Hello mates, in my opinion EARTH will beats always an WATER deck (GHOST CARDS)
Wanna see some situations and strategies when u have the earth quest and struggle to finish it fast.
Received today Earth quest on my 1300 Rating Points account. is a veryy good quest because most of fights will be agaist WATER LOVERS xD.
Why earth is good against water U may ask?
- Summoners-
Lyanna Natura - will help u alot, that +1 live is a gamechanger. Because every monster on field will tank +1 HIT.
Exception -
Wizard of Eastwood - Use him agaist water just if u see that the adversar have
- Best Ghost cards combination against MAGIC!
-Failed Summoner-
-Magic reflect will whipe out the fast low HP enemies mages - EXEMPLES:
-Ice Pixie
-Enchanted Pixie
-Unicorn Mustang-
-VOID it will make UNICORN a huge tank for almost the entire game
- 4speed 3atack 10HP it's more than sweet xD
-BACK LINES- Take GOBLINS Assasins brothers :)) depends on mana left
I WIll show U some examples from my today quest ^^
-Here FS did a great job taking down 2 PIXIES13 MANA - https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sl_71fcc945531f4598726ceb0edccbb36c&ref=krazeaur01
-Works like the previous battle.14 MANA - https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sl_8ec7f88c8fcf634c4ecec6657381ca87&ref=krazeaur01
28 MANA - https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sl_a1c6016fd114f4d271b289b363992cf4&ref=krazeaur01
18 MANA -https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=1a76167d113a37e8dc9d228b90e0bdc18329022e&ref=krazeaur01
5 Game made it agaist life :) sorry, but at least I won xD
Rewards for 2day :
Hope this will help u in future games!