You decide which card you win. I give you a selection of 21 cards and you choose your favorite monster.
Three lucky participants will get one monster each!
Choose your prize! Which card do you prefer?

The Rules
It's not necessary mate...
...but an upvote would be great.
I think I don't need to declare...
...that it also would be fair.
A reblog or to follow me...
...also no need, it's voluntary.
The only thing that must be done...
...a simple comment before the cards are gone.
And if you are generously...
...feel free to give presents to me ;)
The gifts that I do think about...
...are beer, luv, pizza, etc. - no doubt.
To participate in this contest, just leave ONE comment with ONE account including your prefered card and your Splinterlands name. More than one comment will disqualify you from the contest. Your reputation level needs to be 25 or higher. Bot comments are ignored.

The winners will be drawn by a Random Winner Picker ( and announced in tomorrows raffle.

The winners of yesterdays contest
Your cards will arrive shortly.

Previous participants
@abdias101, @ace108, @actifit-peter, @acurewa, @adacardano, @adamsteele, @adulruna, @aikido.hung, @alinalazareva, alokkumar121, @amaari, @amaillo, @amanda.yrr, @andrehiker, @andy-plays, @animeshsingh452, @arcgspy, @archimax72, @areth, @ariesnomu, @aritski, @arkasz, @armymalaya, @asdzxc87926, ash, @ashesrisen, @asperger-kids, @atnazo, @aubryd, @axeman, aychaq, @badfinger, @bakuoni, @ballbagins, @banzafahra, @barbafish, @bardot223, @barmbo, @basilmarples, @batman007iscool, @bc-i, @beaverwarrior, @bernardinetti, @bienenfleiss, @bitandi, @bitcoinportugal, @bittrio, @bityobit, @blackheart1, @black-heart-95, @bladesong, @blastx, @blind-spot, @blog-beginner, @blokdilly, @blotokes-g, @blueeyes8960, @bo022, @boboman, @bocatan, @bokica80, @braaiboy, @braveboat, @brissman, @business10x, buzzgoblin, @bxlphabet, @cabalcoin, @can-of-tuna, @cantfoldaces, @celescu, @cflclosers, @cgrave, @chadmichaellibby, @chaoxwinx, @chappertron, @che-shyr, @chekohler, @chel-koby, @chireerocks, @chorock, @chuckrick, @ciderjunkie, @circlebubble, @cloudblade, @coffeedrinker112, @coolgirls, @cooperclub, @costanza, @cpol, @craftsofluv, @criptoanarquista, @crookeddice182, @cryptonnja, @cryptoph0823, @cryptorg, cryptoznewb, @crypto-pilot, @cuko, @d3st1ny00, @dadzis, @danrid, @darmianto5, @darrenleesl, @davel22, @dawnlightman, @declarate, @definethedollar, @delublue, @denboxieval, @dera123, @deraaa, @detlev, @detro10, @diego1306, @diochen, @djm90, dlmmqb1, dongreyy, @donthaveone, @draicor, @drjpooch, @dubble, @duonglata, @dusi, @eclipsi, @edward.martin, @egistar, @elizacheng, @elricmoonslayer, @emd012, @emma001, @engelchen, @enginewitty, @epoq, @erikklok, @erixink, @ervin-lemark.spt, @eshawn, @euphyca, @exator, @eythorphoto, @fasolo97, @felipejoys, @filuris, @finris, @fire-born, @freedomprepper, @freemonster, @freestate-alpha, @freeztag, @fullcoverbetting, @fusion.lover, @fuzzy-melon, @gabrielrr17, @gamemods, @garzug, gd1906, @geiwoyibeipijiu, @genketsu, @geom, @ghua, @globetrottergcc, @goblindoll, @goldturnmold, @goliathus, @gratisuntamed, @greendo, @gregory-f, @grumbkow, @guurry123, @h0rcs0g, @h1c0, @h3m4n7, @hamsterpoweriii, @handtalk5, @hansgans, @happyspoon, @hdverde, @helicopter-d, @hetty-rowan, @highhaschdi, @hilladigahackles, @himotherapy, holoferncro, @iaura, @iceman23, @idea-make-rich, @iamchuks, @imfarhad, @inri, @instaminer, @invest4free, @irisworld, @ironoy, @istiakahamed, @itzunknown, @ivarbjorn, @jacuzzi, @jakkal, @japex1226, @javiermurillo, @jeferybgomez, @jdike, @jeenger, @jeffjefferson42, @jilt, @jjzigen0120, @jkandei, @jmehta, @joecan, @joetunex, @johnnancy, @josip1119, @joycolyte, @jpier, @jzeee, @kamran-rkploy, @kaptnkalle, @karamic.goat, @kidsisters, @kirlosik, @kirstin, @knochenhd, @kobasica, @kojiri, @kotenoke, @kramaric.goat, @kramlyn12, @kupo, @kyuki, @l337m45732, @lammbock, @lannabeiker, @laralq, @las3rbone, @lebastion, @lem4, @lemeonna, @leosoph, @leslieebano, @lesliekitch, @levi-miron, @lexansky, @libertycrypto27, @lightninggears, @litrydow, @lolxsbudoy, @loosestgoose, @lordkingpotato, @lordwinty, @lord-of-fire, @louis88, @luizeba, @lxsxl, @madnessinsane, @madwomaninattic, @magaly601, @maggotmilk, @manclar, @mannaman, @marcosms, @master-lamps, @master-ohis, @master.splinter, @masterswatch, @matsmattibro, @mawit07, @maxer27, @mcgilli, @mein-senf-dazu, meins0815, @mercurial9, @method1973, @michaeldav, @micro97, @miloshpro, @mima2606, @mimismartypants, @minimining, @mindblast, @mineopoly, mirage-mage, miragemage, @misterc, @mk992039, @modough, @moeenali, @monster.farmer, @monsterbuster, @monte-cristo, @moonthumb, @moxieangel42, @mozzie5, @mrchillph, @mrlo101, @mrtoking, @muarco, musicuniversity, @musicvoter, @myfreebtc, @myothuzar, @nanp, @natzmer, @naychop, @naythan, @networkallstar, @neuropathy8778, @new.things, @no-advice, @norevanz, @nosliw, @oadissin, oceanbee, @oetnebyh, @oivas, @ojamajo, @olaexcel, @olaf.gui, @oleksii.tkachuk, @onewolfe, @oneyonef, @onyechi, @ostricone, @outlinez, @pekora, @perax, @pharaoh1, @philipmak, @philippekiene, @phivananh, @plints, @podewils, @podnikatel, @polessins, @portalmonsters, primersion, @project10black, @pupa-ras, @purplegoblin, @querdenker, @r1s2g3, @rainbowgrisea, @ravenxbr, @readthisplease, @relf87, @rentmoney, @risingstargame, @road2horizon, @robotverter1, @rodqui95, @rook, @rosiew, @rqr4, @rubenleong, @rubillo15, @rynow, @s3ttt, @sadlove, @samarek69, @sayee, @sbenbow, @sbenbow-splinter, @sbruntz, @scotty297, @sczed, @seaweedking, @senojuro, @sentipl, @sgbonus, @shaidon, @sharkmarcus, @shiftrox, @shinpurple, @shitsignals, @silverhorn, @silversaver888, @simonjay, simplifylife, @sirminealot, @siutcase, @sleaz0id, @sm-trainer, @socialmediaseo, @socialquackers, @solaito, @solymi, @sonius94, @soyrosa, @sp3ktraline, @sportsbuddy, @spryquasar, @squishna, @stdd, @stefano.massari, stokjockey, @subidu, @sublimjester, @suntree, @supersamio, @swordsoffreedom, @szpb, @szszn, @tabs1250, @taintedblood, @tajimkhan, @tatemae151, @teca, @technocrypton, @tedus, @thaddeusprime, @thales7, the13, @thebusycat, @thegolden, @theroad2freedom, @thetyper, @thilo-zoran, @thomas4711, @tibika, @tillysfamilyfarm, @tokutaro22, @transcript-junky, @travisjames, @travoved, @truskawek, @tsiouftelis, @tub3r02, @tubero2.gamin, @unplugged-in, @upvocur, @vabadaba, @vaddd, @verdagris, @videm, @vikisecrets, @vincix, @vintherinvest, @wakeupkitty, @wakeupkitty.pal, @wanderingmoon, @warhead61, @weddinggift, @whatsthatcryptom, @white-walker-13, @wizzitywillican, @wonderwop, @wongbraling, @wpblogger-de, @wrestlingdesires, @wuhuli, @wynella, @xezat, @xgoivo, @xplosive, @yameen, @yeckingo1, @yewhos, @ykretz, @ynwa.andree, @yonilkar, @yorra, @yras, @yuango, @yumi-drizzle, @yury-efim-off, @zenitsu12, @zephid83, @zorne, #sbi-skip
If you don't want to get further notifications please leave a comment.
!!! GOOD LUCK to all participants !!!
anyone ^^ it would be my first card :) what can i do with the card'?
You can fight with it on splinterlands and earn crypto, but you need a spellbook for 10$, without spellbook you can play, but you won't earn anything.
@mein-senf-dazu Danke dir für die mega rasche Antwort. :) Also bringt mir die Karte erst was wenn ich 10 Dollar investiere? Hmm falls du Zeit hast ich versuche gerade auf dem DACH Discord Channel um 12 eine frage Runde zu starten würde mich freuen dich dort anzutreffen :)
Bin da auch recht neu, kann dir leider nicht sagen wie das genau ist.
Du kannst auf jedenfall ohne dem Spellbook, was 10$ kostet keine Gewinnbribgenden Kämpfe bestreiten, das dann also nur just for fun.
Kann dir gar nicht sagen ob man ohne spellbook Karten besitzen kann, denke schon. Ob man die vermieten, delegieren etc kann.
Sorry Sonntag Mittags gibts immer Essen bei meinen Eltern.
Kein Ding, lass es dir schmecken und schlag dir den Bauch voll 😋
Schmecken wirds aber ich will ja abnehmen...
Ohh, schon mal von gehört? Da wird man für seine Aktivität bezahlt und läuft auf der hive und steemit Blockchain.
Warrior of peace please :)
@kryptodenno, you've been given LUV from @irisworld.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/1)
Congratulations! You are among the winners. Your card has already been sent :)
@irisworld, you've been given LUV from @kryptodenno.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (4/10)
Yaaaah! Thanks a lot!🥰
today.sniping narwhal, please :) @finris
Congratulations! You are among the winners. Your card has already been sent :)
@finris, you've been given LUV from @kryptodenno.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (5/10)
today.Charlok Minotaur
Giant scorpion@tabs1250
Phantasm please, @djm90
Phantasm pls!
Wave Runner , my user name is @caimanx , thank.
Warrior of peace Thx
The Charlok Minotaur please 🙃
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
kryptodenno tipped finris (x1)
networkallstar tipped kryptodenno (x1)
kryptodenno tipped irisworld (x1)
Learn more at @kryptodenno tipped @txracer (x1)
Thanks for the Card. I repeat with Chain Spinner to see if I level it up. @yeckingo1
Herbalist please @readthisplease6
I’d love me a Cursed Slimeball!
Orc sergeant please.
A great Sunday to all.
Hi, I still have a very limited experience of this game but I love it so far, my favourite card out of those 21 would have to be demented shark!
Cool post and awesome community you have here!
My splinterlands IGN: vicer0y
Eleven defender @tokutaro22
Elven Defender
Phantasm is the name of the game :)
Bin dabei mit dem Demented Shark und meinem IGN prepperfreiheit
Nightmare @zenitsu12
in for cursed slimeball @jdike
congrats to the winner
please add my name in the draw, thanks
username - imfarhad
card - harvester
Crystal Jaguar please!
A wave runner please! IGN: @oneyonef
Sniping Narwhal, please! @adulruna
Nightmare, please. @squishna
charlok minotaur @emma001
Warrior of Peace
Wave Runner please. @emd012
Jaguar for Jakkal!
charlok minotaur @myothuzar005
Glückwunsch @highhaschdi, @ynwa.andree @yeckingo1.
Warrior of Peace
Nightmare! Thanks! @relf87
kobold miner :)
I'll stick with nightmare!! Thanks <3
Wave runner please.
Thank you very much for the card!
Would love to get another Crystal Jaguar
Nightmare @gregory-f
wave runner @kojiri 😄
Please count me in, nightmare! :) @dubble.eth
Cursed slimball
Count me in!
Warrior of Peace
IGN @luizeba
barking spider please
Dankeschön, zwei Monster in einer Woche.
Demented shark @iamchuks