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RE: Upcoming Changes to the new Ranked Reward System

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Hopefully these new changes will help balance things out a little better. I have only played 1 day so far this season do to being frustrated with the new rewards system. The new system is supposed to be better but I finished off last season in gold 3, when I started this season I started in silver 3. Starting in bronze 1 the previous season I needed 5k points to get 1 chest, starting off this season in silver 3 I need 18k points to get 1 chest. Only receiving 2k - 3k points per win it took me 8 battle wins to get 1 chest, this is the opposite of better in my oppinion.

I don't mind working for rewards but I think starting off a season needing 8 wins for just 1 chest is to much and doesn't make me want to play more, in fact it makes me not want to play at all. The alternative in my view would be to not play this season and fall down to bronze 3 where I would need a very low amount of FP per chests and grind it out to end off in gold 3 and get like 100 chests at the end of the season. It seems the best strategy would be to take every other season off to maximize the rewards.

I do realize this is all still new and there will be some adjusting to balance things out to a fair but fun system for everyone and look forward to seeing how things work out.