Splinterlands Battle Weekly Challenge ! ANGELIC MANDARIN

in Splinterlands2 years ago

HELLO Splinterlands family!


This is my first time to participate in this challenge, the theme for this week challenge is about the 'Angelic Mandarin' a rare water monster.

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Early at level 4 Angelic Mandarin acquire its ability to heal the friendly backline monster that has taken the most damage known as TRIAGE. This makes it one of my pick when using water monster especially when the rule set is poison.


The rule set on this battle are equalizer and earthquake. Where monster's initial health is equal to monster with highest health either of the team and non-flying monster will receive two melee damage at the of each round.


I used Verra summoner with snare ability where it gives all monster the ability to remove enemies flying ability and cannot miss when attacking enemies with flying. I think this is the best summoner to use during earthqauke, anticipating that the enemy will use monster with flying ability.

I used level 4 Diemonshark as a tank with enrage and trample ability. This is powerful tank with decent amount of health and shield and damage plus enrage and trample ability at level 4. Amazing tank in water splinter.

Gargoya Lion as a secondary tank with void and flying ability to survive from earthquake. Having flying monster in your team is good for survival when there's an earthquake.

Since it is equalizer match, I placed Gargoya as a third monster with three range damage, close range where it can perfomed range attack from the first position, flying ability to survive from earthquake and deathblow ability at level 4.

I used Deeplurker with 4 melee damage and opportunity ability where it is very useful to remove flying ability to enemies and help friendly monster with sneak ability to kill enemy at the back.

The star for this week "THE ANGELIC MANARIN", I placed it next to Deeplurker and before Pelacor Bandit, Angelic should be placed at the middle away from sneak attack and to take advantage of its triage ability. In this match it helps the team to survive by healing its allies every round.

I placed Bandit Pelacor at the back with sneak and snare from verra which remove enemies flying ability. Having four speed and flying makes team strong at the back.

My thoughts at Angelic Mandarin

I think I use Angelic Mandarin properly. Having ability of triage makes its teammates survive longer. Placing Angelic Mandarin at the middle is the best for it, away from sneak when placing at the back.

I like to use Angelic Mandarin when the rules set are poison, flying and both. Angelic Mandarin's triage ability makes its powerful especially in silver tier (where I am currently battling).

Here is the link of my battle https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sl_be9f2ed6f0f615238ced822da5e21f84&ref=lumens

Thank you!