Splinterlands Contest!! Win a GOLD FOIL Pelacor Mercenary!

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)


Its Giveaway Time!!!

Hello everyone! In anticipation of my 100 Subscriber party on Twitch, I'd like to do a giveaway right here on Peakd! I want to give back to this wonderful community, and what better way than to give away free stuff?


How to Enter!!!

There is only ONE requirement for entry into this giveaway. In the comments below, tell me what Splinterlands means to YOU and how it has changed your life. I will be reading these with my children, and we will chose the winners together! If English is not your native tongue, don't worry! You can write in English the best you can, and/or in your native language. We can use Google Translate. We want everyone to be able to participate!

The Prizes!!!

The grand prize is a Gold Foil Pelacor Mercenary!! Second and third place will each receive a regular foil Venari Crystalsmith. I will choose the winner a week from today, on Saturday, December 4th.

Pelacor Mercenary_gold.jpg

I can't wait to hear about what Splinterlands means to you! Be sure to follow me on Twitch, and join me for my party on Monday night! Luthien1289 on Twitch

There are 2 pages

For me I see Splinterlands as a game that I enjoyed so much and not an investment that you always checking the tokens chart hahaha also It change my life, it teach me to wakeup early to renew my rentals!

splinterlandscardmaker-UPVOTED!- (1).png
Splinterlands card maker

Splinterlands means hope to me. In a time, where many worries and needs oppress us daily, Splinterlands is like a beacon in the horizon. I doesn't mean only a way to escape of reality, but also a way to help you to get back on your feet: financially and emotionally. The Splinterlands community is strong and always willing to give you a hand. It means entertainment, but also friendship and love.

It was so hard to choose winners for this giveaway, I wish that I could give a card to ALL of you!

Here are the winners.
1st place: @lipe100dedos
2nd: @drabs587
3rd: @squintsx

I will be sending out prizes shortly!

I just got the card and came to see peakd.
I was very happy to have been chosen, thank you so much!!!
Thank you so much not only for the card (which will certainly help me a lot as I'm trying to get mine to lvl 6 ) but also for all the support you beren and all the other wonderful people in this community have given to us who have recently joined.
Thank you very much for everything!!! <3

Thank you, there were some really amazing replies in here it just goes to show how much of an effect this game has had on so many of us. I still am shocked how a video game can have the effects it has had on us. Yes, it is the community but how we all found out about this relatively at the same time is crazy. Reading all the comments but also seeing it in the streams and discord how it has had such a profound effect on this many of us is incredible.

I have tried to tell a good friend of mine who was going through the same stuff I was about it but he was not interested in it what so ever mainly because of the crypto aspect. I'll be honest the crypto space is still so new to me and I do feel lost at times but the people here do so much to help me understand it but also come together to make you feel welcomed. I'm so happy and lucky to have decided to take that leap of faith 4 months ago even though it was something so completely new to me it has provided me with something I could never repay. Companionship and support like no other this is the best place I have ever been and wouldn't give it up for anything.

!PIZZA & !LUV What better combination than that 💜

Thank you @luthien12! I enjoyed this very much and appreciate the reward!!

Splinterlands means hope to me. It gives me hope by giving me an extra passive income, as the bread winner in our family I make sure that I could help my family,or paying the utility bills through selling extra cards/DARK ENERGY CRYSTALS and SPS Token. I also have met many good friends and people that helps me through my Splinterlands journey and I am proud to tell that you're one of them Momshie Luthien. Hope I win your contest, or if not the deserving one could get it. More power and blessings!

I am almost out of voting power but who cares I need to upvote this post!

Hi mamshie, first of all I am so glad for your achievement! You deserve it!

Splinterlands means a lot to me, this is my first NFT game and this is literally my first crypto! I was hoping to earn money in playing this game, that was my goal!

And guess what? You guys happened 😍 I have earned money along the way, yes, but the best thing that really happened to me is not earning money/crypto in the game, the best thing is meeting a lot of great people along the way and that is way way way more important than the money I earned from this game, I don't even care about if I earn or not anymore, and to be honest my earnings has got down drastically, mainly because of the new updates, and you know I tend to giveaway a lot, but sadly I have to change that now(but something positive I am now helping @clove71 distributing her giveaways), but I am happy I have known all of you, everyone motivates me and keeps me going into reaching my dreams, Splinterlands give me something I could live for, and that is helping anyone who is in need, little by little I will be able to help a lot of people and that is my goal, since I have also received a lot of help from the community.

So what Splinterlands mean to me? It means a lot, and it means second chance, this is where I meet people I could even call Family <3

We are building a great family in here, and I will do everything in my power to help everyone and keep this family growing by spreading positivity. That's what it means to me <3

Again Congrats mamshie and more power and more blessings to come your way 😍


This is sweet @ivarbjorn ! All you said was 100% real. The people that we met and the bond that we have established and have been establishing in-game are way way way more important than the "earnings" that we could ever get in SPL. I share the sentiments too btw, I started my very first NFT game too!

Yes bro, a lot of people feels this way! And this is what makes splinterlands special! Everyone seems to have this sentiments!

If you wish you can read this too, not part of the contest though. It gave me a thought so I just posted something about it

I met splinterlands on September 12th of that year. At first I was looking for something to invest in the world of nfts and play2earn(splinterlands is my first play2earn).
I met through videos on youtube and casually entered only with the spellbook.
That same week I had 2 bad news that completely changed my life.
One is very personal and I prefer not to write here and the other was that I would have to close my dance school as the finances were very bad and we did not survive the crisis generated by the pandemic, added to an incompetent government that not only did not help companies to overcome the crisis, as it made life very difficult for many families.
This week my floor completely collapsed, I had the worst days of my life.
After the company closed I had difficulty getting up every day, I just got up to do the daily quests and have lunch and went back to bed, I started watching lives and videos, I started to learn more about the game and I started to see 2 things .
First, the debts I owed to the company could actually be paid through play2earn games.
And second, the positive messages from the community and streamers (especially @Clove71 ) and the way in which the community helped each other gave me hope in people.
Today there are days when I still have difficulties to do my tasks, but every day I get up to learn more about investments, splinterlands and trying to recreate my assets and reserves.
Every day I watch my favorite streamers' lives and this is a highlight of my day and I hope that soon I will be able to give back some of what the splinterlands and Hive community has done for me!

Greetings friend Hive, stop by with the intention of reading something about Splinterlands and it turns out that now I'm participating in a contest hahaha. I tell you, Splinterlands for me represents my first connection with the world of nft games, and I think it was a good arrival, taking into account that I am in one of the best nft games that can exist, apart from that, it is a reunion With the study's attention to mathematics, I also accept that the anguish began to accompany me as I lost some games; Splinterlands also represents the encounter with my childhood, exactly my time in primary and secondary school, I played a game very similar to this at recess. Today I am fully committed to Splinterlands, studying and strategically executing all the methods to achieve better success.

To me splinterlands means opportunity, you can earn by playing while usually you pay to play for free,but also earn from staking,airdrops,rents,sell but for me also means Hope, having a child and with a wife Who Lost her job, its hard Times and this game can help, i have seen cards sold for 50k and tracts for 70k, if the playerbase grows a lot Who knows how much value can get a common Gold card...at the Moment It hasnt really changed my Life, i am sitting in silver 3, stuck by Power requirements so i am not having huge earnings, but It takes time as everything in life, i gotta Say that i have always being a competitive player at High level but modern games are boring and crap, splinterlands gave again some motivation

THX for the giveaway!

Ign @davideownzall

Splinterlands started as just a game to me but rapidly shifted to FOMO. Not even financial FOMO, just competitive FOMO. I bought cards because I saw the utility that others found in a card. It was only through the twitch explosion that this game acquired its present meaning of community.

Having others to discuss the game and financial sides with, to help and be helped by means so much more to me. It would be sad to see my card value drop significantly if something suddenly shifted but the loss of the community around this game would be far worse. I haven’t had a gaming community like this in over a decade and it’s important to recognize that this isn’t easy to come by.

Hello Luthien!
I invested only a small amount to the game and I have been playing for 3 months now. Expectation is that with such low investment, I'll earn a small amount too. Even so, the return turned out to be pretty great! But to be frankly honest, at this point, I do not care that much about what I earn because I have to think for the long term. What keeps me playing the game is the enjoyment. I really like the gameplay as it is quite unique. Splinterlands changed the way I look into NFT games. I realized that it is not all about the return or the income, but instead, the fun and enjoyment from the game.

it is one of the best nft game i had ever played, so much to do while earning

Where do I even start, without Splinterlands, I wouldn't have met you and so many other amazing people. It has changed my life bringing me out of the anti-social depressive pit to being a happy and uplifted person in this community. I can't even begin to thank all of the people that have supported me on my streaming and blogging journey. There are so many and it has been so special to feel loved and welcomed in a place for once. I consider the Splinterlands and the hive community my family I have no one else other than my parents and my best friend in my life that I feel this way about. Without finding out about this wonderful place who knows where I would be right now but I lost all the motivation and passion in life before being here. Now I'm excited to wake up each and every day and connect with you incredible people.

Congrats again on 100 subs that is an amazing accomplishment so early on in your streaming journey, this kind of growth and community will be found nowhere else.


splinterlands is the best game with a great community
ign uirw2.wam

Awesome giveaway, thanks!
Splinterlands... It was my first dive into Blockchain gaming and a play to earn model. It has been met with great joy and some frustration (mostly because I'm still relatively new 2 months in).
Congrats on 100 subscribers. Keep up the good work. !PIZZA

I was initially looking for a game that will earn me some money. Splinterlands did not only gave me that but it also allowed me to enjoy the game while also interacting with people that I don't personally know which I don't usually do. Cheers to everyone in the community.

Splinterlands for me is combining fun and a chance to change my life! Could it really get much better?!
I have a nice life, but maybe there's a small chance Splinterlands will make it so I can feel better prepared for the time that me and my girlfriend will inevitably have kids - and just let me lead a little bit more care-free life, where I can work for fun and for charitable causes, rather than just for money!
I also just simply love strategy games and Splinterlands scratches that itch :)

Giveaway! Let me join pls! thanks!

One form of fun or maybe frustration in some days when getting stomped.

My coworker introduced this game as a way to earn but what hooked me up was the game itself and its collectible cards.

Winning streak that makes you feel smart, putting up a good counter, being countered, the misses that makes you think this game is against you, being lucky, being dumb and many more things that makes you feel wrecking this game, all of that makes the Splinterlands a good game.(Please dont ask about whats the feeling of earning since I only play the game for fun, haven't earned or converted anything yet (I dont know how)).


Oww Giveway 🤩
Splinterlands was the only blockchain game that gave me an excellent return with almost zero investment, I just have to thank the game and the amazing splintelands community.

Because of Splinterlands

  • I discovered hive community.
  • I started watching livestreams.
  • It changed my view about nft games. I played a lot of nft games before Splinterlands and I noticed that they vanish or lose value within a month or 2. I kind of regret that I've just known this game last August because I already invested most of my money in some games that I can't sell yet or play and the value keeps dropping. I love how fair and balance the game is DEC is circulating through rentals and market.

So that's it !. Have a nice day @luthien12 😘

Splinterlands has been a huge changed in my life since I started and up to this moment, my uncle who's just happen to saw a post about a person posting about splinterlands saying that it just cost 10 dollars to start and earn. And after that my uncle gave me the money to get started in it then from the scratch with not much yet information about the game and through the crypto world itself, I started learning not just the game but the whole environment surrounding the game. well I don't want to make this so long (I can put this in my introduction post if I got the guts to post lol) so long story short I have earn not just money to pay for my internet but earn knowledge and the most important is friends (including you ofcourse hahaha) and I'm proud that I'm in this community because its such a good experience so far.

Splinterslands is a fun and cool game
it has helped me learn about the hivechain
happy christmas to all, wish you have a great one

hi luthien!

Splinterlands made me realize I shouldn't be playing any games that don't allow me to have fun and earn at the same time.

goodbye old games that just sucked up my time!


Splinterlands was my first experience with play 2 earn.
my mind was blown that i could play a game that was fun and get paid to do it.
Each day has been a fight to rank up. Whether the day ends in defeat or victory, I look forward to being charged and ready for the next day.

Splinterlands to me means many things, but I think most importantly I see it as hope and change.
I mean the game itself is amazing; anyone can pick it up and have fun with it, but on a deeper level, its building a platform, community, and economy that can (and I believe will) help shape the future for everyone.
For example, take sps staking and governance for example, we have this amazing decentralized system where we can guide the future of a project, not only just share in the profits. When you have a system in place like that, maybe it becomes reasonable to experiment a little with how things are managed or done, and that's how we can find new ways or better solutions to problems. Through experimentation and stuff like that, we could take what works and directly apply those new types of governance, management or what have you to anything else. We could experiment with new types of governments in game and then translate that to actual cities/states. The opportunities seem solely limited by what we want to do as a community. Many people might just see a game where you can make some money, but I see an emerging new world where we the people finally realize their would be no "product" without them and hope and believe it will lead to widespread social revolutions that will effect more than just the gaming industry, or finance, but everything.

Please Count me in! Nice content

Splinterlands has been a way for me and my friends to play and discuss nft games, its has created a bond on all of us, it has become a culture.

Splinterlands means HOME for me and a FAMILY in it.

When I started playing I can upgrade my Life splinter to Lvl 6 and I can even play in Champion League.
After sometime I feel disappointed and sell all of my cards and stop playing Splinterlands.

Before @contestkings scam exit I replayed Splinterlands again. I am very happy at that time. There are a lots a activity and giveaways. I can collect a lot of cards especially golf foil cards at that time.

At the end of 2020 I took a rest from HIVE and also Splinterlands. Now I am coming again. I feel more comfortable in this trip. I now have hope. Splinterlands is no strange for me. Splinterlands always welcome whenever I came back. I am now in thealliance that is the place I feel comfortable. I am now in a family that helps me a lot.

It is like a home that I can never leave. I can leave home for a month, for a year. But I can not leave forever.

Splinterlands gave me the opportunity to have a little side hustle that I actually enjoy.

It the only gameFi that fun right now. The gameplay and community are great. I dont have much to invest so it not much mean to me like others comment before. But it give me fun on daily. Sorry for my bad English

Don't apologize for your English! It is great. :) You speak a language other than your native language, and that is nothing to apologize for. <3

Hello @luthien12 ! I am Daniel, and I first heard about SplinterLands from YouTube, I cannot say that it "changed my life" but of course it gave me a lot of happiness and I fell in love with it that much, that I am currently developing a random card/deck generator, I started one day ago, and it's starting to take shape already. (It will take a few months to be fully functional)

Anyway, I love Splinterlands, and I truly think it's a fun game, the rewards in crypto it's just the 2nd best part about it.
Also the community of Splinterlands got me wow from first minute, from fanarts, to custom apps/tools for the game, we are a small, but very active community, and I love it! It means that the game is engaging, so no need to prove that it is fun!

P.S: I love your streams,(theskyhelpers, the new follower)

I wish everyone luck on the giveaway,
Yours sincerely,

Congratulations mamshie Luthien! What makes Splinterlands so special to me are the players who inspired me to start doing things I love. It's a light that leads me to you amazing people -including you and the nsg family. That makes Splinterlands more than a game but a home where we can bond and have fun together.

splinterlands is the most enjoyable game for me, i will never quit this game

Hi Mamshie Luthien!

Thanks for this awesome opportunity!

I always wanted to talk how happy and fortunate I am to have found this game and that actually joined this awesome community that we have here.

I don't even know where to start to tell you guys what the game has done to me-Splinterlands is my very first NFT game that I ever dived into. I am an avid fan of Yugi-Oh and Pokemon cards, as well as MTG and when my friend introduced me into this game without hesitation I'm in, this was just last August of this year.

I can't even imagine that after almost 4 months in the game, I have met so much amazing people! I couldn't even tell how to thank all of the people that have supported me on my Splinterlands journey. I started as this lone and lost boy in the realm of crypto games.

There are so many people that I've always been grateful and thankful to, that without them, "kramlyn12" will never be "kramlyn12" in the community. I always make sure that they know how much I am thankful to them.

I consider the Splinterlands and its community my second home; in this space, I feel myself more, I do what I want to do, and I speak what I want to speak. This game and its community has given me the reason to sleep late and wake up early, for real! Who would go to the lore trivia that early, who would watch some streams and waived hello to your friends, who would be awake late at night to talk to someone about the game and in real life.

This game have opened some doors of opportunity for me, from possible earnings, to partnering with people, and most specially to serve into the community that I am in.

Oh before I forgot, Congratulations Mamshie Luthien on 100 subs that is an amazing accomplishment and hope that you reach more good feats on your stream, and please give my regards to the kids!

Watching Twitch streams, everyone's happy and positive. It's a nice break from reality. Splinterlands has helped financially to, my exploration and investment in Crypto and stocks has given me savings for the first time in my life. I'm horrible with money lol.

One o the best card game, i play gods unchained and splinterlands and i love them both, the only problem with my SL is my ign XD, i never knew that i cant change my ign if i use my hive acc. now im stucked with my ign XD.

for me SL opens way to hive community and Hive based games.
Now it's harder to earn in game, but it's funny game

First, I would like to thank @luthien12 for this giveaway. The very first thing that I could relate to in my experience is being a father to two kids. What a wonderful thing to share with your kids! ❤️

How has Splinterlands changed my life? It has changed my life in that I have turned a new page in my gaming career. I have played countless titles, genre's, and console's over my 30 years of gaming; however, nothing can compare to Splinterlands! When I first read an article highlighting the cryptocurrency, ownership, and investment opportunities available within the game I was skeptical. I wanted to check it out for myself. Upon further research I was blown away by how true everything was shared about this game.

Splinterlands has changed my life not only for me, but for my two kids as well; they are 7 and 8 years old and they also enjoy their fair share of gaming from Roblox to Minecraft. I am not a huge fan of the currency systems present in Minecraft Bedrock edition and Roblox; however, if my children are wanting to purchase any of the currency in those games, I don't say "no" outright. I ask them questions about what they are wanting and how they would enjoy it with their game. Sometimes, it's because they don't want to invest the time and energy to earn a reward. I encourage them to work towards that reward without taking "The easy way out" and when they have earned that reward I shower them with praise and tell them how proud I am of them.

Splinterlands changes everything; a financial investment towards this game is an opportunity to appreciate in value. That is HUGE! I cannot tell you how much money I have spent over my 30 years in my gaming career, but never have I experienced a combination of investment, ownership, and fun as I have here. (I spelled the wrong "here"...I was tired haha)


P.S. Also a big thank you to @clove71 for all of your hard work on promoting Splinterlands, other streamers, and the entire Splinterlands community! I found this contest thanks to her discord.

When I see this game on youtube (Splinterlands) the game is cool so I start to register and buy a spellbook. From the start, I'm not interested in playing because I never played any card game before and I only wanted is to invest in the game buy assets sell when the price is high I came as an investor but things change after I tried to play the game and I immediately liked it the game and that's the start of my journey in this game is so amazing and with the community behind are so great and amazing.

Much love fam

Splinterlands is my first pay to earn game. Having fun playing it and still learning and deciding to invest more in it.

Splinterlands has been more than a game for me, it is a daily teaching of how an asset should be managed. In that sense it has changed the way I think about investing, but at the same time it allows me the opportunity to have fun, grow and learn by playing.

Thank you for allowing me to express myself about the game and thank you for the opportunity.

Splinterlands was initially a means of me being able to play and earn something along the side i wasn't expecting so much to come from the game but that has changed to so much more as i delved into the community as well, because i thought it wasn't good to just keep to myself even though i'm a solitaire type of person.

In these times where a lot of people are isolated because of covid it was a way for me to interact and meet new people as this has jammed its foot through the door and entered my life.
Yes Splinterlands is an opportunity to play and earn in a card game I love but it's also a way to broaden my interaction with the many wonderful people here so I hope to be here for a long time to come.

I actually discovered Splinterlands when I was venturing into other crypto games in late July, but I didn't really dive deep until August. I wasn't very familiar with the HIVE blockchain, and I pretty much self-taught my way around navigating the bridge from BSC to HIVE.

Splinterlands has totally changed my gaming life. I have been playing Magic the Gathering Arena for YEARS and my account there has the real-world value of hundreds of dollars. Despite how much time I put into the game though, I could never really translate that into tangible assets. The NFTs I've earned in Splinterlands were a game-changer for me, because years from now, when I want to finally retire my account, my time and attention (borrowing the tagline of @infidel1258) will be worth something in the real world.

As a bonus, I've found the #nosleepgang and you guys have brought out a piece of me that has been wanting to escape for the longest time. The entire Splinterlands community has been nothing but supportive to new members, and I absolutely cannot put a price on the love you've given to us.

Though our time to get to know each other has been short (~2 months), you've all felt like family to me and just hanging out in the Twitch streams is a nice getaway from the real world for a little bit. It gives me (and I'm sure the other members as well) a way to explore different countries and cultures. We're all learning so much about each other and our little group is slowly growing to be a much bigger community.

Ok I think I've gotten a little off-tangent there, but I just want to say that I wouldn't be here, posting this long "rant" about how Splinterlands has changed me, if not for all of you. ❤️

Also, congrats on 100 subs!!! I'm so proud of you, mama @luthien12 😁 you totally deserve it.

upvote banner gif.gif

To me, Splinterland is the first crypto game I fell in love with and after checking its community out. I decided to stay in the game for a long long period. All the streamers playing this game are so friendly and generous! I got a little more competitive now even though I am only close to 1 month old in the game. I liked playing chess and strategy game since I am young but this is the first online card game . I did not play hearthstone before this game as the card inside got no value. However , Splinterlands have a value in it and the gameplay is so fun. Card matters but strategy matters more. It might be unfair against those playing with super strong cards but it feels so good winning them with a fairly cheaper cards which make this game feels balanced "at times"

Hi. I'm a long time gamer. With splinterlands I can get my effort back in crypto. And that's awesome. Btw game is really fun to play and earn. Dream comes true. :-)

Splinterlands was my first play to earn and I marveled at the possibility of winning playing. After I entered splinterlands I met amazing people with similar ideas and who are always helping each other, after all the blockchain is exactly that, you transmit your knowledge and create a trusting relationship.
Splinterlands is an amazing game, fun and allows us to meet extraordinary people, I am more amazed every day.

havent changed much but trying to earn as much as possible ign @limxinhai

When I was a kid, I loved pokemon and yu-gi-oh cards, but I never had enough money to get a huge collection. I loved video games too, and I even remember my dad and other people telling me that it was a stupid hobby because you can't use it for anything or make money with it. (Which is slightly true haha) I tried a few earning games, and some are pretty fun, but splinterlands is what I always dreamed of. Collecting cool cards, battling, making money, having a fun and active community - it's awesome. Every card is worth something, and you can actually sell it. I've been able to start making a decent amount of money too. I spent a lot right off the bat to start a guild for other people who didn't have a ton of money - a guild with no required fees - well karma paid me back because I got a $130 card pull THAT season! It's an awesome way to have fun, collect stuff, engage with friends (and make new ones) as well as invest in a game that actually has value. When my daughter is a little older I hope she enjoys it too. Well, she already does. She loves to tap the chests and open my daily quest rewards on my phone. 😍 My wife also has made art for our guild and is working on some fan art despite not really being that interested in the game. I think my favorite and most life changing experience with the game is simply the community and how helpful most people are. Also that there is something in this game for almost everyone. Even with this post, it's a lot of fun and just really cool! 😊

Splinterlands is like a girlfriend, it always needs more money 😄

hahahahah thats the truth!

Because of Splinterlands i meet new amazing people. The splinterlands community is one of the best one, everyone is so kind and supportive.
Watching the streamers is so much fun and i also learn a lot from them. The giveaways also helped me a lot when i started playing.
i can say that i really enjoy playing this game with all of you!
have a great day <3

splinterlands is great card game and good place to comunicate with people in these lockdown days

There are 2 pages