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RE: DAO Proposal: Swap DAO BUSD and USDC/T For DEC

in Splinterlands2 years ago

Side note first: I didn't realize we had over 300 ETH, we need to stake that somehow...

I'm voting no. I think this is potentially a good idea but given the choice of experimenting with a smaller % (20%, heck 50%) of the stable coins versus 100% is a no brainier for me. If it's going to work we should see that function without 100% of the liquid funds but we can keep some dry powder that way.

I think Bulldog makes a good point (the DAO is tied to the game for the foreseeable future, all our eggs are in the splinterlands basket so to speak) but putting all our eggs in the DEC basket/doing so all at once isn't a good idea. Keeping some liquid funds for other projects/buybacks/whatever is critical.


Exactly, no idea why someone would downvote that.