The Hardest Season....Ever!

in Splinterlands3 years ago

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I dunno about you guys but....

I'm so grateful this season is almost over.

Not sure exactly what happened to the game, but across social media the opinion has been the same, echoed by so many Splinterlands players....

"This was the hardest season ever!"


Win one, lose 4....That seemed to be my average over the past few weeks and my win / loss record took a massive hit lol

I am aiming for around 35 reward chests at the end of season, which is about 5 more than I thought I would end up with lol But about 30 less than I got last season...

What a marathon this has been...

Did something happen to the game dynamics?

Not sure, but in my year plus of playing this game every single day, this is the hardest it's been to string some wins together.

And that'll get me revisiting exactly how I approach this next season.

Here's the thing...I enjoy the game. And a few losses aren't going to stop me from playing. However, there is always an investment element to Splinterlands and that got me thinking...

Maybe this upcoming season, I should just...Rent my cards out!

People have been earning quite a decent amount from rentals, and I think I might take a breather over the next few weeks and stack some DEC.

Have you guys ever taken a 'season off'?

And if so, did you end up renting your cards in the process?

But more importantly....

I'd love to know how this season was for you?


It has been a nightmare - new bot in town?

lol must be. it's been another level of frustrating.

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Your struggle is real brother, it is real.

Same. My win rate way down.

We’ll see how the market is reacting

I dunno if it's a good or bad thing that I'm not alone in feeling this LOL

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Might be good after all

Yep. Tough as nails! I took off last season to just rent everything. Made pretty good money. Then I come back this season and I am just being destroyed everyday! I kind of think the game is telling me to go back to renting everything out...

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That's my thinking going forward...Might even start a new account just to play the lower leagues for fun, and rent everything out...It's really tough to compete now.

This season was crazy I'm still fighting right now just to try and get into diamond for next season I've been one win away like 5 times now and it's driving me crazy! It''s for sure been the hardest season in a while and I don't get what changed.

I have not been playing for quite some time -- the new rulesets are totally alien to me. I played a couple of times this week but im not sure im gonna get anything this end of season. I have a few cards on rental that i have nor visited since forever too!

It's been really rough. Hopefully I either get better and figuring out how to win lol Or they nerf the entire game a bit lol

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Agreed... it was much harder. Did not reach champ this time... and it took a lot more effort now. I think many of the modern players found their way over to wild. It is actually easier to play in wild which is shocking! Probably because it is much more costly to max out older cards.

Funny thing is...I finally hit Champions league last season, first time And now I'm second guessing that decision lol

Hehe to bad mate😅 We will get there!👌

To throw my data into the mix. I have been winning close to 60% in GOLD LEAGUE the last few seasons. This season, I'm 48.7% win rate.

Felt bizarre to lose so often, and definitely impacted daily chest collection.

There must have been something change this season...It can't be a coincidence that so many people are losing.

ha interesting, I thought I was just struggling! What could have caused this?

No idea, but this season has been like none other. lol

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Same, I dropped down ~40% chests less

Crazy, and this isn't rare apparently!

Seems that way!

Not sure exactly what happened to the game, but across social media the opinion has been the same, echoed by so many Splinterlands players....
"This was the hardest season ever!"

I can't speak for others but this definitely has been the hardest season I've had. Hoping it was an anomly and next season will be easier.

Yeah I hope so because wow, this was tough lol

I always sucked. Thats why I rent my cards out.

LOL Wise words sir!

It has been really difficult. Normally I'm in Diamond by mid season but it's the last day of the season and I'm still in Gold II.

It's been a hard season for me as well. I am at 7 focus chests for the day and 47 for the season but I think I'll just call it quits there.

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