Social Media Challenge | Master of the Weapons Training ability! πŸ’ͺ

in Splinterlands β€’ 4 months ago


This week I brought a battle, where I will try to use one of my favorite Summoner with a strange combination from my Weapon Trainers. The Splinterlands team visually updated the battlefield, so things my need a second glance after using the same battlefield for more than three years! 😊

Hope you will enjoy the battle like I did! πŸ˜‡




Tis but ScratchesAll units have the Cripple ability
Odd Ones OutOnly Monsters with odd Mana costs may be used in battles.
Are You Not Entertained?You can summon one additional Gladiator card.

The mana cap was 31, which is not that much and I had to choose to pick up something strong to my front and try to support them from the back. I always love to play with Possibilus, because he enables my second monster to be able to attack from there and I used two monster with the Weapons Training ability to provide him a two different kind of attack. πŸ˜…

The first ruleset will be the Tis but Scratches, which means that all the monsters on the battlefield will reduce their target maximum Health in case they hit them.

The second is the Odd Ones Out, which halves the available monster pool, because none of us will be able to use monsters with even mana cost. This makes a bit a more difficult to assemble my team with only 31 mana, but luckily their are a lot of monsters already in the game.

The Are You Not Entertained? ruleset is an interesting one, because both of our teams were able to use Gladiator cards if we want to. My opponent brought a Gladiator Summoner, so he will be able to use two Gladiator card if he wants to. The Gladiator cards are pretty insane, because they are able to a increase their own stats by one permanently if they manage to kill their target. 😊


My lineup and the decision behind it!

Possibilus the Wise


Possibilus the Wise cost 6 mana as a summoner, which is almost the most expensive in the game, but in return he has three ability to give it to his monsters. He will increase the Health of all of his friendly monsters by two and he also gives the Reach ability to them as well, which means that all the melee attack monsters from the second position will be able to attack. The Trample ability will provide an extra attack to his Melee attack monsters in case they kill an enemy monster. 😌


Main Tank
Kulu Mastermind

The Kulu Mastermind is a very special monster, because he has the Weapons Training ability, so he will give his own attack to the non-attack monsters adjacent of him. Thanks to the Reach ability he will give his own Melee attack to his fellow Noa, so he will be able to attack from there as well. πŸ˜‰


Off Tank
Noa the Just

Noa the Just is quite cheap costing only 5 mana, but he doesn't have too much Health in return, but at least he got some armors. His strong features are his high Speed and the Rust ability, so he will decrease all the enemy armors by two as long as he is alive. 😜


The Weapon Trainer
Daarg Deadblast

Daarg Deadblast cost 7 mana and he is a Weapons Trainer as well, which means that he will increase the Magic attack by one for the non-attack monsters next to him. He also has the Swiftness ability, so he will further increase the Speed of his team by one. πŸ˜‰


Main Healer
Merdaali Guardian

The Merdaali Guardian will be an excellent addition to my team, because she is able to Heal the first monster in my lineup and on top of that she will also receive three Magic attack damage from Daarg. Without the Equalizer ruleset she has low Health, but in this battle she became a formidable monster. 😜


Backline Protector

I used the Albatross to try to protect my backline in case my opponent would bring a Sneak attack monster, because this monster cost only one mana and he is unable to attack. 😌




Click on the picture for the replay


My opponent brought Helios Matriarch as a Summoner, because she is able to use any card from the Dragon Splinter and her abilities will be to increase the Speed of all of her monsters by one. She is also be able to use one additional Gladiator monster if he wishes to do so. πŸ˜‡

The enemy tank was pretty strong especially, because he had a huge amount of Speed and the Void ability, which will essentially halves all the incoming Magic attacks targeting him. That is why my Magic attack monsters were unable to deal significant damage to him, but luckily my Noa and Kulu were able to crack his Armor open with their Melee attack damage.

Most of my monsters were also pretty quick, so they got rid of their Marksrat and Gladiator monster in the second round.

The third round started amazing, because two of my strongest monster started the round and they managed to kill their Venari and Stonefish easily and Noa even used his Trample ability to get an extra attack and finish off their last monster as well. 😁


I like to help new players πŸ˜‰, so if you are just starting this game and you can use my referral link to sign-up and also write me a message on Discord (LordDiablooo#3750), so I will send you 100 DEC and few key cards (delegated for an entire season) to kick off your career in Splinterlands. 😊

If you would like to use some of my dividers I have created for your blog feel free to use them following this link. πŸ˜‰

Thank you so much that you took the time to read my Social Media Challenge for this week. πŸ™
I hope it was informative and you liked it. 🀞

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Thanks for sharing! - @zallin

Good Work, thanks for sharing!

Thank you so much for the upvote I really appreciate it! πŸ™