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RE: Top 30 Most Suggested Cards by the Archmage Splinterlands Hand Selector

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Great Post! This info is incredibly useful for players that want to optimize their gameplay by investing into a few cards... on the Bronze League, Kelya is truly the king!

What I found strange is Quix dominating the Silver League.... any ideas why? Quix is a debuffer (-1 Ranged Attack), so he's (at least in theory) only strong against enemies that go Ranged-heavy... he shouldn't be the "default choice" as you can't be sure what strategy the enemy will play...

Also, can I ask something? A few weeks ago I tried to use Archmage, but gave up after a few minutes as I couldn't understand the differences between the tokens. Is there any post about the differences between ARCHMAGE, ARCHMAGEA and ARCHMAGEB?


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What are the benefits of Alpha (ARCHMAGEA) and Beta (ARCHMAGEB) Passes?

  • Discounts on the future Rewards Fee System. Alphas will see a larger discount than Betas.
  • Alpha-Only Preloaded Balance Alphas receive a preloaded balance to help pay those fees ($10 worth)
  • Prelaunch Airdrops During our Prelaunch promotion, each Alpha and Beta held earns you entries into the 8 weeks of drawings. ARCHMAGEA counts for 2 entries, ARCHMAGEB counts for 1 entry.
  • Future Features As the Archmage project roles out future features, Alphas and Betas will be rewarded whenever possible with Early Access, Free Access (when others pay), or Discounted Access.

All tokens get you access to the service, but Alpha and Beta tokens have the above benefits :)

Personally I think Quix works really well as it allows a speed debuf to combine with other cards that affect speed and miss chance plus the choice of any other available color. It opens up a lot of options for speed play and many different strategies depending on color combination.

Could even have other cards debuf melee/magic to just knock the enemy team down a notch across the board. Just recently acquired quix and a decent level Thaddius and it's impressive. Death and dragon were literally the ones I would reroll haha