The hypotheses is that there is a powercreep in splinterlands.
To prove this we need a way to quantify the monster power.
This was a work in progress:
The rules to calculate monster power so far:
Basic stats:
- 1 health is 1 monster power.
- 1 armor is 2 monster power any additional armor is worth 0.5 monster power.
- 1 Speed is 0.5 monster power.
- 1 attack is 0 monster power,
- 2 attack is 2 monster power,
- 3 attack is 3.5 monster power any additional attack is worth 0.5 monster power.
- Rare monsters are worth 0.5 and Epic monsters 1 more monster power.
- Neutral monsters adds 1 monster power for flexability.
- Ranged monsters are worth 2 additional monster power.
- Ranged monsters are worth 4 additional monster power.
- 1 mana cost is roughly 1.4 monster power
- Shield, 4 - 0.5 * mana cost, free from 8 mana.
- Void, 4 - 0.5 * mana cost, free from 8 mana.
- flying, free from all monsters.
Chaos legion cards are on average more powerfull than non-chaos legion cards!
This is the powercurve of the relative strength of cards, where left are the amount of low powered monsters (-2 monster power) and right are the amount of high powered monsters (+monster power).
The power levels are relative to the average of the whole set, the amount of monsters (bar height) is relative to fit the smaller CL-set in the same graph)
From this graph It becomes clear that the chaos legion cards are not overpowered, there are some non-chaos legion cards as strong. But splinterlands balanced the cards a bit better to have less weak cards. So some cards got a stronger brother since they were underpowered like:
Cards to mention:
Elemental phoenix is so strong it skewed the whole curve and removed from the graph:
On level 2 it gets explosive, that's wild, but i never seen him in action. anybody has experience with this monster ?
Final thoughts:
This is done on only a small selection monster with “simple” abilities for only lvl 1 monsters, but I think this shows clearly that there are less underpowered cards.
Any ideas for follow-up analysis?
Could you please put some effort in your posts? Posting a few times a day with daily rewards isn't helpfull for anyone.
Posted using Splintertalk
podrias no meterte donde nadie te llama?
vive tu vida y no molestes o censures a los demas!!
ultimo aviso!!!