Step 1: Access the Events Page
Access the Events Page: To get started, select the Coliseum icon in the main menu of Splinterlands.
Create Tournament: Click the "Create" button to start the process.

Step 2: Pay the Tournament Creation Fee
On the "Create Event" page, you'll see a 2,000 DEC fee that you must pay to create the tournament. This fee is fixed and is not refundable, even if the tournament is cancelled.
Prizes: You'll also need to pay any amount you decide to allocate as prizes, which will be held in escrow and automatically distributed to the winners.
Cancellation: If the tournament is cancelled because not enough players signed up, you will be refunded the prizes, but not the 2,000 DEC fee.

Step 3: Setting Up Your Tournament Schedule
In the scheduling window, you need to fill out the following details:
Event Name: Choose a name that describes your tournament well.
Start Date and Time: Decide when it will start.
Event Type: Choose between Single Elimination or Any Time.
Sit N Go: Toggle this on if you want the tournament to start as soon as the spots are filled.
Game Mode: Select between Modern or Wild.
Description: Explain the purpose of the tournament, how to contact you (such as on Discord or social media), or if you want to promote your clan or brand.
Note: Avoid creating the tournament at the last minute, as the system needs time to register it.

Step 4: Define the Entry Requirements
In this window, set the entry requirements for your tournament. You should consider the following:
Entry Requirements: You can set a minimum number of players (minimum 4).
Entry Costs: You can decide whether players pay an entry fee in tokens such as SPS or DEC.
Step 5: Adjust Tournament Rules
Here you can set up the tournament rules, such as:
Leagues: Choose the league in which the tournament will be played, which determines the level of cards allowed.
Card Sets: Decide which card sets can be used. You can also ban legendary cards or legendary summoners.
Number of Wins: Define how many wins are required in the regular rounds, in the qualifying round, and in the finals.
Step 6: Set Up Prizes
In this window, you define the prizes for the tournament winners:
Position Prizes: You can award different prizes for various positions. By clicking the "+" icon you can add multiple types of prizes per position.
Prize Types: Prizes can include tokens such as DEC, SPS, HIVE, and more.
Custom Prizes: If you decide to use non-Splinterlands-related prizes, be sure to include contact information in the tournament description so that winners can claim their prizes.
Step 7: Sponsor Information
Here you can add details about the tournament sponsor:
Sponsor Name: Enter your name or the name of the sponsor.
Event Logo: Add a logo to customize your tournament.
Arena Background: You can select a background that will be displayed on your tournament page.

Step 8: Review and Create the Tournament
In the next window, review all the details of your tournament. Make sure everything is correct before you start, click the "Create" button.
Step 9: Paying Prizes
Once you create the tournament, you will need to make the payment for the prizes. If the tournament is cancelled for any reason, the prizes will be returned, but not the 2,000 DEC fee.
Thanks for sharing! - @rehan12