Lastczar Log 29

in Splinterlands2 years ago


Hi Everyone I was surprised to see this Epic reward, how did I get it you ask? We’ll see below.

4/20 Daily Quest was to use Snipe Power, this is not one of powers I tend to use very often but I thought I would give it a try. My reward was 5 credits

4/21 Daily quest was to use Death Splinter, I decided to roll the dice and switch task, and got Snipe power again. Two days in a row what is the game doing to me I noticed that when I use Fire Splinter with Lava Spider that has snipe power I felt I would have won the match anyways and the Spider didn’t increase the chance of victory. My reward was Legendary Potion

4/22 daily task was Earth, I decided to switch the task yet again and got win 3 battles with no neutral. I usually don’t come across this task very often but I got it done, I used my favorite Fire build and remembered to not use Uraeus, I was able to get it done also using Water Splinter. My reward was Uraeus so maybe I should keep an eye for this task again and hope for a good reward like this again.


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