in Splinterlands2 years ago (edited)



Hello friends, everything is going well, this new challenge is with the scattershot skill for all the monsters in the field, that's why if in your strategy you had thought to use the sneak skill, to finish with the enemy from behind, because the scattershot skill breaks that strategy, because it hits enemies in a random way, The same for the strategies where you use the opportunity skill, although I haven't had the opportunity to test it, it's just a theory, also the taunt skill is useless in this case because the enemy gives priority to the scattershot skill, I forgot this detail before making my strategy, I don't like the scattershot skill, I prefer that the attacks are concentrated to a single enemy and diminish the enemy one by one.

Hola amigos, todo va bien, este nuevo reto es con la habilidad scattershot para todos los monstruos en el campo, es por ello que si en tu estrategia tenias pensado usar la habilidad sneak, para acabar con el enemigo desde atras, pues la habilidad scattershot rompe esa estrategia, porque golpea a enemigos de manera aleatoria, igual para las estrategias donde usan la habilidad opportunity aunque esta no he tenido la oportunidad de probar es solo una teoria, tambien la habilidad taunt es inutil en este caso porque el enemigo le da prioridad a la habilidad scattershot, se me olvido este detalle antes de hacer mi estrategia, la habilidad scattershot no me gusta, prefiero que los ataques sean concentrados a un solo enemigo y disminuir el enemigo uno por uno.

The Battle

After battling again many times with different enemies, finally I could have a battle with this skill and win because the first time I lost but as I had time to make this publication I decided to wait for the second battle, this time I decided to place a part of the strategy with magic to increase the power with the summoner that offers +1 magic first use the unicorn mustang as a good tank and last mycelic slipspawn that although it has good life and taunt ability will not attack him immediately because of the ability scattershot, I really like spirit hoarder because of his healing ability, it's always good to have a healer in the team, it's a pity that he has low health and can be eliminated quickly, the good thing is that my team has low speed but his attack is magic which means that they never miss so the enemy summoner's ability is not much use with -1 speed.

La Batalla

Despues de volver a batallar muchas veces con diferentes enemigos, al fin pude tener una batalla con esta habilidad y ganar porque la primera vez perdi pero como tenia tiempo para realizar esta publicacion decidi esperar la segunda batalla, en esta ocasion decidi colocar una parte de la estrategia con magia para aumentar el poder con el invocador que ofrece +1 de magia use de primero el unicorn mustang de primero como buen tanque y de ultimo mycelic slipspawn que aunque tiene buena vida y la habilidad taunt no lo atacaran de inmediato debido a la habilidad scattershot,me gusta mucho spirit hoarder por su habilidad de curar, siempre es bueno tener un curandero en el equipo lastima que tiene poca vida y lo pueden eliminar rapido, lo bueno es que mi equipo tiene baja velocidad pero su ataque es magico significa que nunca fallan asi que la habilidad del invocador enemigo no sirve de mucho con -1 de velocidad.


Link Battle:

While doing many battles I have fought many times against the obsidian summoner and in this battle I used it but I really have it from the initial package that gives you the book you buy at the beginning, so I decided to buy this summoner, to have my own card and start using the +1 magic strategy is very utill in many cases it cost me the card 1.50$.

Mientras que realizaba muchas batallas he peleado muchas veces contra el invocador obsidian y en esta batalla lo use pero realmente lo tengo del paquete inicial que te da el libro que compras al inicio, por eso decidi comprar este invocador, para poder tener mi propia tarjeta y empezar a usar la estrategia de magia +1 es muy utill en muchos casos me costo la tarjeta 1.50$.


I also took the opportunity to buy khmer princess to complete the magic deck is a rare card that does not have much power or vidad but sure that will help a lot in the future, this time I will not focus on showing stats until I raise the lvl, or buy the card and with the next lvl can also be another option.

Tambien aproveche de comprar khmer princess para ir completando el mazo magico es una tarjeta rara que no tiene mucho poder ni vidad pero seguro que ayudara mucho en un futuro, en esta ocasio no me concentrare en mostrar stats hasta que la suba de lvl, o compre la tarjeta ya con el siguiente lvl que tambien puede ser otra opcion.

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Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice

good work