Social Media Challenge | Yodin or Jacek? πŸ™ƒ

in Splinterlands β€’ 3 months ago


In the last week of this year I brought a battle, where I faced against a pretty strong Summoner and I lost many battles against him. Luckily I had a secret weapon, so it will be interesting to see who is going to prevail against each other. 😁

Hope you will enjoy the battle like I did! πŸ˜‡




StandardNo changes to gameplay rules or mechanics.

The mana cap was 50, which is quite a lot and it is my special preference, becasue I would be able to build any kind of strategy with any kind of monster that I like. Only the Life Splinter was banned from this battle, which is not a big problem, because there are still a wide variety choice amongst the Splinters.

The gameplay rule was Standard, which means that their would be no modification on the battle rules and mechanics. This is pretty rare especially in higher leagues, but it could happen.

The outcome of the battle will depends only the strategy and monsters in our lineups. πŸ˜‡


My lineup and the decision behind it!

Yodin Zaku


Yodin Zaku is one of the best and one of my favorite Summoner in the whole game and he is almost a very good pick to deal extra damage. He will increase the Ranged attack and Health to all of his friendly monsters by one, but more importantly he will give the Blast damage to them as well, which will provide a huge amount of extra damage in every round. 😊


Main Tank
Grum Flameblade

Grum Flameblade cost a lot of mana, but in return he is one of the strongest tank in the game. He has a lot of Health and Armor and he also has a lot of Melee attack damage. Sadly he has a huge weakness, which is his low Speed. Luckily he is able to increase his stats using his Bloodlust ability, but he need to start killing his targets as quick as possible. πŸ‘


Little Off-Tank
Scorch Fiend

The Scorch Fiend cost zero mana, so it is very easy to use him if you have a space left in your lineup. I used monsters with very high mana, so I couldn't afford to pick up a regular monster for his position. I used him to block at least one attack from the enemy team, which in many cases is also a good option especially if you didn't have any other options. 😏


Real Off-Tank and Damage Dealer

Immolation is a very expensive monster either mana wise and in real money as well. He has a huge amount of Magic damage and it is very difficult to mitigtate that kind of damage especially in a battle where the monsters doesn't have any abilities to protect themselves against it. He also has a lot of Health and the Shield ability, so he is able to act as a perfect tank against the Melee and Ranged attack monsters. 😘


Ranged Damage Dealer
Countess Sinash

The Countess Sinash is one of the best monster using Yodin, because she is quick and has a lot of Ranged attack damage. She also has the Opportunity ability, which means that she will attack the lowest Health monster from the enemy team. That is very good, because Yodin gave her the Blast ability as well, so she will also damage the adjacant monsters of her target. 😊


Cheap Damage Dealer
Fire Beetle

The Fire Beetle cost onyl three mana andhe has +2 Ranged attack damage on his own. Yodin will increase that to three, which is amazing. He ahs the Snipe ability as well, which means that he will target the first Ranged, Magic or non-attack monster from the enemy team. This ability is also perfect for his Blast damage to deal as much damage as possible. πŸ˜†


Last Stander

I used the Tinderlock as my last resort in case the battle would turn out to be bad, because first of all he is a Ranged attack monster, which is amazing with Yodin. Usually a Ranged attack monster is not able to attack from the first position, but the Tinderlock has the Close Range ability, so he can ignore that. His most important ability is his Last Stand, which means if he is the last monster alive in his team he will increase all of his own stats by 50%. πŸ€—




Click on the picture for the replay


My opponent brought Conqueror Jacek who is a very strong Summoner just like Yodin, because he cost 6 mana and gives three abilites to his monsters. The first is that he will increase the Speed of his monsters by two, which is quite strong. He also gives the Scattershot and Piercing abilities to his monsters, so they will attack randomly and if they do more damage than their Armor they are able to carry that extra damage against their Health. 😣

The battle will be very though, because all of their monster was much more quicker than mines, so they started attacking my monsters first. In the first round their Phoenix who also had the Blast damage straight away killed my Scorch Fiend and damage his neighbourghs as well. 😲

Soon after their Chimney attack my Grum who had only one Armor left, which is usually enough to block an incoming Melee or Ranged attack of any amount, but the enemy monsters had the Piercing ability, so he was able to remove that one Armor and deal the rest of his 5 damage to his Health.

The second half of the round was my turn, but sadly none of my monsters were able to deal significant damage, because their tanks were just too strong and my Beetle even missed their Phoenix, because of his high Speed.

My opponent was lucky to hit my Fire Beetle with their Phoenix and I quickly lost my Grum as well who had only two Health left from the previous round. πŸ˜’

My team was next and my Shinash quickly killed their Fire Demon and thanks to her Blast damage she also killed their Shinash as well. 😁


All of our monsters were on low Health, but my opponent monsters started their round as usual. The Phoenix attacked my Tinderlock who survived, but sadly his Blast damage killed my Shinash. πŸ˜•

My only chance to win this battle was my Tinderlock and his Last Stand ability, but the issue was that both of their tanks had Armors (Grum got repaired his Armor and Chimney killed a monster and activated his Bloodlust ability, which gave him an Armor piece), so it was impossible to kill them in one round and my team lost this battle.

I learned a lot from this battle, because the high Speed difference means a lot, but their Elemental Phoenix was the most valuable monster, because he also has the Blast damage using his Magic attacks, which dealt a lot of damage againsst my team. πŸ™ƒ


I like to help new players πŸ˜‰, so if you are just starting this game and you can use my referral link to sign-up and also write me a message on Discord (LordDiablooo#3750), so I will send you 100 DEC and few key cards (delegated for an entire season) to kick off your career in Splinterlands. 😊

If you would like to use some of my dividers I have created for your blog feel free to use them following this link. πŸ˜‰

Thank you so much that you took the time to read my Social Media Challenge for this week. πŸ™
I hope it was informative and you liked it. 🀞

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Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar

Thank you so much for the upvote! πŸ™