
Actually Lorna is my "first real summoner". Why is that or what do I mean? Early on I read about the importance of leveling my summoners. As I did not want to spend so much money for "expensive" (look at them now!) summoners I looked for a cheap summoner with a useful ability and of a splinter I could go on with. And then there was Lorna, I remember buying her for less than $1. Unfortunately I only bought much too few, so I really need your giveaway for further levelling ;) @jdike

Watch out for that velvet hair
Whose eyes obviously doesn't give a damn
Watch her pull her sword from behind
Then you will see what really shines

Her enemies call her The War Valkyrie. Her allies, the Angel of Protection.

Her sword surges through any enemies that get in her way, some even tell rumors that her hair was originally blonde, and has been dyed by the blood of her enemies.

Her allies praise her, for when she fights as their commander, the angels themselves come down from the sky to caress each ally in their holy protection.

Now, again, Lorna enters the fray. Her allies cheer, her enemies cower, as the gods themselves show their favor to Lorna.

As the youngest daughter of the noble Shine House ,Lorna seemed destined for a life as a political pawn. This did not sit well, and from an early age she deliberately defied every expectation placed upon her. Her mother had the finest craftsmen of Kingdom fashion the most lifelike dolls for her to play with—but Lorna gave them to her maids, and took up her eldest brother's rapier, forcing him to give her lessons in secret. Her father obtained a set of dressmaking mannequins for her personal seamstress to craft wondrous gowns—but Lorna merely used them to practice her lunges and ripostes.

So you wanna hear a story eh? Alright!Listen up, I'll tell you the legend of Lorna Shine. Once, a young maiden trapped in the darkest caves of Splinterlands. She was cursed by an evil witch when she was just a child. The reason? Because she has a brilliant skin! Oh, you might think it is but a dumb reason to becurse a child, but the hag thinks the opposite. You see, this hag prolonged her life by sucking the essence out of her victim, which she cannot do to Lorna! Perhaps because Lorna is the girl in the prophecies, destined to be the witch killer, making her invulnerable to the witch' essence sucking. That fact is evident by her brilliant and shining skin. So instead, the old hag cursed her, a single ray of light touching Lorna's weakens her that a minute of sunlight would definitely kill her. Now she is forced to live under the protection of the dark while finding a way to remove the curse. But even then, she is still as brave as her usual self, knowing that she can fight any darkness that comes to her way. Afterall, that's what she did and always does, she shines. Lorna Shines.

And how did she manage to remove the curse, you asked? Well, that's another story.

Lorna Shine came from the White Plains of Khymeria, which boast an extremely mild climate, allowing some Khymians to live in the elements throughout the year. Lorna's skin is incredibly fair, she has a red hair that shines like a flame as she approaches from a distant sunset. Lorna has always felt a strong magical surge deep within her body. She knows that with proper training, she has what it takes to become a formidable summoner in the Mount Mox tournament games.

You could spot Lorna Shine from a distance. Her fair skin and raging red hair emanated an aura that couldn't be mistaken-she was gifted with something untold. Years of training made it more obvious but no one could tell what it was. As she marched into battle and unsheathed the broadsword forged by a mysterious Khymian blacksmith, she felt a strange power radiating from within. In an instant, her comrades were shrouded in light. They had been granted Divine Shield, an ability passed down from the Angels and now Lorna had the power to impart this ability to them in every battle they fought.

Ohh not a poet myself but I do have fond feelings for Lorna, she and a couple other light rents led me to Silver I for the first time ever !!
Having never gotten past Bronze, I was thrilled, but alas, every good story has to end, and suddenly I was too broke to keep renting her.

I see now, this is my chance, fingers crossed may we cross our paths again. Cheers to all !

This is great, thanks for this giveaway! 🤑 I don't actually have a special story yet with Lorna Shine, as I just bought her card for the first time today! I'm really looking forward to battling with her though, as I remember I encountered her in one of my first ever ranked battles against light, and I was so impressed with her Divine Shield buff. I'm about to go do my daily quests, hopefully I'll find a good opportunity to use her 🙂

-Oh, Lorna Shine? Yeah... I met her once, yeah. The commoner drank his beer in single gulp, looking almost down. His usual happy-go-lucky attitude disappeared in a second, showing concern and shame.
-Yeah... You hear the stories about her fair skin and hair red as a fox under the sun... Blah, blah, blah! All those corny songs made by some idiot bard... No, I tell you, man, that lass is trouble. Her skin is fair, yeah, but made of steel and believe me, her hair is indeed red, but with blood... Not hers by the way... The drunkard looked suddenly tired and weary and his face livid pale.
-I tell you, man. Those eyes... You almost see how they can cut the darkness just with her very own gaze... I just... got lucky to live to tell the tale."

First of all thanks for the giveaway. Don't really have a story about Lorna like the other comments. Its just that this particular summoner has always gave me a hard time when I was starting to see more of her in my rank. Currently I've been getting games out of this summoner as I think I have an okay strategy against it (blast/snipes/sneaks etc). But other than that I really hope to get her on my team too :D

Hi ! I have no particular experience playing with Lorna, so I'm just gonna go with a little lore text...
"When the troops gather on the battlefield for the last assault, they're all exhaust from their last actions. However, they see from the distance, in the back lane, Lorna Shine coming to help them. They know that with her, this magnificent redhead, nothing can defeat them. Her Divine Shield, provided directly from the gods, will give them their last precious victory!"

Thanks for your videos :)

I have never use Lorna before but I fought against her a lot. She is the reason why I rent axemaster and vigilator. These two are really great for counter Divine Shield because they attack twice and can cancel the effect of divine shield effectively.

Thank you for Elvish Mystic. I hop I can win again :)
IGN: @sixpsy

Lorna Shine, a hero of splinterlands. Warrior princess like woman always to the rescue to her army. Saviour of the common, rara, epic and legendary. Hated by her enemies and loves by her allies. Unfortunately i have always been on the bad side of her.

Lorna eagerly awaits the upcoming tournament. She wanders around the valley while waiting for her chance to prove her worth. You'd spot her immediately, what with her hair being as red as fire. But though she spends hours on end under the sun, her skin is as fair as ever.
ign: happypechay

Nice bro, !PIZZA

@kennysgaminglife! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @cooperclub.

Did you know PIZZA team has a curation trail with 29 followers? (1/20)

I hope I get a chance to win :D

you have to try ee

Lorna was once a princess in Light Kingdom. She fell in love with a knight in shining armor on the first sight. They spent countless moons together, when she realized he was aiming for her kingdom, not her love. She was broken from the inside. That's when she acquired her Divine Shield abilty, to prevent any other love for coming into her heart. Fin.

Tedus, you won the RNG in today's video!

Lorna Shine is yours; here is the blockchain transaction of her being sent :-)

Thanks for watching, and commenting!

I used to kick it with Lorna back in the day, but she was way too wild for me. I remember this one time at a party, she just started hitting people with her divine shield and then threw them off the roof. At first, everyone was freaking out, but once they figured out they wouldn't get hurt, they all started lining up to be tossed off! What a night!

Lorna Shine And I had a long talk about my new obsession with this hot new girl on the block. You see she was a tiny little thing. Always moving so fast down the street with this skin tight apparel on. So tough yet sweet Ice Pixie was, Lorna had to shield me from my fleeting desires to play with a new pixie without getting to know her first. She was right! So now instead, I just watch from a far as my buddy Kenny takes her out to help her level up to greatness...

@joetunex it's sad bro @kennysgaminglife swooped...

Tiny little thing? 😃😃 she could be Tiny and little but the best out there!

I think I even saw @oadissin trying to take her to that next level too...

You are right I tried to level Lorna. I will update the open order I set in the bidding market. It has been many days now I haven't checked for these orders.

I was just joking about Ice Pixie. But I was curious if you are interested in my gold foil gold water summoners? I need water summoners I can use as opposed to renting but more importantly packs! Name your price maybe I will off load for what I paid for them or less. Maybe even trade for water summoners I can use?

I think your collection is powerful. You just have to wait for the release of the new series it won't be long from now. Everything is going to be cheap and you will purchase all the preferred cards.
I got these summoners I can delegate to you
Pick the one you prefer it is completely fine.

I think I could use monsters better with Vera Salacia at lvl 6 and costs as much as lir deep who you could use more than I could in theory... wanna trade?

Delwyn Dragonscale I really like him! Maybe I can give you my two gold summoners, gold genie( and captian gohst an/or pixie) Lir For Delwyn Dragonscale, Ruler of the Seas and vera

When I first saw Lorna Shine. Her power was overwhelming, she could not control her powers at first, but when I trained her, day and night. She started to grasp everything I taught her. She became a master in her trait, she was unbeatable. No one could stop her.

She took all the knowledge that was bestowed in her and passed it on to the next generation...

Lorna shines bright like a magnificent being.
Keeping you protected against summoners that sting.
Giving you a one round protection against Yodin's blast.
A divine shield that definitely helps you outlast.


Sunny gold sunrise
A radiant lorna shines
gleams her plate

That was an spaniards attempt at haiku, in english. Be gentle please :(
best wishes and good luck all

I´m @tsy197 as my name implies

Lorna is a well known and loved summoner in the Splinter Lands, she has the divine standing on her side, blessing her minions every battle....
ign : bluefox21

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Bro, these videos are amazing! I can not wait until the next one! I bet these graphics will be even more choppy on the weeks mass amounts of people are opening them! 🤣

Lorna Shine could be the next sought after Life Summoner. Divine shield is really good to block all kinds of nasties.

with 3 mana Lorna Shine little op now!!

Lorna Shine plus Divine shield rule

Just this afternoon I have been about to buy this card, if not year I will have to buy it 😨

Lorna shine is a nice card to have. Crimson hair beauty in a card game. Nice to see her. It is my first time seeing her in my splinterland year.

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