Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! Top Battle (Bronze) [EN - ES]

in Splinterlandslast year


Hello friends I am with a new top Bronze battle, I continue with magic battles to complete my deck and my strategy, among several battles I'm watching there is one in particular that caught my attention, because you learn much more when it is not obvious who will win and the 2 fighters have similar cards or strategies there you can see which is better.

Hola amigos estoy con una nueva batalla top de Bronze, continuo con batallas de magia para ir completando mi mazo y mi estrategia, entre varias batallas que estoy observando hay una en especial que me llamo la atención, porque se aprende mucho mas cuando no es evidente quien va a ganar y los 2 luchadores tienen tarjetas o estrategias similares ahi se puede observar cual es mejor.

The battle begins with obscurofinal and mckrazy12 with equal summoners +1 magic with this strategy, it is always best to have as many allied monsters with magic to take advantage of the bonus if we look well there is not much difference between attack power except that obscurofinal takes +1 magic in a monster and has the ability protected that gives all all allies +2 shield but as all have magic does not affect much to have more shield also mckrazy12 has more life in total, the weakness of mckrazy12's strategy in this battle is mycelic suspawn and his taunt ability that allows this monster to become the target of all attacks since he doesn't have the void ability and is a very easy target against the enemy's strong magic attack, I should point out that this weakness is only in this battle in another perhaps the strategy will allow him to win also the card that has opportunity is venari scout but his attack is very weak if it were the strongest attack could do much damage by eliminating enemies with less life, I really liked the card, djinn biljka has little mana excellent for the bronze league is legendary and has the great ability of camouflage that allows this card can not attack until it is in the first position so I do not have to worry about his low speed because it never fails and I do not have to worry about his life because they do not attack him at the beginning of the game and if we add +1 attack magic would be a good card worthy of being called legendary I leave the link to the battle so you can enjoy it.

La batalla comienza con obscurofinal y mckrazy12 con invocadores iguales +1 de magia con esa estrategia, lo mejor siempre es tener la mayor cantidad de monstruos aliados con magia para aprovechar la bonificacion si observamos bien no hay mucha diferencia entre poder de ataque en excepcion que obscuro final aprovecha +1 de magia en un monstruo y tiene la habilidad protected que da a todos los aliados +2 de escudo pero como todos tienen magia no afecta mucho el tener mas escudo ademas mckrazy12 tiene en total mas vida, la debilidad de la estrategia de mckrazy12 en esta batalla es mycelic suspawn y su habilidad taunt que permite que este monstruo se vuelva objetivo de todos los ataques al no tener la habilidad void es un blanco muy facil contra el ataque fuerte de magia del enemigo, cabe destacar que esta debilidad solo es en esta batalla en otra tal vez la estrategia le permita ganar tambien la tarjeta que tiene opportunity es venari scout pero su ataque es muy debil si fuera el ataque mas fuerte podria hacer mucho daño eliminando a los enemigos con menos vida, me gusto mucho la tarjeta, djinn biljka tiene poco mana excelente para la liga de bronce es legendaria y tiene la gran habilidad de camouflage que permite que esta tarjeta no la puedan atacar hasta que este en la primera posicion asi que no me tengo que preocupar por su baja velocidad porque nunca falla y no me tengo que preocupar por su vida por que no lo atacaran al inicio de la partida y si le agregamos +1 de ataque a la magia seria una buena tarjeta digna de ser llamada legendaria dejo el link de la batalla para que la puedas disfrutar.


I liked the DJINN BILJKA card so much that I decided to go to the market to buy this jewel costing only 1$ accessible to my pocket, yes I know I'm buying cheap cards, they are cheap but they are good cards that will help me to be in Bronze I am currently in bronze II, keeping me as much as I can.

Me gusto tanto la tarjeta DJINN BILJKA que decidi ir al mercado a comprar esta joya costo tan solo 1$ accesible a mi bolsillo, si se que estoy comprando tarjetas baratas, son baratas pero son buenas tarjetas que me ayudaran a estar en Bronza I actualmente estoy en bronze II, manteniendome todo lo que puedo.


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


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