🎯 Daily Pack Opening & Giveaway, Ep. 33 🎯 Opening 3 DICE!!! 🎯 Giving away 50 SPS/day until pre-sa

in Splinterlands β€’ 3 years ago (edited)

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I've still never opened a Splinterlands pack, so let me think back to my MTG days...

I started playing that in 4th Edition, so no opportunities to pull a Lotus, Mox, dual land. etc. It was probably something like Necropotence from Ice Age. That was a card that I knew from magazines was dominating tournaments, but one hat I had no clue how to use as a casual player. Still exciting to pull in the moment, even if I never really played it.

When I opened my first Gladius pack I received these two amazing ladies:



I was hyped for a week, the free 2k power was sweet, but that beast of Quora will destroy the brawls to come!

Thank you so much Kenny!

Since i'm a kinda new player of Splinterlands have not yet open any packs by now, but can't wait the CL to make a change on that...

Back in time while was playing MTG there were a lot of boosters i opened and once there were a mythic and a mythic foil cards within, although they were not the most worthy ones of the edition, but still a double mythic booster is a thing! :D

I was lucky enough to avail 3 DICE packs in game when I was starting out and it was only around 3000DEC per pack that time. In the first pack I was really excited when EPONA a legendary earth monster appeared! It was worth 200dollars at that time and was able to sell it for 300 dollars! So thats when I realized that this game has a lot of potential and there are many who are willing to spend a lot!

Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Well I just started like 6 weeks ago, so my greatest pull was a Lava Launcher. If you want to help on this, I'm always open for pack donations πŸ˜…
Will see what the future holds ;)


Thanks for the prize!

As I have quite a history with Trading Card Games I cannot really tell you if it was my best pull ever. BUT I bought only a handful of Splinterlands packs so far and was really lucky to get in my single bought Azmare Dice pack a legendary fire card as well as a gold foil epic card! Especially the gold foil epic card I would consider my best pull so far as I sold this one (yes, shame on me) to expand my card base as a whole.

No packs in splinterlands. Only epic from quest chest.

Best pack in real life was pack with Oko in Magic:The Gathering. It was imba card two months before ban :(

Best pull was when I was 10 years old and got a foil blastoise on one of my first ever Pokemon packs.

That pretty much led me down the card enthusiast path πŸ˜…

Grats on diamond and good luck man.

Ign: Terrortor

Unfortunately I've never opened a pack. In real life, when I collected stamps for albums and such, I only get common stamps. But, in Splinterlands rewards I've gotten gold rare foils and one legendary!

I remember when Yu-gi-oh is a big thing back then, I managed to pull a shiny Dark Magician on a pack I bought for less than a dollar. Unfortunately, I'm not good at keeping things then (even now) so I lost it together with all my YGO and Pokemon card collections.


I got a holographic Charizard from the 1st edition of Pokemon Trading Cards, too bad I didn't take good care of it (it's 5/10 now).

best daily chest opening i got is venari wavesmith it helps me a lot in bronze league

In Magic the Gathering I have pulled not one, not two, but three different invocations from packs. (these are like if there was a step above gold foil in Splinterlands)

My proudest pull was probably this knife from a CSGO lootbox when i first started gaming when i was in school. It wasnt worth alot back then but it was my first ever lootbox, and its crazy how i managed to get the rarest item in the lootbox in just one pull xD

I never opened any more CSGO lootboxes ever since i peaked lol



Started this game on 31st July, where the season ended and got 9 chests from bronze 1. Pulled gold foil spirit druid grog LOL

Hey man! So far, the best pull for me was a Lava Launcher and a GF Gargoya in last season's rewards. Fingers crossed for tomorrow's chests and CL!!

Thank you for giveaway!
The best card I got was Djinn Oshannus

Ruler of seas in GOLD foil!!
and I burn it for only 150,000 DEC
at the moment it's around $100!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The best pull I've ever gotten from a pack was in the Magic: The Gathering's Aether Revolt set, where I pulled a Masterpiece version of Chalice of the Void, worth nearly $100 at the time that I pulled it! ALT IMAGE

I haven't had the pleasure of opening a pack yet, but the best reward so far for me was a GF Naga Assassin that came from the season rewards.

My best pull was Yodin Zaku!


Thank you so much Kenny!
I have never opened a pack ><

Just got into splinter lands and love your videos. I have not opened any packs yet but my best pull was on ptcgo where I pulled a plasma freeze ultra ball that is a secret rare of an old set it was amazing @Aceventura99

Must have been when I opened a foil Kozilek, Butcher of Truth in MTG a few years back. I eventually sold it and used the money to start my Splinterlands collection!

I played Harthstone I rember openig my first Legendary and it was Dr. Boom himself! Looking forward to crack open my CL packs here!

The best pull i have got yet is poseidon from a dice pack.
Got crap in in 4 packs but 1 poseidon made my day

I got 2000 DEC in one of my daily quests in my first week! Then I went crazy and spent on Kitty and Yodin rentals LOL.

I don't really remember draws from the few other games I've played, so there must not have been much worth noting in draws in any of them. Makes sense though, given my apparent luck with SL, since the best thing I've gotten from a pack so far was a regular foil Cthulhu, but I managed to do that twice.

I haven't yet had a chance to open a pack in Splinterlands. But my best pull from a card pack came way back when I used to collect Dragonball Z CCG cards. I got an Ultra rare Vegeta, the Revitalized from the Cell Saga in a booster pack. I still have it stashed away somewhere. I'm hoping to repeat my luck with Chaos, if I get the chance to open one


My best pool was Ancient Lich. The only legendary that I have.

As I am new to splinterlands, I have never opened a splinterlands pack, but, in Gods Unchained, I got a legendary card from a pack.

I hope this counts because I never opened a pack ever, but I did received a legendary Djinn Biljka on my daily quest rewards.


I have never open a pack, but my best for season end reward was GF Phantasm.
In Rising Star, I got a rare card R94 Stig.

I pulled a gold foil kron. Sold it to finish some of my other splinters.

I've still never opened a Splinterlands pack, waiting GLπŸ˜‰

I got Fina Voxom in my last Gladius Case.

I am new to splinterlands. I did not open packs yet:(

On Splinterlands, none :(
Soon after I started playing, the Dice were sold out, so I never got a pack so far. Chaos Legion will be my first one after pre-sale.

Otherwise, it was a Blastoise in an old PokΓ©mon pack.

My best pull? Easy: splinterlands pack with 2 legendaries, being one of them a gold foil! By far my best, with today's prices it would mean over 2k in a pack! Thanks for the giveaway!

Well my best pull would have to be like one of my first packs I opened I got a gold Miktia Headhunter and some other rare card can't remember but a Gold Headhunter is best card I ever pulled for splinterlands

Never bought a pack before since I just started playing TCG because of Splinterlands. But my best reward card is green djinn @joshnaire

Haven't gotten a chance to open packs in Splinterlands (so excited for the release of CL).
But my best pull on a card game would be a Diamond Deathwatch Elder in Gods Unchained.

Best pull was probably Robo Dragonknight from EOS rewards.

Unfortunately I haven't unlocked any yet and also I didn't get any good card through the daily mission chests, most of the cards I get are useless and very cheap, I hope to get a gold card next time and for sure I will open a pack someday

My best loot so far is a lava launcher gold foil. it the card gives me hope to play splinterland for about 1month now.

Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

First SL Card.JPG

I never opened any pack! This was the first time I got a card! I started playing less than a week!

IGN @pcyanide

I never open a pack, but only a quest pack twice, all of them contained Pelacor Conjurer. this is my first season hopefully I got nice cards.

I actually pulled an GF VENARI WAVESMITH on a daily reward that I sold like a douchebag for 14 USD !!! I am feeling like the biggest idiot now.

I never open a pack. Once a daily quest gave me 2000 dec, but I think it was the second day I played... so it was like a drug dealer giving a try to someone... to get hooked at it.
Never seen such thinkg again.. only 2-5-8 dec... or now 1 credit...
That's life

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