If quantity of features and the speed of their rollout is what you value, Xbot is a great choice.
Archmage is focused on long term sustainability, stability, and ultimately keeping our winning edge as much as possible.
With these changes our users continue to be able to sit high on the Champion leaderboards and our other users continue to see their collections earn them a higher rating than alternatives from what we’ve seen.
Competition is a good thing :) we’ll keep focusing first on our core offering, making it the best it can be, and add features to that as we can.
I know that our model is setup to keep functioning into the future, I cannot say with the same confidence that other pricing models make for a sustainable service.
Xbot sets their cut at the front end, getting your money before they’ve proven themselves to you. We have a low entry cost and fight to earn our cut through each battle.
Costs $100 I believe to start with xbot today. Costs $20 to start with Archmage (a little more if we dont have retail tokens out) - we only get paid more if we help you win.