Splinterlands Giveaway #40

in Splinterlands2 years ago

Splinterlands Giveaway #40 von kryptofire

Hello and welcome to me daily Splinterlands Giveaway!!!

I´ll make some giveaways in the Future. 1 Card everyday and every Saturday and Sundays there are 2 winners to Celebrate the Weekend :)

Cards to choose

Ich werde in zukunft givaways machen. 1 Karten jeden tag und am Samstag und Sonntag gibt es 2 gewinner um des Wochenende zu feiern :)


  • Comment on this post what card do you want from the ones in the picture
    If your #Splinterlands username is not the same as here, put it in the comment
  • You don't need to upvote, follow or reblog, but is greatly appreciated (such as beer, pizza, luv, etc.) and will help increase the rewards of future giveaways
  • Your reputation level needs to be 25 or higher, and a single comment per Splinterlands account will be eligible
  • For choosing the winner i will be using https://filoz.info/picker/... and Yes the Winner will receive the chosen card in the following 24h!
Good Luck!!!


  • Kommentieren Sie diesen Beitrag, welche Karte möchten vom den oben gezeigten karten. Wenn Ihr #Splinterlands Benutzername nicht derselbe ist wie hier, geben Sie ihn in den Kommentar an.
  • Upvoten, folgen oder rebloggen sind kein muss, werden aber sehr geschätzt (wie Bier, Pizza, Luv, etc.) und werden dazu beitragen, die Belohnungen zukünftiger Werbegeschenke zu erhöhen
  • Dein Reputationsniveau muss 25 oder höher sein, und nur ein Kommentar pro Splinterlands-Konto ist berechtigt.
  • Für die Auswahl des Gewinners werde ich https://filoz.info/picker/... nutzen.
Viel Glück!!!

The Winner of the last Giveway



Your cards will arrive in de next 24H.

The winner will be announced in the contribution of 21.11.2022.

Der Gewinner wird im Beitrag vom 21.11.2022 verkündet.

Liste of other #Giveway

Splinterlands Giveway

@dk1trade @kryptodenno @alex2alex @hatdogsensei @noctury @kojiri @hoffmeister84 @lorddiablo @sentipl @splinter100dedos @zeruxanime @mhowii @cryptofiloz @danideude @geom @m0rph @vrezion @vikisecrets

Rising Star Giveway

@risingstargame @belhaven14 @pero82 @dubble @jfang003 @stamato @dewabrata @dirego1 @aweee @rtonline @naythan @yeckingo1 @dotz132 @paulriq @rentaw03 @ricardoeloy @albiro2050 @almightygrim @brenlys2000 @ynwa.andree @chechostreet @myanmarkoko @alicia2022 @nane-qts @luizeba @cursephantom @tin.aung.soe @josman831 @freed99 @maurojd @elkingplayer @yeckingo1 @dewabrata @chuiiiiiiii @supriya.gupta

WOO Giveway

@dirego1 @yeckingo1 @albiro2050

Notification List:

@kryptogeier @dk1trade @beeminer @noctury @criptosectadepit @jfang003 @thaddeusprime @luizeba @pero821 @lumpiadobo @kojiri @bilidrg @daniarc @ternizator @dubble @splinter100dedos @gregory-f @engilhramn @ianballantine @mhowii @rtonline @hoosie @ericburgoyne @amaari @bechibenner @yeckingo1 @qoogohome @vrezyy @splinterboost @geom @stamato @bitandi @gs1 @senyong @irisworld @supriya.gupta @alicia2022 @monsterbuster @myanmarkoko @sheikh27n @dragonballfan @assassyn @onw @carlosro @crazyphantombr @akiraymd @middle-earthling @diochen @rayius @cryptopsycho21 @ricardoeloy @dtam @pregosauce @philipp87 @emeraldtiger @mordikkio @stdd @freed99 @nozzy @dragonballfan @carlosro @davideownzall @lumpiadobo @rayius @chillmaw @nupulse @otz955 @ga8ox35 @txrose @mordikkio @myanmarkoko @josman831 @kaiggue @mueeya @blitzzzz @ieronimus @ivaana @gagegida @adysscheryl @vikisecrets @imfarhad @vaynard86 @olaf.gui @treefrognada @marleyroots @arieruzzzz @circlebubble @alexis666 @hivebitsfaucet @freestarbit

If you don't want to get further notifications, please leave this comment:
"Please, stop!!!"

Wenn ich dich von der Notification List entfernen soll dann kommentiere mit:
"Please, stop!!!"


referrals code splinterlands
referrals code coinbase
referrals code risingstar


This post has been given a 5.0% UpVote by the SplinterBoost Community Curation Bot.
Vote For Witness | Delegate HP | Join Discord

Count me in for Merdhampir

IGN olaf.gui

Count me in please for Merdhampir.

Thank you.


count me in please

Merdhampir for me please @ericburgoyne



🍕 PIZZA Party!

I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
ericburgoyne tipped kryptofire (x1)
@noctury(5/10) tipped @kryptofire (x1)
circlebubble tipped kryptofire (x1)
jfang003 tipped kryptofire (x1)
hoosie tipped kryptofire (x1)

Send $PIZZA tips in Discord via tip.cc!

merdhampir wär nice @dk1trade



Credit: fashtioluwa
Earn Crypto for your Memes @ hiveme.me!

I would really like the Merdhampir

please count me in

Count me in

Hello, please count me in for another gaveaway again if thats alright @hoosie - lots of thanks !!!

What's the difference between a taxidermist and a tax collector?
A taxidermist takes only your skin.

Credit: reddit
@kryptofire, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @hoosie

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

Gargoya Lion
Count me in for the giveaway!
Thank you! 🙏
ign: @pero82

count me in please

No winner? why?

Count me in for Merdhampir
@kaeltegott ✌️

merdhampir for me,
IGN: dtam

please count me in. @circlebubble


My Splinterlands username @ieronimus
Good luck!

Hi all, Merdhampir count me in & good luck to all!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Credit: cmmemes
Earn Crypto for your Memes @ hiveme.me!

Count me in

I am in!
Pelacor Deceiver

Count me in 😊 @blitzzzz

Count With me
!gif thank you

Credit: dynamicrypto
Earn Crypto for your Memes @ hiveme.me!

count me in !MEME

Credit: tomakami
Earn Crypto for your Memes @ hiveme.me!

Merdhampir !MEME

Credit: tomakami
Earn Crypto for your Memes @ hiveme.me!

Merdhampir !MEME

Credit: eatthebugs
Earn Crypto for your Memes @ hiveme.me!

Count me in for Merdhampir

please count me in
for Pelacor Deceiver :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I want to participate @supriya.gupta

Vampire Bat
Count me in

Merdhampir please!

count me in thank you

count me in @jfang003

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Gargoya Lion, please.


!gif good luck

Credit: arthursiq5
Earn Crypto for your Memes @ hiveme.me!

please add my name in the draw, thanks

Vampire Bat.

count me in pls!

Please, stop!!!

Count me in !
Thank you! 🙏

Gargoya Lion