in Splinterlands3 years ago

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Hello, Welcome to Ml-Blog

I bring you another write up in respect to the weekly share your battle challenge of the splinterlands community. On this edition, the splinter Xenith Archer was chosen as the theme. For directives on how to be a participant of this weekly post, please refer to the 👉announcement post.

Each time we set out on a battlefield, we do so having prepared a strategy in mind. Here today, you will get to witness a won battle with the Xenith Archer splinter Using the Void ability of GARGOYA SCRAPPER as a defense mechanism... Before heading properly to the game, let's take a look on some of the stats of Xenith Archer.

Xenith Archer

Xenith Archer is a neutral rare unit card with a low mana cost. This low mana cost make this card very versatile. It can fit in as part of the major fighters in a battle or as a mere completion of team members. Being a neutral card, Xenith Archer is supposedly available to all battle unless stated underwise by the battle rule.

Xenith Archer at all levels, never developed any special abilities. Changes can be seen in its health, speed and damage moving from the first to last level. Xenith Archer belongs to the group of splinters with ranged weapon


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Battle with Xenith Archer

Set RuleReverse Speed, Low speed attacks first
Mana Cap14

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Link to Battle

This week's battle is presented above in a gif format with a provision of the original battle link underneath.

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Team Selection & Arrangement


Battle PositionCard Stats & Position Justification
Summoner: General SloanGeneral Sloan, the rare life summoner was best suited for the intended strategy. With the battle having a very low mana cap, there was need to carefully select teams of low mana with great impact. Sloan came in as the summoner option for its ability to enhance range damage and also its moderate mana cost. Although, there are other life summoners with mana cost lower than that of Sloan, but just as earlier stated, Sloan fits best for my intended strategy
P1: GARGOYA SCRAPPEROrdinarily, this card seem not dangerous but not with its advanced level. GARGOYA SCRAPPER from level three is a nightmare for magic attack monsters, especially those monsters with only one magic damage. This is so because GARGOYA SCRAPPER develops the void ability from level three which is the level card used for this battle. Why the choice of this card as defense? Most times, team selection option is done considering the opponent's last played teams. Checking my opponent's last battles, I noticed a water element run which was dependent on magic monsters. This brought about the option of GARGOYA SCRAPPER as defense. Also Scrapper is very versatile with a mana cost of just one which is an advantage for low mana cap battles as this
P2: CRYSTAL WEREWOLFAlso a rare life element card, crystal werewolf fits perfectly to the game plan. With mana cost of 3, 2-speed, and 5-health in level one, werewolf was selected as best option. Since Scrapper is standing in as defense, it was necessary to offer it solid support. This is where werewolf comes in. Its ability to reduce magic damage by one will further help scrapper withstand monsters with 2 magic damage Werewolf also attacks the opponent with one melee damage but can attack only in front position
P3: VENARI CRYSTALSMITHAnother rare card VENARI CRYSTALSMITH came into the battlefield with her one ranged damage with was enhanced to 2 by the summoner. Her being in the battle was crucial both in attack and as a heal tank for the Frontline card. With four mana cost and four health, Cystalsmith fit perfectly to the game plan. From the third position, this card supported the defense card with her heal tank ability and effected two ranged damage on the opponent's monsters. Crystalsmith used in this battle was a level one card.
P4: Xenith ArcherArcher 🏹 did exactly what it was sent to do. Positioned in the back for elongated stay in battle, Archer was able to eliminate opposition monsters with its enhanced 2 ranged damage

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Battle Commentary

First, this was a battle of rares as all my team originated from the rare card family. The battle kicked off with General Sloan enhancing the ranged attack splinters with an additional one ranged damage. Opponent's summoner did have negative effect on magic but fortunately for me, my strategy wasn't built on magic.

Crystal Werewolf effect wasn't felt because the opponent's monsters already has only one magic damage which cannot be effective on Scrapper's void ability.

It wasn't one of those fast battles as it took a total of six rounds to determine a winner, but one commendable thing is the fact that all my monsters remained standing till the end.

If not for Venari Wavesmith who supported the opponent's team with an additional 2 shields, it would have probably been only a two rounds fight.

How Effective Was My Strategy

Without having any of my monster eliminated in the battlefield, it can be said that my strategy was 100% effective. The strategy was a two-way strategy with magic suppressor as defense and ranged as attack. The positioning of the cards was also perfect, but it wouldn't have been that perfect if the opponent should have optioned for sneak or snipe attack monsters. In summary, it was a deserved victory.

My thoughts on Xenith Archer

Every card in splinterlands plays a vital role one way or the other. Personally, I have used Xenith Archer more as a team completion strategy. But just as previously said, in a low mana cap battles, you can't help but bring Archer onboard. The card to me is weak but at the same time useful. Its weakness comes from its small health. The best way to have Archer in the battlefield is to make a protection strategy for it, in that way its impact will be felt.

For this week's SYBC, I will have to draw the curtain here. Thanks for your views and steady support. Keep reading ML-Blog.


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