New Summoner Immortalis in Action


The latest update finally brought us the next Chaos Legion legendary summoner. I have to say: I love it!

The Card


Like all the others it costs 6 mana. That is one less than the legendary summoners from Untamed edition.

Immortalis brings us void and shatter as a buff. So all incoming magic damage is cut in half and rounded down. This will literally void all magic attackers with only one damage.

Thanks to shatter some heavy armor in the other team will be gone fast. Especially Grund with its double strike will benefit from this.

Reducing the other team by one health point does not look much at first glance but it can be crucial. How often do you find yourself watching a battle and the other monster is just hanging on to its one last health point? Those moments can turn into victory now.




Magic is a powerful attack. Under normal circumstances it always hits its target and bypasses armor. When Rathe was introduced I was excited to finally have a magic defense with void armor. But for that to apply the monster needs its armor.

With Immortalis the void reduces incoming magic to half its damage (rounded down). So if you know magic is coming, this summoner becomes your best defense.

Combine it with silence and you might even have a chance of nullifying the other team's attack completely.



We got a lot of monsters relying on heavy armor. Think about Diemonshark, Uriel and Grum in tank position to name just a few. Especially Water and Life have lots of armor support and Earth's Mycelia Queen brings it to this particular splinter as well.

Any hit will now shatter the armor. Even magic hits that bypass the armor and do damage to health directly will in that process take away all armor protection.

Grund's double strike will benefit from this in tank position against heavy armored tanks. If the first strike hits, the armor will be gone regardless how much there is and the second strike (if not a miss) will go to health immediately.

Health Debuff


What a nice bonus. Or malus. Depends on your point of view. Against a fully stacked team these are six damage points dealt out of the box before battle even started. And this one point will make a difference more often than you might think.

Or you are one of those (like me) who just remember too well how often the other team won just because of one health point difference. This one last tiny spark of health that allowed the other monster to survive just to deliver the final blow to your (so far) sole survivor.

In Action

So here is a recent battle I fought with Immortalis


Since melee was banned and Fire as well as Earth was available I figured a 50/50 chance of encountering magic. With a 48 mana limit and blast rule set I opted for Earth with Immortalis giving void to protect against it. That way I get a taunt with forcefield to draw the fire and a high health second position to absorb the blast.

Tank heal and triage will try to recover some damage. With fire I had no taunt and tank heal. As long as Jacek's scattershot is no issue I should at least be able to control that part of the match.

In for a penny, in for a pound
so I put in the mystic
to silent their sound.

And last but not least, in case I do encounter archers, I put in the Mycelia Queen to get some protection against that with her +2 armor buff.

Watch the Battle

This was a deadly combination, the silence and the void did their job perfectly. Even though on paper my combined attack was lower than my opponents, I had no losses and swept them off the battle field.

Did you notice? Runemancer Florre just got better at attacking. It first strikes with magic, bypassing the armor but thanks to Immortalis shattering it. With archery as second attack and the armor gone it strikes the health as well.


Did I say I love this card? If not: I love this card.

It is not an all-rounder and certainly has its limits regarding play-ability. Little league will disqualify it and magic lost rule-set will void the void. 😜

But then there are those moments, like we have seen, when it shines. Rule-sets like "Keep your distance" as well as a certain splinter limitation and the opponent's battle history can point to its use cases.

Yet, before I commit to buying it (I would need at least 6 BCX, at current value that's ~60$) I want to try it out more. At the moment rental prices are very "affordable" at 16dec/day for a gold foil version.

Thank you for reading, maybe we'll see each other on the battlefield.

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It looks a great card for those high mana battles. Runemancer and Grund will now be very useful!

Indeed. Let's see how this will affect future strategies.

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I look forward to playing this card. Looking like a potential powerhouse for Modern format.

Especially once Untamed is no longer modern.

And it's just under $10 now

It's been there right from the start. Don't know what to think of it, will it drop further? Will it rise? In what timeframe? So confused....

Thanks for sharing! - @rehan12