Splinterlands special report - SPS, DEC, and new cards for me!

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

We interrupt your regularly scheduled blog post with a special report! I wasn't going to post until a few days from now but I can't help it. It is exciting times in Splinterlands! There is so much going on that I just HAD to drop you all a quick blog post on it, so here it goes. Besides, I only have 15% left on my dinosaur-aged laptop's battery power so... will I make it? We shall see. Let's go!

Spoiler alert: If you are reading this, I got it done on time. Yay.

Arguably one of the biggest pieces of news in the history of Splinterlands has gotten an update. The Splintershards Token (SPS) got a solid date of when the year-long airdrop is starting. It is starting on Tuesday, July 27th, at 12:00 ET / 16:00 UTC, the day after the token launches. YEAH! It can't be understated just how much this is going to do for Splinterlands the game, the team, the community and players, to asset values, to everything. There is too much information to go over so if you want to know more, read the official information here:


Don't worry, it's not like most "white papers". Those bore you to depressingly sad tears. Plus confuse you more than when you first started reading. This one is pretty clearly laid out. I mean, it still confused me to some extent, don't get me wrong. But that's more my fault than theirs. Point is, lots of good information is in there that affects everyone both playing the game currently and anyone looking to get involved in many other levels. Know the details and take advantage of this awesome opportunity while you can.

DEC price is going bonkers! As of right now, the DEC price is officially hovering around $0.005 or 1,000 DEC per $5.00. This is 5x the usual pegged price of $0.001 or 1000 per $1.00. Craziness!

Unofficially, depending on what source you look at, it is hovering anywhere around $0.005, to around $0.007 and peaking around $0.01! Nutso. People joked about it on the Splinterlands Discord talking about "har har, wen $10 per 1,000 DEC??". Well, not quite jokes now. And it makes some sense. Pressure on DEC is heavy as people are buying DEC however they can to hold for the SPS airdrop points. But of course, you knew that because you followed that link above and read everything about it... right?! Right. You get 2x the airdrop points putting it into a Liquidity Pool. Don't even ask me about that. My brain can't handle it. And with Chaos Legion, the new card edition coming out at earliest in August or September (or so), until then DEC is just going to keep rockin' on with its crystalized self.

Some other side effects too. DEC is pegged by certain mechanisms that keep usually keep it around $0.001. But since it isn't, the DEC earned by winning has also been increasing! I definitely cannot explain any of it as I have no PHD in math or economics. But what I do know is I'm earning way more than I ever have and it's awesome. Competition seems tougher a bit because everyone else is grinding DEC. But I'm winning around the same percentage of battles that I usually do so all good by me. I'm really trying to learn and be a better player so I can compete at a higher level. And the extra DEC earned by winning more wouldn't be so bad either. That's why from time to time I'll be posting some interesting battles I had, whether I won or lost. The losses especially I would love to post so we can learn something together or I might even ask you for advice as I might be totally at a "loss" (ha).

Oh, here is another personal bit of DEC news: I spent some! So earlier today, I bought this bad boy:

I know, I know. You with your maxed out Flesh Golem just said "aww, that's cute, level 7". But c'mon! Give me a break here, this guy is expensive now! For my budget at least. I was trying to buy a level 8 for my Gold League deck aspirations. But it was out of my price range. That is until I remembered DEC had gone up 3x from when I bought it and I thought "Gee, I'm gonna treat myself to a card with my gains!". So since I saw a level 7 got listed just today at the lowest price per bcx available, it was close enough, the DEC price looked way better than the $ price, and the card was bought. I was happy. It was even on cooldown and I didn't care. Now that's love. <3

Until a few hours later when DEC was mooning. Now we're solidly at 5x and well.... Dang! You mean I could have paid way less for it?!?! Argh. Well, them's the breaks. I finally let my overly frugal self go a little off the leash in the card market and "hello, regret". OK, I'm kidding, no regrets here. I love what this card is going to do for my deck as I've always had the non-Void ability version of Fleshy. The Void version has wrecked me more times than I'd like to remember so that's when I made up my mind that I have to acquire a higher level one before it's lost to me forever because it'll just be too expensive. Done and done!

Lastly, I got something in my daily rewards I've never gotten before. This guy!

I was super happy when it turned. It's my first Axemaster. And usually when I get one of something I instantly go to the market and try to buy some to level it. But the price is a little steep so I'll hold off for now. Let me know when DEC officially hits $10 per 1,000 and I may just let loose once more and go shopping again.

And of course shortly after it is guaranteed to go to $20 per 1,000 and I'll be back here telling me my sob story to you once again. Good times!!

See you in my next blog post where I deliver my mid-season report. And perhaps we may even do a giveaway! Until then... get that DEC!

(BTW, my laptop's battery power is now at... 38%?! Yeah, okay I cheated because I ran out of battery like halfway through writing this. Hey, I do what I gotta do to give you the goods. :D )

** Images, logos, and artwork used remain property of their original owners. No claims of ownership are stated nor implied. **


Wow, congrats on the level 7 Fleshy. This guy is going to be ultra rare in the future. It is super strong and one of my favorite cards.


Thank you! Oh... how I wish I grabbed more of him when I first joined. He was my favorite then but I thought "he's so expensive, maybe I'll wait until he goes down in price...". WHAT WAS I THINKING??? Oh well, live and learn.

Thanks so much for the comment. Means so much to me! It's encouraging and inspiring. Please drop by any time!

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