Splinterlands Art Contest! // Week 150 // Yodin Zaku

in Splinterlands4 years ago

yodin zaku.jpeg

Hello everyone.
Here I'm representing my art for Splinterlands Art Contest! // Week 150 //.

My Splinterland Art contest character name: YODIN ZAKU.

Description of the character:
Yodin Zaku was a War Demon of the times before the Splintering so long ago. He was a hybrid child born of two warring races, the Efreet and the Bulludae, the Demons of War. Source

Y in Yodin stands for young! the years never show.
O is Orderly, a lifelong passion.
D is for Discreet, you can keep a secret.
I is for interest, you show in for others.
N is for noteworthy, just like your achievements.

Zaku is basically the players' name who won the prestigious tournament and had the honor to name the character by his choice.

Art Type -

Materials Used -
• Brush type: round
• Brush size: 0,2,4,5,8
• Watercolors
• Palette
• Container of water
• Watercolor paper
• Sketch Pencils


At first, I visualized the image and chose to be subjective, portraying 90% focus on the subject. So, I sketched the figure with the specifications.


Now, I added dilute watercolors to those areas which would need some light shades. Consecutively, the darker shades needed some attention, so I painted them using a direct hue. This is done so that the focus is certain


Afterward, I added the lighter highlights which are significant to blend with other hues. Without blending the colors wouldn't sync together.


Here, I added other hues too, changing the tone and tint for balancing the overall image. After filling in, it was time to focus on the fire to make it ignite and add shades to it.


The final touch is complete with a perfect ending to the deeper shades, making the deeper shades visible. As this character has both the light shades highlighted even the deeper shades, it is important to keep both in focus yet make the lines visible.

yodin zaku.jpeg

Thank you-
I hope you all enjoyed reading and it is helpful for those who intend to imitate.

Reference Image:Source


amazing draw bro, i love it :D

Thanks a lot. Much appreciated. <3

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