This is a re-air of Steemmonsters/Splinterlands of the macmeal show episode 10 aired in 30-12-2018.
Steemmonsters will become splinterlands because of the recent changes and becoming so the multi crypto game but everything will still be done on the steem blockchain.
(copy of the tekst)
I will try to build some viarity and simplicity in the shows so it can aired very easily without working a half a year on a production. Yes of course I can't call this a production but it's a growing kind of videostreaming. To be put out and reach the masses for the hive blockchain.
The first 100 streams of any kind of streams are mostly learning curves. This episode is without my little screen in the right corner. You can see the whole playfield now without guessing what I picked. It's about the game and not me. Follow me on my adventures creating a media #Hive account.
Why macmeal?
On the way home I wanted a bigmac meal so bad but in the car I thought well if I bought instead a mac donalds meal a steemmonsters account and make a show out of it this would be an awesome idea about what you can do with so little investment.
I played against the followowing people:
@sanavlanv, @steemgamesmarket, @monstermouse, @tananda, @free.sbd.bot, @gaunter, @hym, @schy, @chireerocks, @steemshine, @gauntedr, @schy, @hym, @luckybob, @tamarasan, @chreerocks, @itze.
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