A New Card? :D

@Splinterlands Here is my entry for @Splinterlands Art Contest week 156



IN LIGHT, THE DARKNESS is a mysterious monster that remained dormant in the Angel Summit. It is the darkness of souls. Creatures visit the Angel Summit bringing dark yearnings and fear. This creature has no name but is fueled by these feelings of despair. It comes to life to feed. And cannot be banished until it has. Once it's hunger is sated, it dissipates into the floors and walls of the Angel Summit.
image.png``True Strike will be available from level 1. It allows In Light The Darkness to ensure it will land attacks no matter what. This is intentionally a double edged sword because it balances Resilience.
image.png``Like True Strike, the Piercing ability is available at level 1. Piercing is the ability to attack through armor. And again this is to balance the new Resilience ability.
image.png``What makes this card powerful is this NEW ability: Resilience. This ability allows the monster to survive all damage until it has killed at least 1 monster! This ability will be available at level 2.
image.png``Finally we have Taunt which forces all enemy monsters to focus on this card before any others. Now this is what In Light The Darkness is really all about. This ability will be available at max level.


I decided to try something different this time. A card idea I've had for a little bit. Hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think. How would you use a card that couldn't die until it killed an enemy? Do you think it's balanced properly? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Next week I'll be back with my comedic artful approach lol. I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading.


Very cool

thank you! :D