Discover Praetoria through the eyes of Fizgig Fangtooth, an adventurous goblin from the city of Gobson in Anumun who is looking for a fresh start in a frontier that promises riches beyond your wildest dreams.
Follow him on his travels into the new world and experience what it's like to be a stranger in a foreign land through the eyes of an unlikely pioneer, recorded in both the postcards to his betrothed, Fiert Slopsnot, and his journal entries along the way.
The Adventure Begins

uch to my annoyance, the trade caravan was postponed three times before we finally got underway. The first time was due to a ship docking a day late that was carrying half of the cargo we would be taking, all because the captain had lost at a game of dice and in a rum fuelled fit, had lopped the head off the helmsman meaning that no-one knew the safest route through the coral reefs and into port. They had to send for another helmsman from the docks who turned up on a small skiff with a thick gorget of steel covering his throat. The second time was due to a bad batch of wine in the local tavern, where half the merchants contracted one of the most virulent strains of grape gut I’d ever seen…or smelt. The third time was completely avoidable and, in my opinion, utterly ridiculous. The leader of our caravan, a coyotian called Merric, lost his lucky bone and wouldn’t budge until his men had found it. Two long days it took before someone managed to catch and wrestle it from the local stray dog! But at least we’re on our way now.
I bid my farewells to Ghark and the caravan slowly wound its way out of New Dawn and onto the green grasses of the Northern Lowlands. Our first leg was only a short one and took us to a large forest east of the city where Merric has a trading post. To be honest the coyotian hasn’t been particularly good company and has barked at me twice already for asking too many questions. The old hound has got a terrible infestation of fleas though, so it’s hardly surprising he’s not very happy. I can’t complain, the lodge is very nice and the team of pixie owlkin he has working there are exceptional. The feast they cooked us up was very welcomed after the long, hot day and is giving me high expectations for the onward journey.
Tomorrow we start the second leg of our travels, following the forest’s edge south until we reach Lake Minora. I did ask one of the other merchants, a Scavo called Wiz, why we couldn’t just cut through the forest itself, but apparently there’s too many bandits in there and we would most certainly be robbed if we tried it. I slept holding tightly onto Khish that night, the relaxing evening quickly forgotten by the thought of thieves and rogues robbing us while we sleep. I can’t afford another caravan and have spent most of my coin on joining this one, so I crossed my fingers and toes before I slept and prayed to The Brotherhood for their protection.
By the time the sun was up the following day and breakfast was sizzling over the stoves, the thought of bandits had disappeared and I filled my belly, before getting ready to leave. Even Merric looked in better spirits, and Wiz informed me that old dog’s fleas had been banished by a potent bath of apple cider vinegar and sea salts. Quite the relaxing cure to his itch apparently, until a hungry wagonload of orcs had started dipping their ribs of beef into the mix. Wiz joined me in a happy chuckle, and we chatted for most of that morning. It seems I’ve found myself a friend for the journey which is nice and will certainly help pass the time. Next stop, Lake Minora.
Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice