me!

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