Splinterlands - End of Season Report

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

Hello Good Citizens!

It is I, King-of-Rockets, back at it once again, but this time with a season end report. I know, it's a few days into the current season already but hey, there is a lot going on!

Last season was my best one yet as I finally broke into Diamond I for the first time ever! Pretty proud of this achievement. All those sweet loot chests weren't bad either.

So I wanted to post some numbers and thoughts from the Season End Report that I ran using this awesome stat gatherer you can find here: https://peakd.com/hive-177682/@burlarj/splinterlands-season-report-card . Shout out to the creator "kiokizz" on putting it together!

I'm not a numbers or even a hardcore stat guy. But I do find the data really interesting and valuable. So, let's check out some highlights and I'll go over some thoughts along the way.

My highest rating ever. Yay me. I'm also happy that my win ratio is above 50% (barely, whew). That was my goal, to win more than I lose. The quests of course ruin my true win/loss ratio but I find the rewards and what I learn by forcing myself to finish these quests to be worth giving up this imaginary ratio I chase after.

Finishing in 5 out of 8 tournaments I'm proud of! And I tend to forget about tournaments I enter so at least one of those was me saying "Wait... I missed a tournament?! Noooooo...". Luckily, I only enter tournaments that are between 10-100 DEC so I don't regret missing any too much. But still, I should not miss any. Okay, new commitment, no more missing tournaments.

On that note, I'm gonna skip ahead and review my Tournament winnings:

Not bad for my card collection which isn't the top of the top. I'm particularly proud of my 15th place finish out of 275.

Let's keep this theme of earnings going and check out my Rewards Report:

Bah, sorry about that embarrassing formatting. Yes, it's a PDF screenshot. No, I couldn't do anything about it. I'm lazy. Let's move on.

Not a bad set of rewards I gathered for a season! Some notes:

- The cards are based on DEC burn values. The true value of the cards are worth much more.

- I don't know what to say about the potions. Sure, good stuff.

- I never complete a daily quest without a quest potion which inflates my loot chests. I'll do a future post about this but TL;DR: I think they are worth it.

- I got two legendaries! I hope but never count on that at all. Just so dang rare.

- 8000 DEC from chests?! That's incredible. See my TL;DR on quest potions.

- 166 ranked wins and 14,252 DEC earned. That's about 86 average DEC per win. Not bad. I'm guessing this Season it's gonna be higher. Lots of DEC raining down. And with DEC hovering around 4-7x peg value, this is a pretty good haul from this relative noob!

Rental report!

This was my first season doing rentals. I'll take it! I wasn't really trying either. Not keeping up with the best rents, not making sure things were renting out, and other irresponsible things. This season, I'm already trying harder. Not super awesome, PeakMonsters Pro Power User status, but I'll get there. Speaking of...

I highly recommend using PeakMonsters for all your more advanced needs! More stats, crazy helpful user interface, bulk buying/selling/renting, and just faster ways to do, well, everything! Check them out. You'll be glad you did.

Okay, on to game stats!

... Wait... Error? The blog post isn't letting me post more images. Why??? These images are like under 100KB each?

Post body exceeds 65280 bytes.

What is this, 1993?! Actually even then I probably could have wrote a longer blog post. On my Gateway 2000. Argh. Okay, well, I guess that's it for now. Maybe it's user error. Someone tell me what I'm doing wrong in the comments. But I dunno. I'll put up another entry not too long from now on the rest of my season report. I wanted to do more too like post up a couple of my favorite battles of the season, my legendary loot chest pulls, etc. But it'll have to wait.

To apologize for this horrible post cut off, I'm doing a giveaway next blog post. There will probably be like all of 2 people to enter the giveaway because who other than you reads this anyway?! So hey, YOU should enter! My way of saying THANK YOU for bothering to read what I write. Seriously though, I really do appreciate it!

Follow me to get the jump on it and all my other future blog posts.

Until then... battle on!

Wanna get in on all this fun?? Click this link to go directly to Splinterlands and sign up! It's my affiliate link. I might get something for you signing up. If you are interested, I'd appreciate you signing up through it!




I really haven't understood the game, I don't know how to play it, I would love it if can put me through if you don't mind.

Hi! Thanks for commenting. No problem, we were all new at one time! What is it that you are having trouble with? I can try and answer whatever questions you have and if you haven't already, the Splinterlands Discord is full of information and people who are ready and willing to help with all kinds of questions I can't answer. Just let me know! :)