Combining Cards

in Splinterlands4 years ago

Combining Cards

How to 'Combine' or 'Level' Cards
How to Level Cards in SplinterlandsHow to Level Cards in Splinterlands
How do you Combine Cards?
In Splinterlands, cards are “leveled up” in only one way: by combining multiple cards into a higher level card.
Cards have a Base Card eXperience, or BCX, which represents how many cards have been combined into that one card. As an example, when two 1 BCX cards are combined, the result is a single 2 BCX card.
The number of cards needed for each level can be seen on the Stats of the card, under the Cards header. This values are cumulative, i.e. a Level 2 Kobold Miner requires 3 BCX, or 3 Level 1 cards. However, to reach Level 3 it requires 5 BCX, so that Level 2 card will only require 2 additional Level 1 cards to level up once again.
Combining cannot be undone, and as cards are leveled up, the total supply of that card is always reduced.
NOTE : Please make sure that you buy summoner cards because a level one summoner cannot fully utilize a leveled up monster.

Detailed how to guide.

Why Should you Combine Cards?
When you increase the Level of a card, its stats typically increase. This is the main reason most people would combine cards.
Combining cards decreases the over all supply of that card which in turn increases the value.

Why Wouldn't you Combine Cards?
Currently Splinterlands only lets you select the highest Level version of a card that you own. If you own a Level 2 Kobold Miner and a Level 1 Kobold Miner, you may only play the Level 2 card.
The main reason you might want a lower level version of some cards is for certain Rule Sets. This varies by League, but for Bronze you might want to keep Sand Wurm at Level 1 for Reverse Speed matches. However, as you progress leagues this is less of a viable strategy in most cases.

If I combine a card with a gold card does it loose its gold status??
You cannot combine gold foil cards with regular foil cards.
Gold foil cards and regular foil cards show on separate pages, so you won't have the option to combine them.
Don't worry about accidentally doing this - you can't :)


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We don't need to curate the same articles over and over.
Here is your previous one that I myself curated and it seems you copied that whole writing into this one.
Please try to write original and quality contents to get rewarded.

@ashikstd from Splinterlands Curation Team.