LastCzar Log 28

in Splinterlands2 years ago


Well its a start of another season for Splinterlands, and I ended the previous season at Bronze 1 rewards so my rating rested to 300.

With my new season and default rating I know a few things my daily reward is going to be mostly likely a potion and I will be outmatch fighting opponents that no matter what I do I'm going to lose its best to get the daily quest done the first few days and then quit instead getting yourself frustrated losing over and over again

4/16 Daily Task was to use Water Splinter which I completed and I got Legendary Potion which was excepted

4/17 Daily Task was to use Death Splinter which I got completed and I got 8 credits

after those two days I set myself to Bronze 2 rating so hopefully I will get a better prize

4/18 Daily Task was to use Fire Splinter, my favorite build against magic bots I bought Lava Launcher and started to experiment using it in 99 mana so far it a success and help finish the task off. I got Pelacor Conjurer

I finished the day with enough rating for Bronze 1 rating

4/19 Daily Task was to use Water Splinter, my second favorite build my reward was Pelacor Bandit

There is a match I want to highlight 26 mana no special rules I rented gold Kelya Frendul and Gold Deeplurker for to help with Brawl matches but came in handy with this match, the MVP was Serpent of Eld as it was able to avoid several attack with the dodge ability,


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