
I'd imagine that more details on the first phase of land release will be included in the new Product Roadmap that they will probably drop in the next week or so.

Probably but the last roadmap said "full release of splinterlands land expansion" in the 4th quarter of last year so it's disheartening that we are now a full quarter beyond that and it still sounds like they don't know the basics about what it's going to be. Is it going to launch with guilds? Don't know. Is it going to require summoners AND monsters? probably but don't really know. I understand launches being late but at least have a clear vision on what it is you're trying to build when its 3-6 months late.

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I get how frustrating it is to see land get pushed back so far. As a pretty big land owner, I truly understand.

However, if we hadn't grown as much as we did back in the summer of 2021, the Land development wouldn't nearly be on the same caliber as what it will be when released this year.

It would be selling for $20 still probably, and we would still have our average of 10k players playing still. We wouldn't have had Chaos Legion released, we wouldn't be talking about making Splinterlands be part of ESports, and we wouldn't be collaborating with some many awesome people/companies in the first place.

So please remember, when you talk about how long it has been since Land was initially promised, you can't forget about everything that was done to get where we are currently. And due to all that, we are going to see an amazing product that will not only be super valuable, but amazing to play with.

I appreciate the perspective. I know things have changed in the entire game and this will change plans for land but in December they sort of just stopped talking about the Q4 launch on their roadmap and started saying end of Q1. Fine, whatever, major project delayed. We've all been there but its worth noting we were months past the ramp up by then and already well into the Chaos Legion release and they were talking then about end of Q1.

Now as we come to the end of Q1 they are suddenly just getting very quiet about land. If my memory serves me, I don't think it's in the notes for the AMA at all last week and this week it makes it only into the Q and A section. Instead we're talking about board games and plushies and building a whole separate company for Warner Music.

All of that is great but land is the biggest thing to ever happen to this game or possibly any game and they don't seem to even know what it is they want to build yet. I question how much has actually been done besides some art. If I'm right, I don't see how we get to land this year and there's a good chance it doesn't come next year either.

I'm really hoping I'm wrong.

I think the biggest thing to understand is that there are a few priorities over Land right now. I know it is not what you want to hear, but projects like Modern/Wild, SPS Validators, and new Reward Changes are more important short-term in order to keep players interested in the game.

All of those projects above are currently in-progress, but in-parallel with that, we do have a few developers solely focused on Land development as well. However, I wouldn't expect to hear too many updates on it, if any, until the other projects are wrapped up and released. Once that happens, then I think we quadruple the amount of development efforts and be full steam ahead.

With that being said, we will get Land this year. Definitely reveals, and different pieces of functionality. Land will be constant phases of new functionality over the next couple years so can't say it will be fully done as it will be constantly improved.

Thanks for the chat.

I've been operating on the investment side of the game with the idea that land was coming soon because that's what was said. It's disappointing to find out that it's not.

And if we really are at a place where a bunch of other smaller projects takes precedence over land because we always need a new thing or people will leave, it's unlikely that when those smaller things are done there won't be new things to take their place. Patterns gonna pattern.

Anyway, at least I now know not to operate under the idea that land is coming anytime soon. That's helpful to how I invest going forward.